
13 Reviews
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"A" list cast in a "B" action blast!
10 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I never even remotely heard of this movie prior to watching it. I was surprised by the star studded cast and decided to give it a go. If you are expecting some cross between Citizen Kane and Die Hard, then you will be sadly disappointed. However, if all you need is a "B" Grade Jason Statham pretender with all the qualities of a 80's straight-to-video production, then this movie is for you. The plot is totally cliché, but it's one that never gets old and is essential to action movies in general. The acting is sub par for the cast therein, but not so bad that they don't care at all. Does this film contain plot holes? It sure does! Does the movie contain any time line mistakes? You bet! Do you even care about these things? Most of us out there watching movies in the real world do care about these things - but not always. This movie is for that time when you don't really care about every little detail or even every other major detail for that matter. Skin Traffik will entertain you just enough to relax and finish the popcorn you started eating through the first 2 or 3 movies you rented on some rainy day.
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The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
"Manhunt" Level Violence in a Deep, Dystopian Gaming Masterpiece! A Must-Play!!!
17 September 2013
Do you remember "Manhunt (2003)" by Rockstar Games? At the time, it was by far the most horrific kill-fest ever released, magnified due the inherent story-line and nature of the executions. Take that level of brutal 'kill or be killed' violence, mix it in with suspense, masterful story telling, an inherent need for survival at all costs, and the complex nature of man and you get an incredible emotional journey called "The Last of Us". The basic premise is far from original, as anybody knowledgeable in the post apocalyptic genre can recognize the influences both current (28 Days Later, The Walking Dead, I Am Legend) and past (The Andromeda Strain, Escape from New York, The Last Man on Earth), to name a few. It is also far from being an original "first person sneaker" (Thief, Fallout, Manhunt, Assassins Creed, etc). What sets this game apart from its contemporaries (I Am Alive, etc), is the depth of character and the manner in which the storyline is developed. Before you know it, you become so immersed in the story and the characters within that you realize you will do pretty much anything to ensure their survival and achieve their goals. Sure, the Fallout series was massive, fun, and paid homage to almost every sci-fi film prior to its release. It's true that Assassins Creed brought us back to a different time, into a different moment and the thrilling experience that came with it. But, when it comes down to it, none of the other dystopian or "sneaker" type games capture your emotions as deeply and as strongly as this one. This game will lock you into a persistent state of mental dissonance asking "could I do such a thing to survive even if the action is morally wrong?" This game forces you to go to places that may have otherwise been uncomfortable if not for the deep urge for survival instilled within you while playing.

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The Warriors (2005 Video Game)
Masterpiece Of Gaming
6 November 2005
This game will set a new trend, I believe, in gaming production. Now that Rockstar has absolutely blown away all the die hard fans and cult followers of the Warriors with an extremely well done prequel/remake in video game format, others will soon follow. I don't mean to downplay any of the alien/predator/superhero video games of the past (*nor Friday the 13th for the NES -1989), but none of them had remake quality where an incredible storyline was interwoven and tweaked just enough so that you can play your favorite characters, act your favorite scenes and hurt your favorite enemies in a manner so enjoyable. The background stories were excellent. The use of the little known movie gangs was outstanding. The game-play was incredible. The AI and 'one liners' had me laughing until I almost puked. Instead of watching the movie, one can now replay all the fights from it in the video game, even the Furies chase and the Punks bathroom scrap over and over and it's never the same each time! This is a must play and must own for any hardcore fan of The Warriors. You won't believe your ears and eyes at how well this was perfected. Obviously, the people that created the game, were hardcore fans themselves and said "I wonder what it would be like to get to fight the prom couple? or have Ajax beat the pink lady cop? Or actually fight Luther 'one on one'? Or did the Furies ever fight the Punks?". They asked those questions. They answered them with class, creativity and comedy.

