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It's A Mad World
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I probably should remind a few of you here that Charlize Theron DID kill her Dad to save her Mom from domestic abuse. I would say, she is Furiosa incarnate.

Yes, that happened. And that makes her one of the baddest of the bads.

Anya-Taylor Joy is too scrawny for the wasteland. But does a solid job in glowering in every frame.

A lot of this had hints to previous Mad Max flicks. For which I found much more fun than "Fury Road" In fact, "Fury Road" bored me to tears. It took me some time to realize that that was about women being the precious resource. All these Mad Max installments are about resources. Here you have three. Fuel, Food & Guns (or bullets to be precise). There is a trade going on between them. Until Dementus (played wonderfully by Chris Hemsworth) decides he wants it all.

Now, my biggest gripe of the post-Mel Gibson Mad Maxes (okay, there's only one)) is that there isn't much to do in the Wasteland. Here, we see the people a bit more. Especially the land where Furiosa comes from "The Green Place". Which is dubbed "The Land Of Abundance" by the dumb mauraders.

Regardless, the stunts here are wild, as always. There's that moment on the truck rig where young Furiosa starts to gain knowledge of all her skills. Though life is quickly extinguished, she powers forward to get the job done. They do shoe-horn a sub-adventure that has nothing to do with Dementus. But, damn is it fun.

Also, I like how director George Miller explores more of what makes the new society so ugly. Cannibalism, child brides, mutated brains. The gore is on full display. Keep in mind the world has gone...well...mad. Survival is the key. In previous Mad Max films, you do see implements of all of it. Smart writing when you can implement fruit into this world when last we saw it being used for leverage was in "Beyond Thunderdome" Which they also do a tiny nod to it here.

For the fans of pre-Fury Road, I really dig this one. It's really a little bit of fan-service for those of us who loved the original trilogy.

Too bad this didn't make the money it needed to for another installment. George is too old to make one more. And, maybe if it's a hobby of his to do so, will revisit. I do have to say, it's nice that ONE director is responsible for the series. It adds a nice cohesion to the tone of the flicks.
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Sheen Is Never Believable As Biker
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As "Bikeriders" is about to come out, it's probably a good time to get acquainted with scumbag bikers and outlaw morals.

This would be a great compendium to "Stone Cold" and "Rush" (not the stupid Ron Howard movie, the one with Jason Patric)).

But this would be the last flick before people start to fall asleep.

Apparently this is based on the true story of Dan Saxon, a townie cop turned FBI undercover motorcycle gang narc.

Charlie Sheen plays Saxon. And, to be honest, he is so out of his league. He lacks the darkness that is more given to someone not as pretty as he is. In fact, the movie makes light of his nice face a few times. Not only is he babyfaced, but when he speaks, it sounds really phony. And surely the likes of head bike boss Michael Madsen would've ended up quickly. Sheen would never convince anyone he ever he is a greaseball.

Director Larry Ferguson has a pretty impressive pedigree as a writer "Hunt For Red October" "Highlander" and "The Presidio" to name a few. But here...I can see what he was attempting to do. At some points you can see his artistic integrity come through. He adds a Native American spiritual spin. The likes of which you could add "Thunderheart" to the undercover cop mix.

But those movies mentioned above are far more elevated than this one that feels made straight to video or late night Skin-a-max

The bright spot, and also baffling is Linda Fiorentino as a photographer. She seems lost in terms of documenting biker life. And then, more or less disappearing. She is onboard mostly to show her boobs and have vulnerability. But the rhythm of this movie is so disjointed. She hangs at the bar shooting pool when sure any other bar would've had greaseballs macking on her. They play her as a tough woman but we find out she is also a mother. It's that type of writing that makes it hard to like.

Madsen is also suppose to be really hard ass in it. For an hour and a half, all he does is tell us how badass he is. It doesn't play. I never felt the fear or anxiety with being around him. They put the scene where he does irrationally murder someone in the wrong place. This would've added a heightened fear. And Sheen never plays the character as he's all that afraid. Which he's suppose to act like he's not. I get it.

There also seems to be a buggy thought in your head. Madsen's character pays off the townie sheriff for bad townie behavior. Are we saying he's that corrupt. The smart writing would've had you had Madsen ask his corrupt stooge sheriff do research for him. As in "who's this new biker from Cleveland, Ohio?" The the audience has that fear for Sheen's character.

