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Great Documentary
17 May 2008
This video documentary is one of the best I have seen. This is actually the 3rd part of a 3 part series. I don't know why the other 2 are not on IMDb. The other parts are great as well. The actual title of this series is as follows: Portraits of Presidents: Presidents of a New Nation (1789-1829); George Washington - John Quincy Adams Portraits of Presidents: Presidents of a National Struggle (1829-1901); Andrew Jackson - William McKinley Portraits of Presidents: Presidents of a World Power (1901-1993); Theodore Roosevelt - George H. W. Bush Any this series is done so well, I got into politics and history because of this video series.
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23 May 2007
This is an excellent documentary. This answered a lot of the questions that people had about Richard Nixon's presidency. I will say the content of this documentary is excellent and very informative, it also made me appreciate Nixon's presidency much more, But it is very drawn out, 5 videos with a total of 6 hours can wear you out. I highly recommend seeing it (especially people who disliked Nixon's presidency). Really well done. A must see. I highly recommend it. It's pretty cheap on DVD now, I think. I really don't know what else to say, but I need to fill 10 lines which is kind of ridiculous, but OK. Still have not quite filled 10 lines.
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Actually Pretty Good and possibly the best of both series
11 January 2007
I have to admit I kind of liked this movie. It could have been a lot better, but I give Yu a lot of credit for his use humor. Kind of reminiscent of Bride of Chucky which he did previously. The humor was the only thing I really liked. They really made fun of the style of characters portrayed in the previous films. I was especially fond of the jokes thrown at Freddy and Jason's life stories. That's where the movie failed a little, it didn't not follow the old stories so well. Yu did do a nice job of connecting the 2 stories. I think he could have done better. I really think he shouldn't have cast Ken Kirzinger as Jason. I would have liked to have seen Warrington Gillette (Part 2), Richard Brooker (Part 3), Ted White (Part 4), C.J. Graham (Part 6), or Kane Hodder (Parts 7,8,9,10) who really put his stamp on Friday the 13th . I don't buy Ken Kirzinger as Jason Vorhees. Robert Englund does an amazing job, he almost seems like he's having a lot of fun in this film. He's different from his attitudes in the other Nightmare On Elm Street films. I had wondered if the idea for this film was prompted from the finale of Jason Goes To Hell, where you see Freddy's glove come up from the ground and grab Jason's mask. I would have loved to see some actors from the previous parts come back. I wanted to see Corey Feldman, his role in Friday the 13th's 4 and 5 are pivotal to the sequels. Kevin Bacon would have been very funny seeing he played a small part in the first Friday the 13th. Johnny Depp and Charles Fleischer from the first Nightmare on Elm Street. Laurence Fishburne and Patricia Arquette from Dream Warriors (Part 3). Ted Nugent and Michael Ashton from Dream Child (Part 5). Alice Cooper, Roseanne, Tom Arnold, Yaphet Kotto, and Lisa Zane from Freddy's Dead (Part 6). This could have been an epic masterpiece if done right. It is very funny and worth seeing though so check it out.
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What of an expansion of an already great film, AMAZING!!!
11 January 2007
This film is excellent, rarely is an action film (although this actually sci-fi) with so little violence this good, the only other film that compares is the Enemy Of The State. In some ways this better than the original in my mind because the plot has more anticipation than either of the others. It's a great extension to the original story. Great way of turning a 2 hour film (Back to the Future Part I) into a 5 hour film. I love how this one has such an involved plot. Gale and Zemeckis really found probably the best to expand their original story. Rarely is a sequel this good and it's not a really sequel (if you noticed Back to the Future Part I) never ended.
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Best Part of a the Best Movie Ever
11 January 2007
When you talk about Back to the Future, you have to talk about the whole trilogy. Because Zemeckis and Gale didn't make sequels they extended the length of one film, which is very different than a sequel.

The ultimate film must allow the audience feel part of the film and relate to the characters. This film is the best because it takes a fantasy story and makes it adaptable to real-life. I don't know how soon anyone will be able to time-travel, but you can relate to Marty McFly's (Michael J. Fox) reaction to the change. Even if you're not a teenager you can believe it in someway. Back to the Future is the perfect and its been extended into a masterpiece with 2 sequels or extensions as I see it. Definitely a must see, if your pathetic enough not to have seen in at least the last 8 years.