15/10 Rockstar. GTA series aside, I am not sure if this game will ever have an equal for sheer storyline, creativity and re-playability.
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"Canadian" Pie
27 August 2005
Just what a true "hoser" would expect from the great white north, eh? This movie is absolutely hilarious from start to finish as a group of young adults make their way across Canada from Tofino to Montreal, then back to Toronto while overcoming different problems along the way. Included in this movie are many "insider" jokes that likely only a Canadian would get, but that might be what makes this movie work for those cold, igloo living, hockey playing Canucks up north. With time, I would fully expect this to be a Canadian Movie classic, right up there with Strange Brew (1983) and Porky's (1982). GOD BLESS THE SUPER SEXE ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH BUFFET!!! (for those that have been there, you know the truth!) I fully recommend this movie with a case of Labatt Blue and a bag of salt and vinegar chips. A full 10 out of 10.
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Hardrock Hillbillies!!!
9 August 2005
I cannot believe how many people on here despise and loathe this film. This film is great!!! I grew up watching the Dukes just like every other child of the 80's, along with the Hulk, Knight Rider, Dallas, etc. on every single Friday night from the time the show first aired until its very last episode. In fact, I couldn't wait until after the show was over for the next Friday to come just to watch it again! After saying this, I cannot stand to watch more than 5 or 10 minutes of the boring re-runs on t.v. today! With time, it has become too common, maybe too familiar with the "wrongly accused saving the day in the end offering a moral lesson to the viewer" routine. The car chases still rock, but the rest of it is slow and boring. Personally, I have always wanted to see what a modern day re-make of this television classic would look like. I think the boys at Broken Lizard did a very impressive job!!! Every southern hillbilly hick cliché was used in this movie to its maximum potential! Add some classic rock music (AC/DC - wise choice!), good old fashion car scenes, great looking bee-rods (Jessica has NO EQUAL!... WoW!), a simple plot, a boatload of one-liners and some extremely ridiculous comedy and you get The Dukes of Hazzard (2005). Willie Nelson did a great Uncle Jessie. You think a backwoods moon-shining old timer doesn't swear like that? Then possibly, you never did meet one....

Great Job Broken Lizard! Now where is my free mustache ride????
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House of Wax (2005)
House Of Crap
15 May 2005
Other than displaying some creative slayings of a cast that has you hoping they get whacked (*see Paris Hilton's demise), this movie just doesn't cut it. Too many old ideas crammed into one movie. Anybody here eat a cheeseburger with shrimp and radishes on it? If you are normal, I wouldn't think so. What I mean by that is you have elements of a deserted town, a family of freakish killers, the fears of camping alone in the woods, and a history of abuse that is all somehow linked to a strange wax museum. How many different ideas do you need in one movie? How many older horror movie ideas do you need to tie into one flick? How many of the ideas don't seem to work together? How many toppings do you need on a cheeseburger that wouldn't normally go together? You follow? From Wrong Turn to Texas Chainsaw, Friday the 13th to Don't Go In The Woods, The Hills Have Eyes (*lets take a shortcut why don't we!)to Funhouse and let's not forget the original House Of Wax... and THEN toss in any one of "the killer grows up abused as a child" themes and you have House of Wax (2005). Pure garbage.

I don't like my burgers with toppings that don't belong together. I don't like my movies with too many old ideas that don't belong together neither. Don't see it. Rent it, and watch it last.
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28 November 2004
I really don't know what words I can use to describe how bad this movie really is. I like to watch independent horror flicks. Most of them, although done much poorly when compared to big budget films, display a strong "raw" quality that the big pictures can't deliver (Killer Klowns from Outer Space). Many of them also have some cheap imitation humour (Bloody Murder 1 and 2) and can usually jab some witty memorable one liner to be used generously over and over again for everybody at work to hear the next day ("Ah! You will serve me in blood!" from Sorority Girls and the Creature from Hell). All that being said, this movie delivered nothing but a waste of everything involved, except talent that is, as there was none of that to waste.