But, it's fun to watch stupid 90s biker movies. It's not too stupid where you hate the people who made it.
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Men at Work (1990)
Even As A Gen X'er, This Is Horrid
20 May 2024
Much like what most people who rated this a 1, it was an offer on Amazon to watch as part of the prime membership. I recall my generation thought this to be one of the quintessential low-key funny movies of that era. It is not. It is horrible and anyone who liked it then probably fried their brains on acid. As I recall, the 90's were a re-tread of late 60's early 70s.

This movie is a blah mess. A mess is funny, this lacked any nuance of comedy. As was never Emilio Estevez's wheelhouse anyway. Charlie Sheen seems to already be in sitcom mode. Mugging painfully to illicit a laugh. Not but a year ago, he was the funniest thing in "Major League" here, he is exhausting. They're suppose to be dumb slackers. They don't play it right. They just aren't the type of actors the role required.

This movie is absolute garbage.

Full disclosure, I couldn't finish it. In honor of Keith David's dignity.

Horrible waste of space flick.
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Biloxi Blues (1988)
A Drab Bland Play
18 May 2024
I think Neil Simon is a bit dated. Anchored with the typical New York Jewish fella's humor, I'm sure this played better as a play. In this Matthew Broderick plays a young Jewish G. I. who endures the southern boot camp a few weeks before he is to be shipped out. These are the memoire that will be included in the meta take on this movie itself.

Touted as a comedy, this lacks all things funny. There are no offbeat moments that don't seem forced. I think this is because director Mike Nichols has that thing where he thinks he's more clever than he is.

This movie is middle of the road plain. He can't even do anti-semitism correctly. In fact, the way he directs the actor who plays Epstein to have verbal affectations, you, as the audience almost wishes he were bullied more. Bad direction there.

So maybe Nichols isn't a comedic director. "Catch-22" isn't funny in the least. It's uncomfortable. Made worse that he thinks he's being funny. A failed attempt at absurd dark humor. Maybe it's the way he stages shots. It just doesn't work.

"Working Girl" is suppose to be a comedy, but he gives Joan Cusack the same "hey, this is a funny line" mug line the same he gives to everyone in this flick. This movie is way too obvious yet sort of meandering. There is no real story here. Only moments of bootcamp. At times you want it to really soar with drama and feeling. But, again marred by the words of Neil Simon or the poor direction of Nichols. There was so much to mine here. And, while it's great to not depict the Polish Americans in this movie as raging racists (I'm sure this was based on real people) it still makes for bland cinema.

Not sure how Neil Simon got so big. I think "The Goodbye Girl" was a solid Neil Simon flick...this one...not so much.

I guess I hate Mike Nichols movies.
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You Know Why John Carpenter Is A Filmmaker
17 May 2024
Admittedly a remake of "Rio Bravo" this movie is an excellent compendium to an old fashioned western.

Austin Stoker plays a cop who is tasked to supervise an old police precinct that is about to move. Meanwhile, a mass killer is on his way to death row. They make an unexpected stop and have to work together to stave off a local gang who has marked them for death. The gang is reaping revenge for the murder of of one of their own by a man whose daughter was murdered by one of these thugs.

The low key cheap and raw feel is on display here but is highly effective.

The gang members are depicted as faceless animals. Which adds to the dread. They cannot be stopped or reasoned with. What other movie can you think of where there are humans involved and not one exchange of words. Just menace.

It was no wonder that a few years later Carpenter would helm "Halloween"

A wonderful short burst of a film that is absolutely rewatchable. A classic.

I wish Carpenter would feel more closeness to projects like these. And be more efficient in making something like this. He much too old now. And much more cynical.
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Challengers (2024)
Films Aren't Made Like This Anymore
17 May 2024
About 20 minutes into this flick my mind wandered into why movies like this aren't made anymore. There are no people in spandex throwing each other through concrete. Nor are there murders or violence or gore. Just a simple story of a love triangle in the world of high stakes tennis.

Though I tend to hate the sport since my own teenage years were cut short of playing competitively, this gem by director Luca Guardino rocks the drama well.

Though it tends to sometimes stink of fluid sexuality, it doesn't become crass. The boys who grew up together play together. And for those squeamish about male full frontal nudity, it's on display, in somewhat casual sense. Had to have that in there eh, Luca?

That aside, the volley of girl who likes two guys thing wasn't done in a way where it nauseates. There are moments when Zendaya's aggressive nature could be a big turn off, she really rides the fence perfectly of a girl becoming woman made sense. If you know female tennis players and their competitive nature, this feels so natural. They all also seem to play well. It teeters on some believability. As one of the characters seems too John McEnroe/Andy Roddrick in the new modern era of tennis. But, like most of Luca's films, this feels a bit out of time (with the occasional synth pulse that puts it in 80s's not 80's).