Amazing story by Gale and Zemeckis. Great acting especially by Michael J. Fox, but also great work by Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and Tom Wilson. Such an exciting an involved story.
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Not a Great Film, but not meant to be a Great Film.
3 January 2007
As a movie I admit it wasn't very entertaining at all. To be a good film, a movie has to have substance. Something that keeps you watching and wanting to watch it again. World Trade Center failed to do that.

What it does do is allow you to re-live this horrific moment in history exactly as it happened. September 11 was not in anyway entertaining, just like this film. It also gives you a different view, that at least I didn't see on September 11th. I didn't lose anyone close to me on that day, but as a human, I was very angered and embittered by what had happened. This film brought me into the hearts and minds of the people that did lose someone important to them.

Watching Nicholas Cage (John McLoughlin) and Michael Pena (Will Jimeno) reminiscing about their families and who they would miss made me cry. When I watch any film I always wind up relating to the characters in someway. I thought of myself in the same predicament, I thought of my baby brother and I started to cry.

It allowed me to understand the pain and anguish these people suffered. Something I knew but was never able to feel. That's where this film succeeds, but I don't know if that makes it a good film. It seemed like a trip through someone's heart and mind. Which is not necessarily a film.

Not necessarily a great a film, but a compelling experience.
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Maniac Mansion (1987 Video Game)
Ahead of its time
27 February 2004
This game was awesome. Up to this point in my life, in 1988 and only 6, I had only played nintendo games like Super Mario Bros. which were fun, but the plots weren't half as involved as Maniac Mansion. No game had ever really played like a movie before. This paved the way for the masterpiece of Metal Gear Solid. It's too bad nintendo was so big on censorship, it kind of "PG" rated the game. The game had a lot of realism, but because of the censorship by nintendo it sugar-coated a lot of elements of the game. This is still a masterpiece and turning point of video games. Another masterpiece for George Lucas and it's very cool he made the change to video games. I'm waiting for a re-release and possibly a re-make.
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Grand Theft Auto III (2001 Video Game)
The Perfect "Bored" Game
16 February 2004
I nearly killed myself laughing about how outrageous this game is. It is so much fun. This game is perfect, because if you're bored, you can make you're own mission. The missions are fun too, but you can go further with you're own missions. Yes the games are violent, but you have to realize, these aren't people, these color images. Also this game could be disgusting. Notice there are no kids or animals in this game, therefore you can't kill them. This game could be a lot cruder than it is. So over sensitive people get over it. Anyway this game is incredible. In some ways I like it better than Vice City, but then many improvements were made in the game play of Vice City. I'm still annoyed that in neither game, you can't swim. That's ridiculous, what better getaway then jumped in the water, Especially if your boat blows up in the middle of the water; What do you do? This game is awesome anyway
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Really Really Good and Really Bad
16 February 2004
The first Metal Gear Solid is still the best game ever. This game could have surpassed it. The game play is incredible; the character movements and action options are awesome. This also technically Metal Gear 4, seeing the first Metal Gear game came out in 1987. The flaw is that the plot for this game isn't as fun, enduring, nor suspenseful as the first Metal Gear Solid. Also nothing wrong with new characters, but not using Solid Snake kind of ruins some of the game. I look forward to the third one. I want to go back to Shadows Moses. The first Metal Gear Solid could have been so awesome with gameplay of this one. Still a really good game, just kind of lacking as a sequel.
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The Head (1994–1996)
One of the best shows on MTV
14 February 2004
This show was really cool. I watched it every Saturday morning. The plot was so cool, it sucked you every time. I did start to get dull after the first season. It may have had something to do with the fact that season 1 was a mini-series and season 2 they made it into a normal series. I wish at least the first season would be released on DVD or something.
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Beavis and Butt-Head (1993–2011)
My favorite show...I was never allowed to watch
14 February 2004
I loved this show. It came out when I was 11. It was so funny and my mom wanted to kill me for watching. With that in mind, I'll never forget how many times my brother and I snook and watched it in our basement. Even now the show is still funny. Now I'm fortunate to watch it, without the remote constantly in hand. The movie was awesome too, though toned down a lot. It's quite obvious this allowed for South Park, which explains why South Park was far less ridiculed. And South Park the movie was not toned down at all. Beavis and Butthead is definitely MTV's crowning achievement. Before they ruined their programming with 24 hours of Real World/Road Rules and TRL.
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Married... with Children (1987–1997)
Probably the best TV show ever.
7 February 2004
Married....With Children was such a great show. I still don't understand why it was cancelled, even though it was on for 10 years. For myself, it was one show that I never got sick of and never will. I can watch re-runs of this show forever, I can never get sick of any episode of this show. I still can't believe it never received any Emmys. Before this show came out, the closest in quality was "All in the Family", but even that show has some episodes that do bore me after constant viewing. Ed O'Neil created probably the most hilarious TV character ever. It's unfortunate that he's become almost typecast as Al Bundy. Even in the movie "Dutch", which was an OK film, he plays a very Al Bundy like role. The character of Al Bundy is one we can all relate to, he appeals to all the wrongs that either we are to chicken or refuse to do and it makes us laugh, because Al Bundy has the guts and care free ability to do it all. Although many of these things we may not agree with, but we've thought about them. The other characters of Peggy, Bud, Kelly, Marci, Steve, Jefferson and all the rest, all were excellent and brilliantly complemented the characteristics of Al. I wonder when if or whenever this will have a reunion. I also wonder if its too bold for Nick at Nite or TV Land, although they did start Roseanne recently. More DVD collections must be made. Again Married....With Children is the Greatest show ever created. Until Family Guy came along.