This movie is a strong MINUS 18 on the ratings scale. I won't vote the IMDb poll on this one as I am afraid that if i do, i think selecting "1" will bring it's value improperly in the UP direction!!!
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Goonies Advanced
24 August 2004
Wow! I was pleasantly surprised when I seen this movie. I heard it succeeded in being funny, but I never thought it would have so many good laughs. Maybe it's because I'm exactly the same age as the characters in the movie and that I enjoyed a similar childhood to the one displayed at the beginning. In saying that, I am sure to be biased in my opinion. The tree fort, playing "ghostbusters" and bmx jumping over creek beds were just a few of the funny memories this movie brought back to me.

The plot is simple. A Goonies-esque trip to find the "lost treasure" reportedly left behind by the infamous D.B. Cooper while overcoming a number of obstacles along the way. The movie is filled with visual easter eggs and many tributes to some of the best pop items and movies of the mid 80's. So many in fact, I am surprised that most have not been added to the "movie connections" as of yet.

I don't want to spoil this movie with any more details. So, my recommendation is that if you are between 28 and 33 and have deeply fond memories of a childhood in the 80's, this is a must see!
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Friday the 13th (1989 Video Game)
Violent, but fun.
9 May 2002
First of all, this was a very hard game to play. You can choose to be one of 6 camp counselors at any given time during the gameplay, each with their own preferential abilities (ie - some can run faster, throw faster, row faster, etc). The object of the game is to "kill" Jason 3 times over the span of 3 days, all while protecting the children (yes, that's right, he will kill them if you don't help them, which is one of the very morbid and disturbing parts of this game) and making sure at least one child stays alive when you kill Jason for the last time in order to win the game. As expected, Jason comes back tougher and tougher each time you kill him. You must use your characters to gain valuable clues in various cabins, collect stronger weapons (you start with a rock), defeat Mrs Voorhees (or her floating head, whichever you prefer) and obtain a few items in the end that will eventually enable you to destroy Jason. Contrary to popular belief among former players of this game, Jason runs a very predictable pattern, depending on the player you start with, and where Jason first attacks. Also, the "strong" items and weapons available in the game can be obtained through repetitive patterns. If anybody has any questions about this game, feel free to email me about it. It's been a long time since I played this game, but it took forever to master, so I will most likely remember any questions anyone may have.
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Straw Bodies and Paper Mache Masks
9 December 1999
What the heck was this garbage? This was the worst stinking movie I have ever seen (Redneck Zombies a very close second). What kind of writer decides that an anthropologist, or whatever he was, is going to go into a cave, come across a paper mache mask glued to the wall of the cavern, and witness the "obvious" Christmas tree lights turn on behind the mask's eyes and hear the infamous words..."AAAahhhhh... you will serve me in blood!" and proceed to turn into the Creature from Hell. I rate this movie a negative 23 on a 0 to 10 scale. Don't waste your money folks... it's better to go out and buy a "tickle me Elmo" doll because, at least, you can punt this baby around your yard and feel good about it!
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Stone Cold (1991)
Pure Linebacker Adrenaline
3 December 1999
The one liners in this movie are fantastic. I can't believe the cutip line. What a great flick. The music and the guitar is really cool too. Kind of GeorgeLynch-y sounding. This movie will psych you up for any sporting event, wrestling, etc. and will put your adrenaline to the max.
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The Abyss (1989)
Incredibly Moving
3 December 1999
This movie pulls your emotions up and down as the story displays an incredible amount of action, adventure, love and wonder involving a complex cast of characters and ideas. The overall message of peace was strong and incredibly fitting for the time the movie was written and released.
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The Standard
3 December 1999
Just like Eddie Van Halen, Wayne Gretzky, Micheal Jordan and Arnold Schwarz, this movie IS THE STANDARD for all romantic comedies about action and swordfighting that all movies in the category before and after will be judged against, and promptly given a back seat. This amazing tale full of one-liners, witt, character and action is entertaining to the end or "to the pain" shall I say. There isn't a movie in the world that has made me laugh, cry, mad, aroused, frightened, happy and all of the other emotions at one time. This movie makes you forget about the hardships and pain of the real world and gives you hope in the betterment of life. "Life is pain.. and anyone that tells you otherwise is selling something." They are trying to sell you something: this amazing film. Buy it today.
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