The style is great, the camera work by Sayombhu Mukdeeprom is stellar.

All around solid watch on the big screen. Watch for it on Amazon.
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A Weak Film
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It was the 90's where everything had to look like a music video. This is no different. However, this was in the hands of a middle aged dude who just was attempting to remain youthful and comes off as Dad trying to make a movie. Every music video trick is on full display here. Dated flash frames, montage with music and so forth. This extends the movie to a perplexing near 2 hours slog.

Director Kevin Reynolds, whose previous producing efforts on "Dances With Wolves" proves not everyone should be in the director's chair.

The story is of a teacher Trevor Garfield (Samuel L. Jackson) who gets stabbed by a student in an inner city NYC school. So months later he goes to the next inner city school to get more of the same. Does that make sense? No.

Well, hold on.

He attempts to educate gangbangers in "The Valley" of Los Angeles. We know it's a tough school by the high contrast brown orange hue cinematographer Ericson Core throws on it ala OG "Fast & Furious". The look of this flick is so generically 90's. It's painful to go through these moments.

So he gathers the ire of the local thug gangbanger, Benny and his mini-gang (one being a very young Clifton Collins Jr. Not to be confused with Cliff Curtis) Slowly, the pot boils (or was suppose to). And then students start to disappear.

A solid premise though the movie has no idea where it wants to go. It wants to paint Jackson's character as an education focused teacher, in reality. But again, our expectation of this movie is that he gets at least, a little angry. He sulks throughout. Which is extremely frustrating to watch. He is mostly inactive. Except for things he does off-screen. That doesn't do much for the viewer.

He also takes on a love interest in the form of a computer science teacher, Ellen Henry (Kelly Rowan), who inexplicably takes a liking to him. No reason given really. Only that he seems like he can protect her from danger.

I think Reynolds was attempting to make us feel as frustrated about the system as Jackson was. But it doesn't compute.

There's a baffling moment when Ellen's dog is murdered and she grouses how Benny is threatening her life and her family and when he goes missing and Trevor admits he was involved, she is incensed by it. Why?! His death improved the community. Which is why this movie will be confusing to some of you. The set-up wants to be raw and real but the resolution isn't very Hollywood.

I can see when the director suddenly didn't know what movie it was suppose to be.

The tone of the movie never gets past slow simmer.

It's a slog to watch.

One of the saddest Sam Jackson movie he's ever been in.
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A Slog Of A Film
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie poster is illicit in that it features the piercing eyes of the nubile Elizabeth McGovern. What follows is a paint-by-numbers potboiler anchored by the perplexingly glib smug mug of...Steve Guttenberg?

Look, I want every actor to get out of his wheelhouse, but this is proof not everyone can do everything.

Steve is an every man, sure, but in this case, his every man ignores a few emotional beats. After his lover is murdered, the next scene is him going to McGovern's place and they have sex. Yep. Like nothing ever happened. These emotional beats are due to a poor script and a very poor decision by Curtis Hanson. This scene didn't need to be there. They could've survived without. These are the dumb things that derail the plausibility of the film. Also, the serial killer thing.

Though ahead of its time, there is no sense of dread or fear. After the assault, McGovern goes about her life as if it was just a simple thing. There is a brief moment where we hear that she hasn't been sleeping due to the trauma. This piece of dialogue is in the wrong place.

Things like this frustrate you to no end.

Re-casting...Steve Guttenberg...go with James Spader. I mean, (directot) Curtis Hanson works with him a few years later on "Bad Influence" Spader would seem more at home with this material.
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The Homesman (2014)
Needs A Better Director And Book
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In better hands this wouldn't be the drudgery that it is.

The story starts out VERY strong.

A lonely frontier woman needs to get three mentally ill women to a church for treatment along the way, she picks up a scalawag claim jumper who helps her journey. Sounds great, right?

Okay, the thing that Tommy Lee Jones doesn't understand is that the premise has it where his redemption isn't that he follows through with his promise, it's that he sacrifices himself as his entire being is that he is a selfish cur. That would've elevated this movie into a classic rather then the sad depressing never give a person a break.

I think that he was battling the case of being real and raw and going with a mythical tale. To me, frontier movies are more about the grander romanticized world. Perhaps he was also going so deep into the character of Briggs that he lost sight that it had to have an uplifting ending. Or maybe he was just following the book to a tee.

Any way -- There is a moment when he burns down a hotel because he was slighted. The easier solution was just to take the food.

Maybe I'm blaming the wrong thing. It is the source material and not the maker.
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Dr. Zeus Dr. Zeus Rock Me Dr. Zeus
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Can Hollywood ever get past the "humans suck" mentality?

