
105 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Not a catastrophe, but not bad either
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, where do I start? Let us start at the visuals. I am suprised that the visuals got so much praise, because for me it was too sterile and did not look realistic at all. For a video game, this would have been great, but coming back to my TV from "True Lies", which is 30 years old and approx. 200 times better looking than Atlas, the looks are without heart and I want movies back that are supported by CGI, but not 100% CGI so that not every screw is created in a computer. It just looks too sharp and it pulls you out of the movie every time there you get to think.

Jennifer Lopez is an even bigger problem. I hate to say it, but with a proper main actor, this could have been a lot better. I felt like this is a Michael Burnham copy (you know, Star Trek Discovery). Lopez did not portray a cool-headed analyst, but sobbed and cried throughout the whole movie. Understandable in her situation, but annoying nonetheless. And please tell me what set her apart from the soldiers and made her survive where a fully trained platoon was destroyed in the very first 10 minutes of the attack? There was literally nothing that enabled her to survive when everything else was canon fodder.

It does not really help that she is basically in her mech all the time.

Last, but not least, the plot is not really excellent either, it is your run-of-a-mill rogue AI story that has already been filmed a lot better in the 80s. I was at least waiting for a brilliant move which outsmarts the capable villain, but even this hope was destroyed.

But the movie is not a catastrophe, you can watch it once and it is kinda entertaining, if you don't look too close. On the other hand, good or bad, this is not a movie that you will remember for a long time either.
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brutal, brilliant, believable
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a father, this movie has shaken me to my core. The difference to most other movies is that it is brutally realistic, has brilliant actors and it is a believable story.

No happy ending, no magically disappearing problems. This movie shows all sides of the story, the kid, the mother that cannot deal with it, the people trying to find a solution.

And don't get me started with Helena Zengel who puts up a major performance and the director who made it all possible. Without both, the movie would fail hard. It is their amazing skill that makes you forget that you are not in a documentary, but in a movie.

Thanks to all social workers in the world, you guys are unbelievable. Yet the system is not able to deal with every child.
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Damsel (2024)
of course everyone is complaining
14 March 2024
We have become an army of complainers. Giving this movie 1-3 points is a statement, not a rating. The production values are good, it is entertaining, it is not the 1000th rehash like some crime thrillers and MB Brown is interesting enough to watch, even if the movie itself would be bad. So even if you dislike this movie, there is enough going on for 5 stars. If you need arthouse, mega intelligent cinema with twists that noone is aware of ahead of the time, don't watch a mainstream production with the hot shooting star ("hot" as in "agent has a lot of work reading all those scripts).

But this one is not bad, it is cool and intersting. Only because you see some twists coming does not automatically make this a dumb movie.

Is this the next "Citizen Kane"? No, it is not, but if you want a nice family event in front of the TV, it is by far good enough.
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Slow, vulnerable, beautiful, touching
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I learned about this movie on Reddit and ordered it. Then I read about the slaughterhouse environment and it took me quite a bit to watch it and had to force myself in the end. And I am grateful that I did.

What a movie this is. It feels so genuine, touching, warm and cruel at the same time. I would not have expected to be blown away like this. This is one of the movies that makes you a better person.

All the time I wanted to hug every of the characters, because everyone was so vulnerable and open to the viewer. There was a small scene where a woman talked to the main male character and wanted to tell him that everything will be ok, because he was worried about the investigation. From the touch of her, you could see that she felt for him and he brushed her away. You understood the woman, saw her feelings, but you understand why he rejected this in a rough way. And this scene was only a couple of seconds.

In the very end I think, us human beings should communicate a lot more with each other and accept people who are different. If nothing else, the movie at least taught us that.
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The Creator (2023)
Gorgeous, interesting, entertaining but full of unfullfilled expectations
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I gave 7 stars. The film looks amazing, is interesting and its 2,5 hours fly by, because it is entertaining.

But it could have been so much more. This should have been about peace and hope, not war and destruction. I would have loved a solution without explosions, because in our bleak times we need hope and movies that show us the way.

