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3 Body Problem (2024– )
They fixed a little, but not enough
3 May 2024
The book is famously stupid and nonsensical. The show tried to fix a few of the most glarying plot-holes in the first episodes, but seemed to give up by episode 3 and just embrace the full stupidity of the book.

This makes it hard to watch as anybody even moderately science literate. It might be a lot easier for science illiterate, but then again, my girlfriend starting asking me question expecting thatI as a book reader and scientist could answer, and all I could say was: There is no answer, the book and show just really is that dumb. That is why I originally didn't want to watch this show with you.
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Cats - The animated show
2 January 2024
No relations to the Cats musical, but similar to the Cats movie this is based on a broadway smashhit taken out of the form where it works, and trying to add narative to something that had little narative to begin with. The result is a mess. The story is all over the place, with constant excuses for random dancing.

On top of that is slathered a strange and obsetting fake take on Irish culture. It is so fake it hurts to watch, I am just glad I am not an Irish person seeing this insane insult of a tribute to their culture.

I would propose skipping the movie. It has a few nice moments, music and riverdancing. But I am not happy.
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Copy by idiots that didn't understand the originals
23 December 2023
Copies the plot of Seven Samurai, the Magnificent Seven and the Three Amigos, but in a Star Wars universe. It completely misses all the points though. No character, absolutely nobody acts like a human being or with an independent will of their own. There is no thinking no planning. All actions are instead determined by the need to hit TV tropes but without understanding the background or use of said TV tropes. Things just happens because they are meant to happen not because they make sense.

It is an amazingly stupid movie. It could perhaps have been a great comedy if it didn't take itself so serious. Get really drunk and make a drinking game out of it if you want to get enjoyment out of this movie.
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For All Mankind: Red Moon (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
What if: Astronauts were dude-bros.. How the Russians won
27 November 2023
Yeah, just rewrite history and replace the astronauts with irresponsible dude-bros who doesn't know physics, how to fly spaceships, or the science and probability behind their craft. These are Physicists for crying out loud, and here they are replaced with idiots jogs.

I know this is supposed to be alt-fiction, but this is a really weird alternative to make for what I assume is supposed to our protagonists, as we have yet to see things from the Cosmonauts side.

They have one female lead, which is nice, but they establish her as smart by having her out-smart than the one token fat guy. Which is an odd look, but I guess in this dude-bro world fat guys are idiots.

The audio is pretty bad, and the special effects on Earth are terrible and obvious green screens, but the CGI in space is pretty good.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Poorly edited
14 August 2023
Grand story, really interesting plot. The movie is super long but it still feels many points were skipped over. The cinematics are gorgious. The main issue with the movie is bad editing or story telling. Especially in the beginning there are too many storylines at once, that are not properly ordered or put together. They could have used one of the story lines as the framing. And they do that later in the movie with the kangaroo court, but that is mising in the beginning, where we just get random cuts to four or five different timelines, where half of them are in black and white, to make them visually distinct, but often it is the future or the framing that is in black and white,making it rather disjointed.

Add to that the usual incompeting audio editing of dialogs, that is essentially Nolans calling card by now.
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La La Land (2016)
Okay, but not great
31 December 2022
A story about two horrible people falling in love with eachother but in the end mostly themselves.

But of course being two selfish people in a relationship isn't easy, which is what then drives the story.

The format is a refreshing return to musicals which is much appreciated, but none of the songs are memorable, so it is mostly just for people loving the old musical format.

The acting is good, direction excellent. The only thing really dragging the story down is how a) unrelatable the main characters are, and b) how bad people they are. If find doing one of the other would have worked better.
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Blonde (2022)
A hot mess
14 October 2022
Despite the 3 hour runtime, the movie is honestly too short. The story is incredibly disjointed, especially towards the end. They should have cut things and told a better story, or made it a miniseries, because this is barely a coherent story. If you do not come in with a great deal of knowledge about Norma Jeans life you will have no idea what is going in during most of the movie. Which is a shame, because it has important emotional moments, which are ruined by randomly jumbing forwards in time to new wellknown events in her life without showing the transition of consequences of the last set piece.
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The Sandman: The Sound of Her Wings (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Filler episode
11 August 2022
Just faffing about. Nothing happening except twice breaking already established canon.