Here Noa is a elevated chimp who is just trying to live his best lives with his pals. His world is invaded by some outside ape force (think "Conan The Barbarian") and he sets on the journey to find his tribe which was ape-napped(?).

A solid premise that reminds me of "The Searchers" as well. He comes across a human Mae, who they befriend each other, as only human and ape can (did I mention this is about 200 years after the Battle of Apes flick). Apparently, in this world humans are feral idiots (suppose that's us now). Especially online.

So they trek to find a king Ape (I know I'm saying "ape" a lot, as I am terrible at identifying the specific primate). Okay, so this community, I guess, is imprisoned to serve this King Ape who is being taught hierarchy or Roman history by a scholar of some kind. This is Proximus. Who takes on the teachings of Caesar (remember the previous ape movies, because I don't). This community worships this King. So they're also trying to get this massive door opened (think "Fallout") which is actually a vault shelter that once housed humans during a nuclear problem. Or, in this case, apes going nutty. Incidentally, I side with Proximus. All he wants to do is to learn things the humans did. Granted, only to subjugate his people. But at least he takes initiative.

Well, mysteries aside, a pretty decent start to kick the franchise back into gear. The CG is incredible. I mean...insanely good. And if this is the future, it is convincing. It's painstakingly seamless.

Story wise...meh. It still feel lackluster in pace. 2 hours and 40 minutes feels a little too indulgent for a movie about cuddly simians. That's another thing...why make them looks so cuddly? I guess they are. Fraya Allen's Mae is solid too. If you're looking for sentimentality between her and Noa. Forget it. Mae is a tough cookie. But quite understandable. After all, monkeys started controlling stuff her species made. And also, they have the ability to eradicate them. And, in this case, perhaps the kindness is not doing so.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Bafflingly Bad
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There is absolutely no reason for this movie to be THIS bad. They didn't even have to follow a template from the 80s show!

At every turn when things could be fun, it isn't. The jokes are flat...if you can call them that. And everyone seems bored. Or not invested. The lines land flat with a thud. The whole experience feels like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. And the logic is non-existent.

For instance, the item in need is a cellphone that shows a crime. Do these braindead people understand the concept of a cloud? Why must this phone be a thing. MacGuffin as it may be, you spend a great deal of time wrapping your brain around the idiocy of everyone involved.

Okay, call it a paycheck or to keep their entertainment health insurance, this is mainly as a love letter to stunt people. A pitch to have them in the Oscars next year. Truth be told, this most likely put a nail in any push for a stuntman Oscar (which I've pitched since the late 90s).

I love the original show. It was campy, silly BUT Lee Majors just has something Ryan Gosling is missing. Yes, he has the muscles but Majors wasn't jacked. He was a working man with a half grin. Gosling plays him like a stoner loser.

Can ANYONE explain to me why he had to leave after his back accident?

Also, that comes and goes too.

There's no coherence to any of it. Emily Blunt looks lost. She could've easily been a character who wants to make arthouse flicks but is stuck making dumb action movies. Get the character of Chloe Zhao. She failed in a big actioner after "Nomadland." As it is, she doesn't have the body type nor the disposition of a camera operator turned director. I laugh even typing this.

The meta jokes are really stale.

I truly wanted to love this movie. It is an absolute disaster of a movie.
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Absolutely Blown Away
1 May 2024
Have you ever watched a documentary and just wanted to ask the questions yourself? Whomever put this one together got into the mind of 12 year old me and asked every question and found every person you wanted to hear from. EVERYONE, is in this. From the bittiest of roles to the top Peter Weller (who comes off as a madman). This is the ultimate documentary on the making of a iconic film. I loved every minute.

I found myself asking about little details about the flick. In 1987, I felt like a scumbag for liking this movie so much. Because, it isn't what you would call an American flick. It has dark humor and ultra-violence. Something addressed in the movie. Weller was correct when he said you needed a European sensibility with mental illness to make this the film that it is.

A brutal look at a society that allows corporations to guide behavior. And it is ugly.

But at the same time sleek and modern. But it comes with a price.

This movie doesn't not feel like from the 1980s.

This documentary is quintessential to anyone who wants to make a movie or...loves this movie.

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Abigail (2024)
"Tales From The Crypt" Presents
29 April 2024
It's not that "Abigail" is a bad movie. And, quite honestly, a nice time waster. But if you're going to do a stylish mansion full of people who are don't know what's about to hit them, you may not want to reveal the secrets in the trailer.