There are a lot of things which could have given the movie more meaning, like an explanation why AI is so peaceful or why the coding error led to complete annihilation. In times of diversity, we should be able to tolerate other consciousnesses, other ways of life. Maybe show us more of the relationship and make it more interesting that everyone loves the creator. If you show us monks and religion and peacefulness, make it strong.

If you want to go the destruction route, give us insight why a peaceful being that is full of love chooses destruction in the end.

I know, I know, I am dreaming. Don't get me wrong, the movie is very good anyway. But black and white and solutions with action has become old for me and the trailer gave me lots of hope that this could be a transcending experience.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
I thought: hey, why all the bad reviews, this is ok (not good)
29 January 2024
At least I was happy to find something while I am ill to make the time pass. It was not very good, not good, but good enough for a binge session while being bored. The main actress is not really capable of convincing me that she is a warrior, the police guy Kierce is... hmm... unusual and does not make a lot sense with his investigations, there are some red herrings that end in a big pool of nothingness, 8 episodes is a bit much and you think it could have been done in 4. But hey, it is watchable.

Well, then I watched the last episode, which is a big disappointement. It makes no sense, in retrospective it destroys the whole story and I honestly don't know what went into the writers head. The only WTF I can remember that is the same quality is the movie "Sweet Girl" with Jason Momoa.

Both series/movies decided to make a huge leap and destroyed everything. I never want to watch both again and a watchable series becomes "I wish I have never wasted my time with this".
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Lioness (2023– )
This was very intense
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really, really liked it. There was a looming danger present all the time, the finale was fantastic and I liked that it had repercussions.

Killing people is not as easy as movies want you to believe. It is horrible.

I would have given one more point if we got valid reasons, why the terrorist ist even doing all the funding.

Yeah, there is a woman doing men stuff, they make her a bit too strong, but this is still a movie and I have seen green guys destroy houses with one punch in movies, so what?

All in all, it was believable for me, interesting, exciting and I cannot wait to get another season.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Recipe for a modern thriller
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1. All power to the females
  • Leader of Charter is female
  • Gal Gadot super agent is female
  • the leaderess of the enemy is female
  • the enemy female is the one helping in the end
Please, please do not think of me what you are thinking right now. I LOVE strong women. Juliette Nichols in Silo e.g. Is amazing. Who does not love Ripley? Princess Leia is the hero of my youth. Gale Gadot in Wonder Woman 1 cannot be better in any way or gender.

Believe me, I could go on like this for a long while. So no, I am not a sexist. It is just when women are doing everything in the movie and men are only there to make mistakes and look dumb that I am losing immersion.

I am aware that in a lot of movies in the past, women were just in the movie to look good. I think that was stupid as well. If you did not like it in the past, why change genders and repeat the mistakes?

2. dumbed down computer stuff
  • none of this makes any sense
  • hacking everything, no matter the encryption
  • hacking eerything, no matter if there is a portal into the network
  • hacking things that have no network

3. Action scene after action scene after action scene
  • it would work, if the action scenes are actually breathtaking
  • it could work also if you are invested into the action
  • it does not work here

4. 2 hours runtime even though you could have packed the story into a 20 minute movie as well

I am so bored and I am scared that this is the future of movies and films.
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The Swimmers (2022)
What is wrong with us humans?
25 November 2022
I needed to give this movie 9 stars out of 10, because it has such an important message. What are we doing with our world? Why do we let greed divide us? Why is it so important to wage war around every corner?

This is an eye opening experience. To hear about refugees crossing the oceans in little boats and visually seeing what can happen is very different. Obviously it is very hard to get every suffering soul into Europe or the US, there are just too many, but this is why it is even more important to bring education and wealth into every corner of the world.