Still no new plot established. Though we get hints of a plot by the end.
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The Sandman: 24/7 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
A dud
7 August 2022
After several good moments episodes this is the first did exploring what the all powerful but mentally a child character would do. It just tells out about other irrelevant characters (who are all randomly queer) and that the seamingly child like person has a child like perception of the world which was entirely unnecessary to tell us.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Good story marred by finale nonnsense
31 July 2022
A story where the real beast were the humans all along is a classic, unfortunately this is marred by lack of any reason for much of what happens or how the war started. What would the monarchy gain by a war that made trade more dangerious, and why would intelligent beasts attack civilian ships not hunting them. And why did one of the beasts on the island attack our protagonists. The whole thing falls apart with Disney Black and White nonsense.

Besides that, most of the movie is fine, and well animated.
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The Owl House: Labyrinth Runners (2022)
Season 2, Episode 18
Wow, this wasnt even coherent.
24 July 2022
An entire episode of random things happening. Nonsense upon nonsense, that leads to nonsense.. What happened to this series? It feels like the writer had a stroke when they wrote this, but why did they still animate it?
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Stranger Things: Chapter Seven: The Bite (2019)
Season 3, Episode 7
So much nonsense to skip
24 July 2022
This was so dumb. So much skippable non-content. People behaving like idiots to add a few minutes pointless action. At least there was a bit of pseudo/character development in the end.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Real 8/10 show
18 July 2022
This is fun great show that could easily get 8/10 if it wasn't for the cliffhangers in every episode. Makes for easy binging but binging is the worst way to consume TV series. So -1 point.
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Farzar (2022)
Edgelord nonsense
16 July 2022
So this wants to be a combo of Rick and Morty and Futurama, and while it might have the worst elements of both plus the comedy timing of Disenchanments. It is just revels in bad humor, edginess for the sake of edginess (and not to push any meaningful boundaries), and overall just seems like it was written by a 13 year old.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
And they went full stupid
1 June 2022
Characters teleporting around, people acting inconsistent in scenes seconds apart, and just doing whatever it takes to get to the set pieces the screenwriters want, no matter if it makes any sense or not.
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Disney Bojack Horseman
21 May 2022
Instead of a reboot it takes place in a universe where the main characters used to be big in the 90s. Sound familiar?

Anyway it is good, and great seeing Disney make fun of their own properties.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 14: The Tragedy (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Storm trooper clown car
9 April 2022
That is what this episode adds to the story. Now the 'not' empire possess the technology of Storm Trooper Clown cars.

Just couldn't have more ships or the heroes killing less absurd number of enemies so they had to add clown cars.. to Star Wars.
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Funny nonsense
3 April 2022
If you are a nerdy gen x'er you will get much more out of this movie than others as much of satire depends on references for that demographic and age group. Other people can still enjoy it as insane so bad it is good, if they are into that. If you are not, you will hate it.
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An ugly bore
14 January 2022
It is astonishing how low the Matrix has sunk. This movie tries to escape its reality with some meta humour but it fails. The movie is just bad. And not only is the story terrible, even the special effects are terrible. Every single fight sequence feels like it has been composited in 10 fps, as it has no motion blur. Every one single action scene is a slide show.
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The Witcher: Family (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
This is where the fanfic trash comes through
31 December 2021
All the changes, the all culiminate here in this episode as a giant pile of trash. Starting with typical Game of Thrones season 8 teleports were people suddenly appears weeks away from where they were without magic. And ending with complete nonsense that neither makes sense here nor compared to the established lore.
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Cowboy Bebop: Supernova Symphony (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
At least consistent
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Damn hard to watch. Just glad the psycho ex remained a psycho, it was looking like they would redeem her instead.

Has potential for a sequel. Just for the love of everything get rid of vicious. He was obnoxious onscreen and never had Chemistry with Spike or Julia.
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Cowboy Bebop: Blue Crow Waltz (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
First complete miss
28 November 2021
From an otherwise good series this is the first episode that is complete garbage.

It is all a flashback, back to things that never made much sense in the first place and just gets dumber by going into details.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Basically unwatchable
19 November 2021
The main characters are all unlikable, in the extreme. And all the acting is terrible, and voice acting in translation somehow even worse.

I have no idea how this became a success.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
Season 3 is just random noise
23 October 2021
They seem to have run out of plot, and the series is just random things happening for no reason.

Season 1 was okay, but it was running a bit out of energy in the end, and that continued through season 2 until we got to the disgrace that is season 3.
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Continues the downward trend
9 September 2021
As with the Wizards series. Thus show has reached trash levels, and this is even worse. Don't consider it a continuation of Trollhunter or 3 below. This is a Wizards spin off and a.bad one.
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