That said, I found my mind drifting off to better versions of this tale. Aside from the classic Agatha Christie mysteries, I say "Demon Knight" and "13 Ghosts" seem to have more fun. This is NOT a horror film. Though vampire lore is within it, and hint at moments of horror, this plays more like a action thriller. And we know, of course, there will be a final girl.

And, if you take the time to consider the logistics, it will leave you with more questions about the entire set up. And that's never good.

Also, characters obviously never disappear. There's a moment when you will ask "where did THAT come from?" A hint that things may have been shifted around during post production.

Alisha Weir plays the titular character fairly well. A sort of Kirsten Dunst "Interview With A Vampire" old soul in a little body. The rest seem to be phoning it in. Most painful is Angus Cloud, the dude who actually died before the movie was even released. Kind of sick of seeing stoners played for laughs. Not because I am a stoner, because only people who find stoners funny are other stoners. It felt like his casting was more to his online popularity then script needs.

Give the movie some thoughts and you will start to reason out the lack of real fun.
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22 April 2024
I'm sure Henry Cavil is a remarkably nice guy, however, he tends to take on roles that make him seem so...bland. Even in the "Mission Impossible: Fallout" installment he did, he just seemed to be a weary traveler. While he has the dashing movie star looks, he lacks the charisma that stands out. He and Alan Ritchon poses, as they should. But, they seemed exhausted.

In this case, for a person who is in charge of a band of un-merry men (and one woman) how is it that he got the least to do. He isn't glib, as you would expect from the premise, nor is he that sharp. It's just one long draining journey.

And yes, director Guy Ritchie is saddled with the reality of the story. But why not have a LOT of fun with it. This didn't seem fun at all. It seemed paint by numbers. Everything that had to happen...happens. The violence isn't that violent. The casual traipse through enemy territory gave me zero anxiety when it comes to how our heroes will turn out. It was just...bland.

And then it just ends.

Not a recommend.
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Sleepy Hollow Mood
19 April 2024
I suppose all shows need to do a Halloween Special. Here Dorian (Thom Bray) swindles Jess Fletcher (Angela Landsbury) to come out to a private school where Dorian teaches poetry so she can pretend to be his mother. He is in love with the school's owner's daughter and has to come off as more of a polished legacy instead of his real history of being an orphan.

There is a town bully named Nate played by "Brady Bunch" famed Barry Williams. He's more corny than evil. But he also seems to be a womanizer.

He lives to torment Dorian (and the town) until one day they have a fight, and the next morning Nate ends up being beheaded.

What is genius about this particular episode is the blend between grim and humorous. While it's pretty clear a beheaded victim would come off, in this hoity toity town as a five alarm fire, some of this is played for slight chuckles. For instance a stablehand who walks with a scythe as he recollects moments of disgust for the people he works for. It's not laugh out loud funny, but some times played for a side-eyed smile.

Barry is the weakest part of this one. He seems to be phoning it in. Not committed to the bully role. Perhaps overdoing it.

The town dentist, Doc Walker (Charles Siebert) is phenomenal as is the always dependable Hope Lang as a mysterious stable mistress.

Give time, if this were to be extended as a feature, it would absolutely work.

The resolution is dark but honest. It's heartbreaking as much as it is emotionally painful. It somehow took a turn towards a lighter buoyant series into a more tragic one. Save for the tacked on epilogue which tries to make it fun again.

Excellent episode, even after a few stumbles. Look out for, what amounts to a cameo, from the lovely Judy Landers as Bobbie. Her Marilyn Monroe breathy speak is always a hoot.
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Fallout (2024– )
Does Not Disappoint
11 April 2024
I am a massive fan of the game. And have gone through New Vegas more times than I should admit. But, the embodiment and spirit is alive and well through the eyes of Lucy McLean (Ella Purnell) a vault dweller who hasn't had to experience real adversity in life.

If you've seen "Blast From The Past" (1999) a lot of this will be familiar. Though not as dark, it took the simple sweet naive character of Brendan Fraser and put him in real world Los Angeles. Same here. Except MUCH darker.

The humor is dark as well. What director Jonathan Nolan did so well is to incorporate a sense of futility in the lives, similar to game play.

The lighting and camera work are spot on to the game. You can tell they REALLY studied it. A lot of places, if you've played the game, will seem very familiar. But also, it's just different enough where you don't roll your eyes thinking it's all fan service. He integrates small things like Cram and Nuka Cola with such ease, it's almost like the meme where Leo DiCaprio keeps pointing at the screen to get your attention.

The eye popping primary colors of the 50's/60's era is in full swing. If you can't tell the difference between film and digital, this puts your eyes to ease. Clearly this was a film shot movie. Glossy in texture, they lean into the fringe edges.