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Metal Gear Solid (1998 Video Game)
The greatest video game ever
30 December 2001
This game is so good. Took me a month to beat it. So much fun. The best plot for a video game yet. The 2 discs is excellent. I've been playing video games since I was 5 with Super Mario Bros. and Metal Gear Solid is a vast improvement over it and any other game ever made. Although I will you must have patience, it is tough. If you buy it now, not to advertise it, but you can get it a lot cheaper than I did.
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What a terribly boring movie
21 December 2001
I can't believe I thought the 3rd chapter of Friday The 13th was the worst. Even that one's only mistake was too much rehashing of the original. This one is all about the movie's star character "Jason Voorhees" killing everyone he can find for no apparent reason. At least part 3 had an amusing plot. The only remotely interesting thing in this movie is the more gruesome killing tactics. Definitely if there was a level above violent, this would be it. That the was only thing that kept me amused enought not to shut it off. I will agree with some of the other commentators on this movie, in that it should be seen. I am a big fan of sequels, even when there bad, don't own them but have at least seen'em. Don't waste money on this.
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An improve from Part 3
16 November 2001
This film is good follow up, actually saves the lame part 3. But not a great film. The film is still kinda rehashing the old story, but the ending is really exciting. The terror at the end really is the only thing saving it. Its a sharp drop from the quality of the First and the second one, but much better than the third. I give it a 5.7 out of 10
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Not very good, but not the worst
16 November 2001
The third installment of Friday The 13th is scary, but pretty predictable. I know a lot of people seem to like to complain about the acting, the acting in this film is not very good, not disgraceful, but when you watch any of the Friday the 13th's or any movie, the focus should be on the plot and the story that follows. If it scares and you don't get bored with it, then its a good film. This film was not bad really, but the predictably is really what made me not like it so much. The film was scary, but they practically rehashed the whole first movie. I really wish I could have seen it in it in 3-D, because if you watch it on video, you can find the 3-D scenes, they look great, but you only get the 2-D effect. I give this movie 4.5 out of 10. Its not nearly as bad as Friday The 13th: (5) The New Beginning (1985)
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Great film and a great followup
16 November 2001
Not the masterpiece that the first one was, but still pretty good. This film made me understand the series. Because I saw the first film in 1994 when I was 12 years old and the first was 14 years old at the time the film had been turned into "JASON MOVIES" and Nightmare on Elm Street was "FREDDY KRUEGER MOVIES". I had no idea how the story originated I just knew a slasher film. This sequel does a great job following up to the first movie. I give it a 6.7 out of 10
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A Horror Classic (actually a Classic in general)
16 November 2001
The first Friday The 13th is great. The movie has been poorly critiqued, but not justly. It's one of the greatest films of all-time. It had a lot of great elements, including a great plot, a great story to go along with it, some great effects too. The story is so involved you really can connect to it and understand why it happens. The unseen killer is really what makes this film so thrilling, you never know what's going to happen. That's unfortunately what got lost in a lot of the future Friday the 13th films. Betsy Palmer is excellent as Mrs. Voorhees, they should have had her comeback in Freddy vs. Jason. Kevin Bacon does a pretty good job too for his debut. This is a masterpiece that needs to be reckoned with.
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The Civil War (1990)
Ken Burns' Masterpiece
4 May 2001
This series is excellent, probably the best ever. Ken Burns brilliantly captures all of the elements of one of America's greatest disasters. Shelby Foote and all of the other authors and historians that took part in this series were excellent. Foote especially was great for bringing some really good incite on the war. Also Sam Waterston gives an excellent performance as the voice of Abraham Lincoln. Morgan Freeman also does an excellent job as Frederick Douglass. Not to leave anyone out, all the voice-overs were superb. Its a great way to spend 9 1/2 hours, if you have them. But, if you don't have time to watch all, I highly recommended seeing "The Cause" (part 1) and "The Better Angels Of Our Nature" (Final part). They both are truly masterpieces on their own.
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Driver 2 (2000 Video Game)
The Best driving game yet
30 April 2001
The first was DRIVER was excellent, but it had many flaws. DRIVER 2 corrected them by adding some great additions to the game. Now unlike DRIVER (1) you can now get out of your vehicle and switch to another car before your totaled. There are also great 2 PLAYER options. The game is probably one of the best ever made. But, there are still some corrections to be made. I don't like how they shrink the maps on the 2 player games and the fact that there are no cars, let alone no police cars either on the "TAKE A RIDE" mode on the 2 PLAYER setting. Also you should be able to swap cars while the police are in pursuit of you. My only other problem is I wonder how accurate the maps are. It would be great if they could accurately map the whole USA. Anyway the game is excellent as is, I highly recommend it.
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Moonraker (1979)
Roger Moore's worst and the worst of all
30 April 2001
Roger Moore's Bond career started on a swing similar to Sean Connery's. Sean Connery started of fairly well with Dr. No (1962) and Moore started of fairly well with Live & Let Die (1973). Connery followed up not-so well, but not badly with From Russia With Love (1963) and Moore followed suit with The Man With The Golden Gun (1974). Then Sean Connery then went over the top with his smash Goldfinger (1964) and Moore did the same with The Spy Who Loved Me (1977). But then we come to this film where it changes. Connery's 4th Bond film, Thunderball (1965) became his greatest film. For Moore's 4th Bond film he goes ahead of Connery and makes Connery's 5th film "You Only Live Twice" (until this came out, YOLT (1967) was Connery's worst and the worst of all.) and so we get this stinker and unfortunately Moore never really recaptured the luck he had with The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), although he did come close with For Your Eyes Only (1981).

