
59 Reviews
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Watergate: The Secret Story (1992 TV Movie)
Now we know who Deep Throat is!
16 September 2005
But this well-made documentary of 1992 errs when it concludes that Patrick Gray, FBI chief, was the source of informations for reporters Bernstein and Woodward. Earlier this year, Gray's deputy Mark Felty confessed to being Deep Throat. Narrated by Mike Wallace, this compilation of video clips, interviews and commentary is well worth watching. I especially enjoyed the clip of President Nixon shoving one of his own people and stalking away angrily. And Barry Goldwater cuts through the political BS very skillfully. Comments and commentary by Washington Post's Katherine Graham and Ben Bradlee are interesting and insightful. I rated it an 8.
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This could easily have been rated a 7 or 8.
19 December 2003
Instead I rated it a 5 because of the loose ends. Lots of twists to the plot just as one would expect with Mike Hammer. But I like my endings tied up neatly and this film doesn't even explain why Hammer was parachuted into Vegas or why that was the only way to get him there.
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The Blues (2003)
I would have enjoyed additional history & hearing more of the old time blues singers.
4 October 2003
I rated the 7 episodes from 8 to 10 and gave it an 8 overall (The 7th episode getting the only 10). If there had been more music and less talking, I would have enjoyed it better. Fuller biographies would have been nice too. Marshall Chess is a walking encyclopedia of the old time blues and was the best talker. It was still a great mini-series and well worth watching.
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It's hard to be objective in judging this documentary.
4 September 2003
The emotions that it releases are almost overwhelming and subjectivity is lost in the storm. The images even now strain credulity and one's mind rebels at the insanity of the events. Director Steven Rosenbaum does an excellent job of editing the footage from 27 filmmakers who recorded that infamous and tragic day and its aftermath.
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The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003 TV Movie)
A very interesting, intriguing and sad tale of human nature.
17 August 2003
Thomas Hardy's study of human nature and all its failings are amply explored in this story of Michael Henchard who sees life from the top and from the bottom and finally ends up as a broken man despising himself completely. It is a classic look at how good and evil co-exist in some people to a remarkable degree.
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Not as funny as I remember him!
1 July 2003
Perhaps it's the aging thing, but in earlier days I thought Benny was very funny. This video hardly got a smile from me. That's sad since it was his last work. I rated it a 5 and that was being generous. Maybe I'll find the Benny I remember on another video.
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Deathlands (2003 TV Movie)
Curiosity made me watch this flick on TV.
18 May 2003
It wasn't that bad and it wasn't that good either. I rated it a 5. I was curious to see what Traci Lords was looking like these days. It was a disappointment in that her role is relatively minor.
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Brings back memories of the 50s
12 April 2003
when bomb shelters and civil defense were much discussed. There are actually four films in this documentary. Their titles are Operation Upshot-Knothole, Operation Cue, Operation Doorstop and Let's Face It. The first three deal with atomic blasts and their effects on surface structures. The last is a civil defense oriented film. All date from about 1953. Total time is 74 minutes. Quality of film ranged from fair to good. An impressive amount of time, effort and expense was spent running these tests.
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Monte Walsh (2003 TV Movie)
Simon Wincer directs another great western!
18 January 2003
It's unlikely anyone will ever make another western as good as Wincer's LONESOME DOVE but MONTE WALSH is a good effort. I rated it a 9. This story of an aging cowboy's efforts to cope with a changing world in the late 1800s has a smoothness that seems natural. Tom Selleck is perfect and the supporting cast is equally superb. The spectacular Canadian scenery adds to the enjoyment. It's a well done western that's not just another "shoot'em-up".
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Air Power (1956–1958)
It's too bad we can't vote on this film!
5 January 2003
There are several versions of this Cronkite series available. I viewed a 6 cassette version covering WWII which was quite good. I would recommend the film to anyone interested in the aviation of that period and would rate it as a 9.
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Air Power (1956–1958)
It's too bad we can't vote on this film!
5 January 2003
I've checked back repeatedly after sending a notification to IMDB that there is no voting icon on this webpage. There are several versions of this Cronkite series available. I viewed a 6 cassette version covering WWII which was quite good. I would recommend the film to anyone interested in the aviation of that period and would rate it as a 9.
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Cold War (1998)
It may be the best documentary I've ever viewed!