Not that any viewer would intellectually care, but you really feel the Wasteland.

Again, if you played the game, you know how many worlds they can explore here.' Actress Ella Purnell plays the wide-eyed vault child perfectly. She's sweet and wholesome in a newly brutal world. Similar to Sandra Bullock's portrayal of Leona Huxley in "Demolition Man" Though not necessarily excited for a bygone era.

The characters she encounters only beefs up the idea of how over her head she's gotten herself into.

The setup does feel a little rush. It begins with just absolute brutality. Yes, this is introduced. But, it really plays like the game. Where violence is dismissed quickly. If you haven't played, it's going to be a little off-putting. But it does make sense. It took me off guard for a moment. The idea is to get that open world feel and this series does it perfectly.

This is one of the video game series I am absolutely excited to see continue. There is SO much to mine and I'm ready for it.

Well done all!
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Joe (1970)
I'm With Joe On This One
8 April 2024
For the most part, "Joe" is an ugly answer to even 2024 world we live in. How history repeats itself.

The story is of a wealthy man, Bill, who has a junkie daughter who lives with a scumbag boyfriend. He ends up murdering the guy and disappears into a bar where he comes across a loudmouth racist named Joe. In a drunken stupor, Bill ends up spilling the beans about the murder. Instead of blackmailing the man, Joe ends up befriending him. As murdering an unrepentant junkie seems to improve the world.

The daughter (played by Susan Sarandon in her debut) is lost in the world of communes and hippie-dom. She escapes from the hospital, and so the rich dude and Joe go searching for her.

They go down a rabbit hole of the 60's culture.

The film is uncomfortably funny. What Joe says isn't unlike what Middle America is STILL thinking. Director John Avildsen handles the interactions with such raw reality, I can see a 1970's crowd really booing whenever Joe shows up.

Peter Boyle is absolutely amazing as Joe. It's no wonder Scorsese hires him later for "Taxi Driver". His portrayal of Joe is thuggish, brutish, yet sometimes is offbeat funny. Having grown up in Ohio, there are many many Joes. On the surface they spew vitriol to the world. Having never experience the world. When Joe and Wealthy Dude go into the Village in NYC, that's when it gets really funny. Archie Bunker style Though this isn't a comedy, it elicits laughs.

John Avildsen's early flicks are pretty remarkable. He really hits the nail later on with "Rocky" and "Karate Kid" His cinematic sensibility is pretty solid here.

Also worth mentioning is Audrey Caire who plays Bill's wife. She is socially aware of the economic differences of her family and Joe's YET, having a junkie daughter sort of puts them on the same playing field.

Dennis Patrick's Bill is entirely believable as a rigid executive. He isn't the country club snob but curious about the world. He plays along with the dirty hippies. Isn't patronizing. He isn't George C. Scott's "Hardcore" As rough as this film is, it's telling that it still will speak to modern America.
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Horrible and Dumb
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, Ima play teacher here, who copied whose homework?? This is "Immaculate 2.0" Down to even stabbing a priest in the neck.

Same exact movie.

Also, this was as scary as watching Bob Ross paint little trees on a mountain. For some of you, that's scary. For sane people it'll boring.

Let's review some things in movie that might irk ya:-Jump scares from a roving mob happen only when you turn your head. Even though the parade is front of you-even though you witness the accidental death of someone, and you were left carrying his half torso, cops don't question you-after a nun emolates herself, the next day the nuns go on a field trip to a museum like nothing happened-let's keep befriending the girl who hears voices also hear voices. Sh also licks your face and not but a scene before that freaked you out-party girl roommate dresses you up sexy-like to go party. You drink a lot and are carried back home. Can't remember anything and no further questions are asked-never seen a 666 on your own head? Really? It was at the crest of your hairline Easily viewable in mirror-the plot is that the are attempting to rebirth satans kid to...control satan? Or satans kid? Or put fear in secular jerks? Or...? Quite a fundraiser for God.

-nun is kid of Satan, yet wears a cross with no problems. Maybe I watch too many movies.

Crap movie-Dumbest movie of the year, and I saw Immaculate.
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Mediocre Irish Tale
4 April 2024
Set in the 1970's, the premise of the story should be much more nail-biting. Instead, it's sort of fizzles out quickly. Without some Irish humor from. Ciaran Hinds and the committed performance from Kerry Condon, most of this would just die on the vine.

Which makes sense why they would wait this long to release it. The no-man's land of movies.

This has the quality of a 70's western.