There are a number reasons for the errors with this film. First of all, the film is virtually a re-make of The Spy Who Loved Me (1977). The return of Jaws is a devastating disappointment, but probably the best part of the movie. Although the hype of the phase "JAWS IS BACK" is probably the reason it was Moore most financially successful. Actually it was also the last Bond film to receive an Academy Award nomination. The Bond girls were excellent especially Lois Chiles and Corrine DuFour's performances. The comedy is probably the most mild part of the film. There are some great action sequences though.

I also was personally disappointed with the film, because I expected judging by the VIDEO COVER Picture that it was going to a JAMES BOND MEETS SCI-FI which could have been excellent. Star Wars (1977) and Close Encounters Of A Third Kind (1977) also unintentionally helped make this film fail. Because they were so good (so good I think they stole a lot of Academy Awards from The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) I think the producers want to make Bond better than those films. But thats like comparing The Godfather (1972) and Jaws (1975), they're to different even though they are both great.

Thats largely where they failed. Also they obviously didn't plan on making this one right away anyway, because at the end of "SPY" it says Bond will return in "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY". That possibly jinxed the operation, but when For Your Eyes Only (1981) did come out luckily it corrected the previous mistake, but hurt the Bond series lightly. The 80's saw some of the worst Bond films (with the exceptions of FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981), The Living Daylights (1987), and Licence To Kill (1989), although they didn't make much money in comparison to others, but they were still good). The Bond hype wouldn't return until Pierce Brosnan's GoldenEye (1995). But, I still say watch it worth seeing just because it is not just Moonraker, its JAMES BOND XI
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Roger Moore at his best
29 April 2001
This Roger Moore's masterpiece. Its funny, exciting, and thrilling. Although its not the best Bond film, its not quite as good as Thunderball (1965) and Living Daylights (1987, but it is actually slightly better than the classic GOLDFINGER (1964). This film is also ground breaking because it is the first Bond film receive a number of Academy Award Nominations in 12 years. Thunderbal (1965) was the last to have a number of nomination, although Live & Let Die (1973) did receive an award for the title song, but nothing more. Even though it did receive a number of nominations it was snubbed for best picture. Star Wars (1977) is undoubtedly a better picture than this, but the other nominees are certainly match for this film.