It is important to have movies about fantasies, about princesses, about interesting stories, but it is maybe even more important to shine the light on unspeakable circumstances. So thanks a lot for this movie, thank you for a beautiful performance from the Issa sisters and thank you for human beings like the Mardini sisters.
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I liked the show more than most, but hated the end more than most as well
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course I am not obectively speaking, this is just my opinion. And I am not saying, the ending was bad or anything. It was just bad for me. It killed my suspension of disbelief and was just too much of a mess. Nothing like a good old 4th wall break like in Deadpool, but a complete reality switch, the ability to change reality, because She-Hulk is aware that she is in TV only? Jumping into other realities?

In the very end, I want a story, interesting characters, a fun and complex main character, a good villain and She-Hulk has done well in nearly all categories. The last episode though ruined the flow, the ending and overall a bad ending can ruin an entire show (think of Game of Thrones).

Some people might like the ending, I did not. Hopefully season 2 will be a lot better and avoid too much mind bending. And hopefully Disney will realize that we all grew up with the comics and so they should stay true to the source material. This also ruined Thor:Love and Thunder for me.
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This is my very first 1 rating in over 1000 ratings
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If something is "not so good", that means it is forgettable, might be enjoyable for one view, but overall in 6 months, I will have forgotten I watched that movie.

"Bad" means that it had great material, but they ruined it all. Not so forgettable, because you remember when you hit something "bad".

Thor is an abomination, because it ruins a whole franchise. It is so bad, it makes work that has nothing to do with the movie itself unwatchable. Thor 1-3 are different in itself, but they are good movies. Not the most awesome, but really enjoyable entertainment. I'd love to watch them again some time. But how am I supposed to do this again? When you see SIF in Thor 1, you will think of the worst death scene ever invented in the history of entertainment from Thor 4 and you won't get immersed into the movie. If I see Avengers again, I will think of this "funny" Thor and not of the great hero they created once.

And even if you want to make "Naked Gun" in the marvel universe, how does Bales character fit in here? If you cut his scenes together, you won't believe it is the same movie.

Disney has some amazing talent, they created great things. But they are ruining the Star Wars and the Marvel franchise. They lost respect for the material or they don't know what made it really good. I don't know what is worse.
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Marry Me (2022)
8 Points, because it was convincing
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is crazy, there is that super rich, super powerful, super famous person and in a nervous breakdown, he asks him to marry her, without even knowing him. Yeah, you gotta swallow that, it does not make a lot of sense, even with a nervous breakdown in your mind.

But what comes after is a fantastic journey and it is somehow amazing that they pulled it off.

But let me explain: If 2 people meet and are both attracted to another, they need to see eye-to-eye. It is like using a scale and everyone puts in their values and it needs to be even weight. A homeless guy would never marry a queen, to find an extreme example.

Now that super powerful, super beautiful, super famous and super rich woman is a heavyweight on one side of the scale. But how do you even it out? The obvious solution is that you pick a perfectly handsome guy, he has billionaire parents that we don't know of, because he is super down to earth and in his spare time he cures cancer as a hobby. Like we see him first as this guy without values, but he has them, they are just hidden.

In this movie they pick a very different approach to the dilemma. The guy is just a teacher, he is no super model and he does not have a lot of money. Instead of lifting him up, they value the famous world down. They show that the life of us normals is not so bad after all. It has meaning, we find people that love us and we have great moments.

Ok at one point they let her run in a hobbled skirt which looks so comical that it devalues her famous side a lot, but they don't rely on a lot of those factors.

And this makes me feel very good about myself. They managed to do that. They went the hard route and in the very end, they convinced me.

Is it realistic? No, it is a fairy tale, but this one is heartfelt, heartwarming and lets you smile a lot of times.

Is it perfect? No, this is why I "only" gave 7 points, which is a high value for me. But it was so good that it brightened my day.
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I know I am too late to the party....
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
... but sometimes you have to write a review just to get your feelings out there.

This movie is astonishingly bad.

The dialogues go: "I am badass" "yeah, but I am badasser" "no I am" "look how slow and distinguished I can speak, I am clearly more of a badass".

The music.... I don't know, who had the idea of putting Reggae music in a western? I mean, it worked in "A Knight's Tale", but here it did not. You either love the music or you hate it, it comes down to taste, but there was not a single scene enhanced through music. Every time I heard some very strange songs in this Western, I did not think "oh how cool, they went down away from beaten paths", but I though "this is disturbing" and pulled me out of the movie.