A band of outlaws commit a crime and hide out in a small town where they have a conflict with a vicious criminal who has grown a conscience. See what a great movie that would've been. Instead, it lingers too long on points that don't matter. And have invested characters that don't survive to the last reel. Nope, it had to have this oddly underplayed conclusion that is neither thought provoking or interesting. Bah! It could've been so much more.
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Murder, She Wrote: Trial by Error (1986)
Season 2, Episode 13
A Power Move
2 April 2024
One of the most brilliant pieces of writing where they are relegated to a few locations. Yes, it is inpired by "12 Angry Men" but whomever pieced it together did it in a way to fit Jessica Fletcher's modus operandi. And it doesn't just stop at the first verdict, it continues into the forensic dissection of what really happend.

I LOVE seeing the new and the old stars in this. I can see why Tom Ewell would want to be in this. Also has future Oscar winner Tony Bill (for producing) as the accused. Wonderful seeing Vicki Lawrence and Richard Sanders playing against type (they are both not comedians here).

Wonderful wonderful staging and writing and direction.
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A Warm Feeling Of Youth
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You're going to miss your friends and the moments that make up your memories.

And then pine for them when reality of life sets in.

Here are three precocious, plucky and determined kids who start off their adventure with a heist. Though the sense of morality will nick at your brain, it isn't necessary their crime but their Little Rascals way of doing it.

We learn it is to get a new video game system. A rather expensive heist (in kid money anyway). Not that it is excused, but the kids all come from broken homes. They aren't abused kids, but a little neglected. Similar to "The Florida Project" When the three scamps get home, they realized their Mom had locked them out of the television. She encourages them to go play outside, but they eventually make a deal with her to find a blueberry pie and then they can game for a few hours. Little do they know, it turns into a bigger adventure than they anticipated.

This film hits all the warm feelings o lazy summer days with your neighborhood pals. In this case, they are a bit limited, since it's in remote Wyoming.

The three kids even "adopt" a fourth kid which is all included in the fairy tale they've created for themselves. It has witches, ogres, wizards and some odd cult magic. For those who watched "Stand By Me" or "The Goonies" back in the day, you know you wanted to go on adventures with your friends. As one who grew up in Ohio, that feeling of hanging with your friends in the woods trying to find buried treasure is as close to the sensibility as I can describe.

The Mother sending them out for the pie is the typical catalyst of a lot of 80's flicks. It was never to get the pie, but to get them outside. And the ending where she dismissively waves off their absence as just a few hours is very reminiscent of a movie like "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" The kids are wonderful in this. Jodie, the one who is subtitled, delivers his lines so dismissively you have to laugh. Alice FEELS like that girl who is more emotionally advanced then the boys. Hazel has his ups and downs with childhood and adolescents And their adopted friend Petal is remarkable. Her long diatribe of their plot on a log thus far is one of the most impressive child acting I've seen in a while. I found myself laughing at the words pouring out. As she was near flawless. A moment later, there is a poignant conversation about their parents and a bit of backstory on each of them.

Childhood wonder is what is missing in cinema.

This fairy tale corrects that. A wonderful watch with friends in a theater.
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Immaculate (2024)
Jurassic Jesus
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I do not get the appeal of Sydney Sweeney. Perhaps in this case playing a nun and taking the focus off her chest and onto her face spotlighted the flaw in which Syd exists in. Which is an oblong blank face.

Can we stop pretending she is anything but chest? Or are we still in this odd phase where she is the "new look" Hollywood will go with.

Okay, so she's a nun here. And the powers that be leave no time in pointing out her attractive face. The Italian Customs agents, to be precise. Why? Who knows. Perhaps it's to give her the sense of leering foreboding. Works better if her character understood Italian.

She's an American who has elected to be a nun at this creepy Italian place (sound familiar? "Suspiria", duh). Shortly after encountering weird bumps in the night, she is informed she's pregnant! Oh...and by Immaculate Conception. Get it? The title. Just break the 4th wall and stare in the camera, Syd.

Any way, the secret is that the church has one of the nails that Christ was nailed to the cross with. Eye roll. And this creepy convent has been experimenting with impregnating nuns with the blood DNA lingering on that nail.

Yeeeeep. Seriously.

I would say this is truly b-level silliness. But it's shot so somberly, it's hard to fall under the category of "so bad, it's good" Ari Aster has nothing to worry about.

The ending leaves a lot to be desired. Half the audience will want to see if the baby looks normal and Jesus-like, the other half will have already left the theater. Either way, she smashes it with a rock. None of this makes sense to her character or the links to the clues as to whether this creation is definitively evil. She just ups and kills it.

