
4 Reviews
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Like a Sandwich. The middle was the best bit.
8 August 2000
This was a real 'up & down' film. I can't fault the storyline, (mainly because it was based on a true story!) But it doesn't mean I had to like the ending. And I didn't. It was a real anti-climax and I think it could have been dealt with a lot better. The beginning was a bit slow too, but I'm glad I sat through it though, because the middle section (ie the action!) was just phenominal.

The storm effects were great and I was so exhausted watching it, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. A lot of merit is due here but the film as a whole didn't deliver much satisfaction. Action movie lovers will adore this.(But only the middle bit)
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The Big Tease (1999)
Different . . . but there's nothing wrong with that!
7 August 2000
I found this film to be rather unique. It wasn't too 'mockumentary' but it wasn't exactly a beautifully edited screen play either. It took a while to get used to the pace, but then its merits shined through. I love subtle humour, and the thought that went into those adhoc comments and little facial expressions made it extremely funny. (Check out Martin's face when Crawford refuses to talk about his childhood) The storyline and ending maybe predictable, but aren't they all? Definitely worth a giggle. Oh . . .and any movie with a kilt scene can't be wrong now, can it?
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Saving Grace (2000)
What British film making is all about . . .
2 August 2000
Great actors, an oscar nominee actress, stunning scenery, good strong story line and more laughs than you can fit into my new handbag (and thats quite big). This film was brilliant. It was beautifully acted in the more serious scenes and the funny moments were . .well, side splitting. I have never heard a cinema audience laugh so much, and tears were streaming down my cheeks during the 'stoned ladies in the tea shop' scene. Well done to the British film industry and to Craig Ferguson whose magic ingredients have made sure this is one of my favourite films of the year, if not of all time.
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Gladiator (2000)
Best recommended, less described. Just see it!
19 May 2000
I only saw this because I was dragged along. Which wasn't a good start. But I have never been so glad of a good dragging. Not even the ice cream (which was pretty good) could top this film 'experience'.

I was breathless, I was stunned, I couldn't speak, I flinched, I screamed, I bit my thumb off and then I balled my eyes out.

The opening battle scene is so good you think you're watching the end of the film. The storyline was classic, Russell Crowe was fit for the part(in every way!)and 3 hours whizzed by as I watched the most fantastic production I have seen in years.

Its difficult to compare, as its pretty much in its own category amongst modern films. It's not a gore movie, the action is too quick (I didn't see any guts hanging out either). It's not Ben Hur. Its more realistic. It's just one of those films best recommended, less described. Just see it.

Oh and . . . the vast expanse of the scenery and the sheer number of extras (computer generated or not!) mean that this HAS to be seen at the cinema. To put this on a video would be a crime!
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