14 September 2002
It certainly is the best on the subject. Interspersing newsreels and film with interviews of participants ranging from Gorbachev to Castro to Carter is extremely effective. Even McNamara is in it giving his views on many aspects of the Cold War. How ironic to call it "cold" when it was very HOT in so many places around the world! If you have any interest in world developments since WWII, you will not be disappointed by this documentary. After watching 1120 minutes of it, I hated for it to end.
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Einstein Revealed (1996 TV Movie)
The Theory of Relativity is explained!
24 June 2001
This great documentary not only explains the various theories using animation & graphics; but it also does a fine job describing Einstein's life. I was especially struck with his solitariness throughout his adult years. His miserable domestic record was also noteworthy. Everything was well done & I rated it a 9.
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One of the best documentaries ever!
23 June 2001
It was very moving and emotional to see that the agony of the Holocaust didn't stop with the end of WWII. I learned a lot of history and think even more of President Truman than I did before. Conversely, I think less of Patton, Marshall and England for their behavior. It is a tremendous statement of the human spirit and the triumph of Will over Circumstance!
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It ended too soon!
2 September 2000
This is a wonderful documentary. My only regret is that it stopped in 1931. So many things have happened since that I would like to have seen covered: Robert Moses' public works, effects of World War II and the Korean War, the explosion of air travel and the development of LaGuardia and Kennedy airports. There's been much history in the 70 years since 1931. A great piece of work, though.
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Not as good as YOUNG EINSTEIN
21 August 1999
We still got some laffs outa it but not as much as EINSTEIN. We rated it a 7 versus a 9 for the other. Still, Yahoo, is always interesting to watch. He tries some original stuff - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
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On the Beach (1959)
The threat of nuclear holocaust still exists!
23 June 1999
Just because the "Cold War" is over (supposedly) the threat presented in this movie is very much alive, just more insidious. The breakup of the Soviet Union has destroyed effective control of many of their nuclear devices. Proliferation is alive and well: witness India and Pakistan at one another's throats today over Kashmir and both have exploded nuclear devices recently. This is a classic movie and the threat today is every bit as much as in 1959 at the height of the "Cold War" Mankind may yet end with the "There's still time, brother" banner waving in the wind.
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Skin Game (1971)
Garner's great in this type role.
19 June 1999
And Lou Gossett with hair - Wow! But this comedy has a heavy load to carry, dealing with slavery & it's human cost. It's not much of a comedy when Jason actually gets sold into slavery and Gossett conveys the desperation very well. It does have it's light moments and Susan Clark helps lighten the load. I rated it an 8.
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Ted & Venus (1991)
A gem of a flick!
16 June 1999
Bud Cort does it all in this movie: co-wrote, directed, and starred as Ted Whitley, a walked wounded poor slob in love. It's the best portrayal of an "impaired" individual since I saw Thornton in SLINGBLADE. It's well worth a view! I rated it an 8.
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Absolutely terrific scenery!
1 June 1999
The Grand Tetons are unmatched for grandeur and are in the background through much of this flick. The plot is thin in places but it's a realistic look at the mountain man way of life. Well worth a view. I rated it 7.
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The Inspectors (1998 TV Movie)
This is not a postal movie.
25 March 1999
Some of the ads for it led one to think it was. However, it was still an interesting movie of the whodunit genre (at least the first part). Not much of an ending tho. I gave it a 7.
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An excellent film for children
6 March 1999
A well told tale that enthralled my daughter who recommended it to me. Interestingly, this is the only film ever made by 3 of the 4 children who try to survive after their father's death. Only Jan Smithers, who portrays Devola, did other film work.
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Texasville (1990)
Jeff Bridges holds this together.
4 March 1999
Otherwise, it would be just a frenetic soap opera. Even with Bridges' effort it's not nearly as good as "...Picture Show". And the ending is so lousy - nothing is resolved, you're not sure what's gonna happen, and everybody goes off for breakfast. I gave it a 7 and that was being charitable.
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A Bright Shining Lie (1998 TV Movie)
The book is so good there is no way the movies can live up to it.
20 February 1999
However, all hands do a credible job and it's worth watching. However, like most movies about Vietnam, it depressed me: the tragedy & the waste are almost overwhelming!
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Bronson is finally showing his age.
17 February 1999
I had to look it up....he was 76 when this flick was made. Maybe that explains why it never seems to really get going. Even so, Bronson makes it a 7 and worth watching.
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