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Ugh - The Tedium
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
SO absolutely fed up with the sycophants and people who feel they NEED to love this film, when it is a weak carbon of everything fantasy movie before it. Yet they dogged on "John Carter" Syndicated reviewers pretend they haven't seen a movie in the last 20 decades. And it is all so tiring. Had any of you watched ANY "Star Wars" and any spinoffs you'd know how derivative this movie is. It's tedious slog through a battle no one cares about.

And yet, it was writer Frank Herbert who most likely influenced Lucas and Verhoeven and Ridley Scott and so forth. Fine. Give him that credit. But Denis Villenueve is no where near them. Blasting horns and rumbling desert Earth does not make it a intellectual's fever dream. This is BORING. Yes...get it through your heads, this is BORING. And most of you are too afraid to tell your friends that. This is that movie where you have to like it or you're dumb. That's how they make you feel.

Any way, 1984 "Dune" still holds up the best. It doesn't have to extend these worlds into part "Gladiator" part "Star Wars" part "Galaxy Quest" Ugh.

Also, Austin Butler's villain character is laughably stupid. He beats people in an arena where he is shielded to win. Then when they are injured, he decides to drop the shield. He is a weak character. Not frightening in the least. You could slap his face and he'd drop the blades. Horrible and laughable.

Stop pretending you're smart. Take a step back and ask yourself what you just watched. The answer is: nothing. Go ahead, think about it.
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Very Lazy "Bound"
18 March 2024
There are movies out there where after watching you read their praises and wondered if their cinema started in 2023. This is the public for you.

Does anyone remember "Bound"? A better lesbian noir that was so razor sharp it made you literally sit at the edge of your seat. There's odd tonal shifts too. I feel it's suppose to be a dark comedy. Maybe. In some places. God, who knows?!

This movie was a mess. A cheap knockoff mess at that. A female bodybuilder hustler slips into town and gets the eye of a gym manager. They have an affair. After justifiably killing an important man they are tossed into damage control when one of the girl's father, a town gunrunning criminal, gets involved.

Sounds juicy.

However, director, Rose Glass seems to want to shoehorn this love story between these two. The problem is that their "love" is based on debaucherous lifestyle. You see how it would paint their relationship as failing? Also, I found nothing empathetic about either of the two. Kristen Stewart's Father, played by Ed Harris, is a bad guy. But the backstory is so muddled, and unfocused it's hard to determine if Kristen is the villain or he is. Yes, he looks every bit like the bad guy. And acts as such. But he still seems to be missing scenes where he is the the bad dude. I guess having one of your daughters marry a jerk (James Franco) and not killing him makes him so. Too weak.

So frustrating to see all the great pieces there but fall apart. It seems to want to have a message of sacrifice and love and all that. None of it hits home. And sometimes it falls into raw reality. Then it shifts into bizarre surrealism. I guarantee at Glass's Q&A people were wondering about the steroid Gigantess scene. Ooooof. So so messy.

Any way, I wasn't the slightest bit moved by their relationship. Nor convinced any love exists between them.

Sad sad weak movie. Look at "Bound" to see what real cinema looks like.
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A Solid Heartfelt Flick
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sincerity is hard to come by in this cynical world. So, we flash back to 1994 to get this great story of determination and redemption.

HIlary Swank plays real life "ordinary angel" Sharon Stevens. An unapologetic alcoholic that is haunted by her emotions. Upon reading an article in a paper about a Dad who lost his wife and now has a child with a rare liver disease, she sets out to find them help. A little on the Erin Brokovich sensibility here, but what

Hilary plays Sharon as a woman who does not take "no" for an answer (she literally says it a lot). And this type of person we tend to dismiss as phony. But she moves mountains due to the lack of shame. We find out later why.

Though this has an aura of faith based, it isn't at all. They pull back a lot. Alan Ritchson's portrayal of a man who has forsaken his God is genuine. You sense the bad fortune that his befallen him. Though both hide their inner demons, they rise naturally to the surface.

Yes, a lot is corny. They do the roller skating thing. Sharon saves their home through her moxie to speak to the billing people at the hospital. That sort of thing. But it's hard to resist Hilary's plucky nature to...get...things...done.

The answer to why is doled out in small parts. And am grateful for that.

In a studio funded movie that is budgeted above 100 million, you may see them have a romantic love. But that isn't the story here. This is about abnormal friendships that come with hardship. And in the heart of Kentucky (if you've ever been) you know this does exists. Good people doing good things for one another.

Yes, be skeptical about the events that unfold. But there's a few things you know... the young girl is saved, and the two real life people are friends to this day.

How can that not be inspiring for us living in a digital world?
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