The film itself is remarkable. The opening sequence is a masterpiece. Barbara Bach as XXX Major Anya Amasova is excellent probably the best Bond girl. Curt Jurgens gives an excellent performance as Stromberg and Richard Kiel's performance as JAWS is outstanding. Jaws beat long holding Oddjob as best extra villain for a Bond film. Definitely a must see.
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"I never did nuthin` like that before" "Actually, neither have I"
29 April 2001
For Roger Moore's Second Bond outing we get a pretty mediocre film. I will say it is definitely better than Octopussy (1983), A View To A Kill (1985), and by far better than the horribly boring Moonraker (1979). It is actually also better than a few of Sean Connery's films; From Russia With Love (1963), Never Say Never Again (1983) (probably just slightly better than this one), and definitely better than You Only Live Twice (1967).

The films few good points are firstly its handful of excellent action sequences. Also the return Sheriff J.W. Pepper is a real treat who put his mark in the best action sequence of the film, the car chase scene, which is where the line I have placed as the title came from. Also the villains are excellent, Christopher Lee as "Scaramanga" gives one of his best performances. Although not to forget the brilliant performance my Herve Villechaize as "Nick-Nack" who would be the foot stool for the creation of Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)'s Mini-Me.

The film is pretty mild on action, but high on comedy. If your a fan the comedy Bond films of 70's this is probably the funniest. I think that was probably the error with this film, the producers focused to much on the comedy, and not enough on the plot or the action sequences.

The film could been better also if they changed the theme song. Lulu's performance of the song "Man With The Golden Gun" is not very good. They should have used the version written by one of rock's greatest artists, ALICE COOPER, who actually wrote it in hopes that they'd use it. That move may have given the film that much more luster. But anyway the film definitely is worth seeing and it is only one of lower great bond films.
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Not the best, But a very good Bond film that deserves more credit
24 December 2000
This film is excellent. The comedy (which has been the culprit for its discredit) is excellent. This is the first Bond to be uncensored totally. This came out 3 years after the MPAA created the rating system which allow for greater creative control to films.

Diamonds Are Forever was the first Bond Film to take it seriously (On Her Majesty's Secret Service, did do this, although few films did in the late 1960's, Planet Of The Apes was Rated G, the sequels went up to PG, which was M at the time).

The only thing I don't like about this film is that it should be a revenge film (See my comment on On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)and watch it). The end of On Her Majesty's Secret Service clearly shows that Bond should want vengeance, I would if I were in that situation. I think that may have also helped it gain more success, although its did make $44,000,000 upon release, at todays standard thats $180,000,000. It went on to make $116,000,000 worldwide, today thats $480,000,000. Of all the films thats the 4th most profitable.

Its evident although a great film, sort of a cult classic, On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) jinxed this production. Its evident they wanted to avoid failure, by removing all evidence of it. By forgetting its finale. Also the return of Sean Connery, not only a addition that would help people for OHMSS, to this film, but also an insult to George Lazenby, who wasn't fired. Lazenby was certainly not better than Connery, but his departure was mistake and a failure. Diamonds Are Forever although to many a failure, is a very good film. But it also helped to make the forgotten Bond film On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969). In my mind if Diamonds Are Forever failed OHMSS will be remembered, final failure standout. I don't think anyone will forgot how awful BATMAN & ROBIN (1998) was. Although of course now OHMSS wouldn't be a failure. But this film also represented change a change that started after You Only Live Twice and would stop after Live And Let Die (1973) and wouldn't occur again until The Living Daylights (1987), although technically happen early in Sean Connery's second comeback Never Say Never Again (1983). Anyway this film is excellent Connery's #3 and Stands at #5


2. The Living Daylights (1987)

3. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)


5.Diamonds Are FOREVER (1971)
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I can't believe no one has commented on the best Aerosmith video
14 December 2000
This video is awesome. The video clips are excellent. The Live recordings are rivetting. The best were probably the performances of "Dream On", "Walk This Way", "Draw The Line", "Lightning Strikes", and "Train Kept A Rollin'". I especially like that "Lightning Strikes", because it such a great song, but its been forgotten for so long, it actually was only released a few days after I was born. This was so good I'm waiting for a sequel, because there are some great songs missing, like "Mama Kin", Lord Of The Thighs", "Back In The Saddle","Last Child", "Nobody's Fault", "Lick And A Promise", "Kings & Queens", "Remember (Walking In The Sand)", "Mia", "Think About It", "Bitch's Brew", and "Joanie's Butterfly".
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