Some reviewers here say that this movie is stylish, but the style had no purpose. Neither had the immense brutality.

The story is forgettable, even the revenge theme did not feel like it was worth anything.

There were so many headscratching scenes that did not deliver:
  • Oh there is a woman on the track, let us stop the train
  • There is this brutal guy, let me talk to him, because.... maybe I can convince him. It is worth giving up the element of surprise
  • let us ride right into the bad guys town in the middle of the road so that they can shoot us from all angles and (more to come:) they don't shoot them
  • let us rob a bank and put Cuffee in woman's clothes, but this change of wardrobe was not needed at all
  • don't get me started with the shootout scene (why don't they count down so slow), that was so unbelievable
  • oh did I mention the music? Yeah, I think I did, but it was especially bad in the last shootout/fistfight between Trudy and Mary.

  • smoking in the middle of the shootout? Do you want to go the badass way or the goofy way? Both together rarely work out.

Everything in this movie felt like a vehicle. There was plot armor all around. It killed my immersion and very soon my will to finish the movie. Which I did, but still regret.

There is one factor that I liked and that was Cuffee. Hence the 2 points. Elba was charismatic as always, not that his scenes made any sense

Anyway, I need to stop ranting now, but I am glad that this movie is over.
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Kleo (2022– )
It was not bad!
23 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But there were a lot of things that kept the overal score down:
  • Even in the end I did not really know why she needed to go to prison, she was loyal, she did what she was asked to do and did nothing wrong
  • The series would have done better with less episodes, because after episode 3-4 it loses a lot of steam and momentum
  • very unrealistic fight and shooting scenes
  • too much plot armor

I could name more, but I am bored already.
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could have been bolder
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I did not dislike this movie at all, it was entertaining, funny and heartwarming, but it could have been better.

Why not show a life that can be fun, engaging and fullfilling without being super successful? Why not focus on the child and show the world how this can be fullfilling on its very own?

The main plot was a bit boring. Wherever she goes in life, there is success waiting for her, pretty boyfriends waiting at every corner that just die for her.

What I got was entertainment, very good entertainment, so don't get me wrong, this is fun to watch and far away from a failure.

What I wanted was a movie that strays away from the typical "I am beautiful, I have success and I get a fullfilling relationship" - trope. In the one life she could have had a fullfilling relationship, maybe even with her daughter, a normal life, like millions of people are having right now. In the other life she could have had success, which is also fullfilling, but no daughter and not a perfect relationship.

Anyway, I hope you can see what I am getting at. Still, if you like romcoms and want to see a good one, this is a great choice.
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I loved Boba Fett, but I am shocked about the last episode
27 May 2022
I am not going to write a long review, but the last episode was so clumsy, uneventless, dumb, horrible, cheap and boring that I don't have the words for it.

If you bring killer robots with shields, at least find a clever way to destroy them. If you bring different characters, let them bring something cool and unique to the table and don't make them canon fodder.

Honestly, this felt like a first year student made a fan fiction, yes, it was that bad.
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The Protégé (2021)
Waste of budget and great actors
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Meaningless dumb action, which is well done though, great actors, all this would be ok for a 6 star rating, maybe even one star more, but this movie is being killed by the brainless story and the dumb scenes:

  • The big bad would be still alive if the killings did not start in the first place which let Anna catch up on the trail
  • Moody shows up after a conveniently first miss at Anna, even though there were several, far more dangerous occasions where he could have saved her. By the way, in that scene everything screamed "look out, there might be someone you forgot to kill" after leaving the house, but pro killer Anna is clueless
  • what was the reason Moody did not reveal immediately to Anna that he was still alive other than a cheap surprise for the viewers?

  • Why did Anna sleep with Michael Keaton in a cringe 30 year age difference sex scene?

  • I might have missed this, but why did the guy send his goons after Michael Keaton at one point? I mean, I can see the reason, but it does not make any sense.

