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Not totally lame.
3 April 2024
I like the Benedict Cumberbatch style of acting which by itself appears to be unable to carry a story alone. At least the producers seem to think it with a cumbersome subplot that wasn't strong enough to lead but so weak it caused a drain from the marquee.

On the plus side being a fan of Ray Harryhausen as a child I have enjoyed the advances since then to the amazing CGI we have today. This movie has excellent visuals, and it's better the second time around finding details I missed that answered questions.

It's easy to just lay back and enjoy a visual ride worthy of Ken Kesey through universes I've been reading about since the 50s.

It's not a classic but I think it will age well.
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NCIS: Dead Man Walking (2007)
Season 4, Episode 16
My favorite episode
21 February 2022
It shows that the badass Ziva is the complete package. There's so many that come to mind when remembering episodes but this one always is my favorite.
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Not the best but still worth watching
17 November 2021
No it's not a polished Hollywood movie with lots of money and famous faces but it is entertaining and worth your time...if there's nothing better to do.

Update: I'm glad I ignored the negative reviews because it got better as I watched, take the time and judge for yourself.
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Give it time
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To start, I like the show and didn't expect to. The Utopian is the big dog good guy with old fashioned values and extremely distracting hair which makes him look more homeless than heroic, in civilian clothes he looks like a bum that needs a comb.

Lots of good questions to be answered, the biggest being why is Utopian so down on everyone if they don't align their every action to "the code" even after his son basically saved their lives by killing the bad guy. The guy is frustrating and clueless, I hope to get answers before the end of the season but still a good show that's worth watching.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Great show but no season 4?
14 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Love the program and cast. It's tongue in cheek and never takes itself too seriously so I looked forward to new episodes every week but after waiting so long for season three I'll have to rewatch to catch up. I just read an article that Hulu already cancelled season 4 which makes me wonder why Hulu wanted it in the first place but who not, maybe Disney will buy it too and we'll finally get new episodes.
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Killjoys (2015–2019)
Stick with it, it grows on you
14 January 2021
The first few episodes were typical Syfy fare, B grade writers and actors I've seen in other Syfy series (Warehouse 13, Eureka) but like they grew on me so did this. No it's not top level stuff but it's fun, and a good diversion from the standard crap on the networks. The later seasons got stuck in an odd story line but by the end of the series I was sorry it was over.
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Marlon (2017–2018)
Over the top, but funny!
6 September 2017
Yeah he pans for the camera. Yeah he over acts. Yeah he's working hard and it works for me, I can always count on several laugh out loud annoying my wife moments and I love this show! You really need to ignore the naysayers and decide for yourself because if you liked John Ritters "in your face" kind of comedy you might just like this.
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Roadies (2016)
Worth watching
21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's not perfect, it's probably not realistic either but it is a program I'd continue watching. Now I will never know how Bill and Shelley turned out, did Reg find Pistachio, and did the band break up? There are so many crappy shows that get renewed so why didn't this one get the time to find the audience it needed? They blew it big time when they cancelled this one.
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Big Fish (2003)
A masterful story
6 September 2010
I didn't think I would like this, a friend of my son recommended it and I was pretty sure our tastes were totally different. I was wrong.

I rented this movie on a cold, snowy, winter weekend when no other major releases had come out and had seen all the new movies that looked interesting. I watched it twice before I took it back two days later and asked the clerk at the movie store if it was for sale, it was. I don't buy many DVDs but this one is a keeper, a great story, interesting characters, good plot and subplot, in other words a great movie made for movie lovers but everyone in the family will enjoy. If you have to wait for a snowy day to watch it, fine. Just make sure you watch it.
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The Glades (2010–2013)
Try it, you might like it.
9 August 2010
I work afternoons and like to watch a little TV when I get off work and after midnight it's usually pretty bleak so I DVR shows that look interesting to me, "The Glades" is one of them.

No, this isn't classic anything but it is pleasant and non offensive to watch. The cast is interesting, the subplots keep building and except for the weekly murder victim, has a minimum of violence, sex and drugs. No, your life won't change from watching it, the world won't stop turning if you miss an episode, but you won't feel like you wasted an hour if you watch it.

Oh yeah, the actual Everglades aren't vital to the stories, but Miami, New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, or Honolulu weren't either in the popular cop shows that had those cities in their names.
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Lonesome Dove (1989)
On a cold winter day the best thing to watch.
30 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Once upon a time I bought my first western novel, "Lonesome Dove" and I only bought it because I was desperate for something to read (I usually read Science Fiction) at my overnight shift in a large luxury hotel. I started it that night and didn't put it down until I read the last page. The writing put pictures in my mind, I could SEE what Mr. McMurtry was writing about, I could feel what the characters were experiencing. It was great.

When the mini series came out it kept me rapt from the opening sequence.

My wife however didn't sit for the first segment, just asked a few questions and moved on. But when part two started she was seated and ready with a bowl of popcorn, as enthralled with the story as I was, and when Robert Duvals' character Gus dies, she (and I) had tears in our eyes. We had been captured by the superb acting and beautiful story unfolding on the TV.

I bought the VHS and the DVD of this, and on the occasion that we get snowed in, we have had friends over and converted new fans to this western story that is so much more than just a western.

This mini series has something for everyone and should not be missed by anyone that loves storytelling at its finest.
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Eureka (2006–2012)
I never miss it.
17 June 2010
When I first read of this new series it immediately caught my attention as another of my what my wife calls "geek shows." It is intelligent, well written, and the players seem to always stay where their character takes them (this isn't always the case) As scheduling always has the show on when I'm at work, I have always DVR'd it and watched when I got home. I never miss an episode and while last year seemed a bit weaker in the writing (Carter is too heavily depended on, there are several strong characters) and I will always miss the Stark character, I will watch again when the season starts and enjoy my "geek show." After getting hooked on this and another SyFy entry "Warehouse 13" I almost forgive the brain-dead brainiacs that decided to change the name not "SyFy" Don't miss either of these wonderful programs.
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Hell Ride (2008)
It grows on you, so does a fungus........
29 March 2010
The first time I didn't even finish watching it. Then I saw it on the schedule so I tried again and almost finished it this time, to finish I had to try a third and fourth time. I had to learn to not take it as seriously as the actors in it were, I should have known better when I saw "the Gent," really, a biker with his colors on a tux? It isn't the movie is bad, it should just be taken like "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" or "The Toxic Avenger" because it goes waaaaay beyond bad to funny and campy.......if you can finish it. I'm sure all the real bikers will make this required watching at all get togethers, loads of skin and attitude to make it properly one percenter material but for the rest of the world it's just high camp with naked women!
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The Pacific (2010)
Outstanding television
29 March 2010
I spent 9 years in the Navy on submarines in the 70s, and while I'll never compare my service to the war in the pacific I understand the stress you feel, the agony of coming back into the world and seeing no one knows what it's like. I know the bonds formed with the people surrounding you, they know how you feel because they were there too. Spending week after week isolated from the world does something to you, and changes you forever, some never recover from it. The only thing I don't like about this show is having to wait a week for the next episode, exciting, emotional, honest, and without exception this is the best show I've seen in years.
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