If I'd watch the movie again and started taking notes, I could probably fill a couple of pages with things that noone can really understand. I'd rather not though.

Please don't get me wrong, this movie is professionally done, the actors are even great (Michael Keaton steals every scene, even though him as a love interest for Maggie Q was cringe) and there are a lot of people who might review this movie positively. But if you have been watching movies for sevel decades, like I do, the movie is not surprising, a lot does not make any sense and in the end the biggest question remains: "Why waste so much budget, so many good actors with a bad story like this?"
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Finch (2021)
Oops, where did the story go?
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Movie really sounds enticing: Tom Hanks, Sci-Fi, robots, dogs, humanity at the brink of extinction.

Would you believe me if I told you that this movie is just a roadmovie with no interesting events at all?

He literally builds the robot in the first couple of minutes, then they are forced to leave, not to cities, no, because there are people, no, let us go to San Francisco.

Now they cruise, find some food, the robot is like a kid, nothing interesting about his AI, they find bad people, but they don't interact with them at all, then they go further and right before San Francisco, Tom Hanks dies and this alone adds another 40 minutes to the movie.

Oh and of course... near San Francisco, the uninhabitable, desert like earth suddenly becomes filled with nature again, without any explanation whatsoever.

This is why I hate movies that are centered around people dieing, because it is so easy to move viewers with the main actor dieing, they often forget to make a story around it.

I love Tom Hanks, I love movie centered around AI, because it is such an interesting topic, but this one does nothing for me. And just in case you are not moved enough, they put in a dog in the movie as well, because everyone loves dogs, right?
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Black Widow (2021)
I am disconnected from this world
2 October 2021
I have heard how bad the movie is, but since it is MCU, I wanted to watch this anyway.

And hot damn, I really liked it. The characters were likable, Natashas sister was absolutely hilarious, the story was wholesome and the action was great, minus a few CGI effects that were not that good.

After a movie I love to go into the reviews and see how others have experienced the movies. I am greeted with at maximum 5/10 reviews, most are a lot lower.

Not one of those really explains what makes the film so bad. There is a 2-liner that just says it is b-o-r-i-n-g and it gets 157 out of 258 "helpful".

Most of the "reviews" here are just rants and still marked as "helpful". How is a rant helpful? How did it help you in any way?

Don't get me wrong though, if you think this movie is a 1 or 2/10, I honestly don't know what to say to you, because there are far, far, worse movies out there, but hey, to each their own. I personally think that at least Black Widows production values are great, which already makes it at least a 4/10 in my book, but perspectives might differ.

But I always thought this was a cinematic page with people capable of expressing their opinions and people valueing in depth analysis.

This happens in most action movies nowadays and I am losing faith in my fellow movie lovers.

Anyway, if you like movies from the MCU, give this a chance.

Is it without plotholes? No, there are some to b found.

Is it perfect with the best action ever seen? No, but it has great production values.

Is this the next "Godfather" and the acting will rain Oscars onto the cast? No.

But the movie is entertaining and I absolutely don't understand where the hate is coming from. I would like to understand it, but there are no reviews that explain it.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Always look at the bright side of life...
12 September 2021
We could write a lot about how this movie is generic, you have seen the story a couple of times, it is very predictable, how you guessed the ending and how some action scenes seem a bit off.

But I'd rather spend my time with the good things in life. "Kate" is beautifully shot, has very interesting characters, a surprisingly good heroine, teaches us about life and the importance of honor and when the movie ends, we might be sad that the ride is over.

I call this a win and compared to the loads of trash that we had to endure in 2020 and 2021, this is one of the titles that stand out of the average mediocrity.

It is not a perfect movie, not by any means, but it is good entertainment.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Why is the rating so low?
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The production values are ok, obviously they had money, but there were too many faults to rate it other than 4, even with good will:

1. And this is the main point, the girl was too little and I don't for one second that she can win a fight against a trained man. I think it would have been great to go physically with Momoa, but once his character is dead, the girl should have won with cleverness and the fact that everyone is underestimating her. That would have made a lot more sense.

2. The solution at the end, to get the Congresswoman to talk and record it, was way, way too easy. Why would she admit it after all? Rachael had NOTHING on her, nothing but hearsay and Congresswoman would have easily been able to talk her way out of it.

3. The smartphone would no longer work after the fight in the water, at least not without a procedure to get it dry. Am I the only one bothered by stupid mistakes like this?

4. What has the Congresswoman been doing after all? Why would she be responsible to pull the medicing that could have saved the mom? It did not make any sense to me, but maybe I did not understand this part.

5. The "plot twist" was completely unnecessary and only there to have a plot twist. Nothing about it felt natural.

I could list a lot of more things. Nothing about this movie was intriguing, interesting or exciting. There was not even one good idea to begin with. I don't mind logical mistakes, but I do mind when my immersion is completely destroyed on multiple occasions that pull me out of the movie.

I wanted to like this movie, but I could not.
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Lucifer: A Chance at a Happy Ending (2021)
Season 5, Episode 16
I have to straighten something out
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the S5 finale, I was severely disappointed. And I was really surprised about all the fantastic 10/10 reviews here.

This is not 10/10 TV in my humble opinion, it is not even 5/10.

The finale is neither clever, nor cool. The Angels are a bunch of idiots, the action is not worth mentioning (better do not use any action at all than this), the flaming sword looks more like a dagger and it is even less impressive than this finale, the scripting is convenient (why shoot 2 angels, but not Michael?).

I need to be really honest here. It looks like they did not have any script at all and were improvising the whole finale. It goes back and forth, sometimes I don't know if I should laugh (the new demons from the prison transport, was that supposed to be cool or make us laugh?) or cry.

I had so many ideas with the celestials, with god, with Lucifer, so many directions where they could have gone, but they thought it would be great to make god an old man without authority or direction, the angels are idiots (sup bro) and they kill the ONE angel who along with Amenadiel, felt like more than from a cartoon (and I am talking about Tom & Jerry, not Ghost in the Shell).

This was horrible, honestly. Thank god there will be a seaon 6 and this won't be the end. Which might sound like a possible relief, is also super scary. For now I have dropped my overall rate for Lucifer 2 stars, because the 5th season is so thoughtless.
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Star Trek: Discovery: There Is a Tide... (2020)
Season 3, Episode 12
Just let everything after season 1 be a dream
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I would gladly accept Burnham waking up and realizing that season 2 + 3 were only a dream. Sounds bad? Oh yeah, it absolutely is. But this solution would maybe enable me to watch season 4.

Here is a little lesson for the writers: 1. Photon Torpedos against physical armor. 2. Lasers vs Shields 3. If shields are up, you are not able to beam

If you keep those 3 rules in mind, your series will be a lot better and bad ideas like teleporting into a starship and take over the crew won't happen.
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Burden of Truth (2018–2021)
Since this got many positive reviews.....
8 December 2020
... I took a look at this, because I love shows with lawyers involved.

But honestly, this show is predictable, bland, walks on beaten paths and the acting is everything but strong. Or is Kirsten Kreuks portrayal of a lawyer really a realistic depiction for you?

Where do all the positive ratings from? This show is by no means bad, but it is the definition of average, hence the 5 points rating.
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How to ruin a great show in 45 minutes
15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nearly everything about this show is great: atmosphere, cinematography, music, most actors, story, but the last 45 minutes of episode 8 manage to ruin everything.

If they would have done it like in the books (Hope is getting killed, mother knows that her son is a psychopath), it would have way more sense, but Michelle Dockerys acting has not convinced me that the mother would kill her boy.

But an ambigous ending, mother sometimes acting more crazy than the grandfather and in the end you let both of them LIVE, is the worst thing they could have pulled. They were probably going for 2nd season, but I really advise the creators of the show to save the money. Noone is going to watch it.

The last episode for season one had the same effect as season 8 for GoT: In the end I wished that I did not waste my time for both of them, because I have no word for the terribleness of the ending. It was that bad.
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