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WOW soooo bad
12 November 2018
I have no idea how this movie managed to get an 8.6. The story writing is exceptionally bad, and cliches used are dimes a dozen. It seemed a very rushed story involving too many actors and super heros. I do like super hero movies and do enjoy a good fantasy, but this was not it.
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Moana (I) (2016)
Yet again a musical, but not indicated
13 April 2017
This is getting extremely tedious from Disney. Neither in the trailer, nor the description is it indicated that this movie is a musical! I detest musicals with a passion. I am not saying musicals are bad not enjoyable, by others, however I HATE, absolutely HATE them. Yet only Disney does not indicate clearly that their movies are musicals. The other one was Frozen.
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Heidi (2015)
Am A Naturalized Swiss, and Don't Know Heidi
19 March 2016
Born in Germany, grew up in North America, lived all over Europe, and am a Swiss (Naturalized) and did not know the story of Heidi. My wife said, "don't you remember the cartoons?" Answer: NO.

It is an excellent movie and being German (born near Frankfurt) / Swiss dual citizen, I actually truly appreciated its reality and adherence to the people and the land. While others may say, "oh where is this", this movie paid attention to how people were of that time. I was surprised by that.

The story itself might not be accurate the the cartoons, but as my wife says, "you know it is a story right?" Well, and here is the thing the movie is very true to the original story, and not the cartoons.

Swiss appreciated the movie because they did not use a German dialect throughout the entire movie. They used a true Swiss dialect when appropriate.

So does the movie skip? Sure, it does, but it only has 2 hours to cover a complicated story. They decided to focus on the main parts of the original story and did a very good job.
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Maggie (I) (2015)
Reviews are unfair... Good SciFi.
12 November 2015
So I watched this movie as it had Arnie in it, and I happen to be an Arnie fan. I knew this film would be different, but did not realize that differently.

First, this is not "I'll be back" type of film. It is a SciFi type film with emotions. As I am a very big fan of the SciFi genre I am was totally impressed.

SciFi usually implies, "OMG space ship out of control do something" or "world is about to end lets fly somewhere". Not saying that those SciFi movies are not good. No, this is SciFi along the lines of Gravity in that it is about the emotional state of people given a specific situation.

What I have to say is that this movie was human! It did not try to solve some grand problem. It just illustrated the problems of humanity given a specific situation.

Some have argued that this is a zombie movie. Well, not really. Zombies are fantasy and has to do nothing with SciFi. This is SciFi that could be interpolated to having some remote connection to Zombies.

Arnie, good job! :)
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Interstellar (2014)
Finally is all I can say...
18 April 2015
Hollywood has become very sucky! Spiderman is rebooted for a third time. The Hobbit which was an extremely thin book is a three part movie. Let's now even begin with comic book overkill.

But this movie stands heads over everything Hollywood has produced in the last few years. The movie is a long stretch at 3 hours, but it is an incredibly good 3 hours.

What sets this movie apart is its originality, and classic SciFi basis. In the past SciFi has been altered to include Fantasy aspects, but not this movie. The acting was superb, and while I could go on and on, it boils down to one thing. If you like a good SciFi movie you will like this movie.
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Mom (2013–2021)
4 September 2014
I like to watch TV series and movies. I want to be entertained and yet challenged.

Mom as a TV series does not tread on new ground. It is an easy to watch series. However, unlike other comedies these days it actually tries to say something. 2.5 men, and Big Bang are all series that amuse but they just don't try to tread a bit deeper in the thought. Big Bang is actually one of the biggest disappointments in that it stays as superficial as ever.

Mom reminds of Rosanne, which back in its day was one of my favourite comedy series. It was very effective and entertaining because it did not just try to do comedy. Rosanne had its serious moments where it tried to answer common day problems in a realistic manner. Rosanne did not shy away from domestic abuse, gay and lesbian issues, nor violence or teenage social problems. Thus I say Thank-You to Mom because I finally have a Rosanne worthy follow series...
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What Happened?
25 June 2014
I thought anchorman while cliché, it was original with its moments of being truly funny. I seriously don't know what happened. I can understand the bad humour and the over the top as a bad idea.

What was really reprehensible is that he stole material from Austin Powers. For example the "black, black" skit was a direct copy from Austin Powers "mole, mole, mole". I could outline other moments, but that would detract from the review. In fact that is why I give this movie this rating because I am amazed that Will Ferrel had to stoop to such level.

Overall I would recommend watching Anchorman and only watching Anchorman 2 if it is on TV.
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47 Ronin (2013)
Seriously people this movie is pretty good
24 June 2014
Oh come on people! I was not expecting much from this movie. Keanu Reeves tends not to be the most "dramatic", or "intensive" kind of actor. However, Keanu Reeves is a flexible role actor. In Johnny Mnemonic, Devils Advocate, or even Henry's Crime he shows he is willing to do roles that are different. Namely what I like about Keanu Reeves is that I can be entertained. In this movie what you should get out of it is that you are entertained.

Many will critique that the movie is not historically accurate. Well fair enough, but if you know your Japanese History it is full of details and nuances. Thus to do justice to this story you would probably need about 4 to 5 hours, or 2 parts. And I am very sure that while Hollywood could pull it off, it was not in the cards. Not dissing Japanese culture, just pointing out that Japanese culture is very formal, and very nuanced which makes it hard to do accurately in a movie.

Of course this movie does not break new ground in the sense of drama, but if you are willing to overlook this movie then you will be entertained.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
False advertisement of Movie -> Musical
22 March 2014
I was looking forward to this movie and from the commercials it looked very good. However I could not watch more than 10 minutes of this movie. The reason is because this movie is a musical! I completely dislike musicals. I am not saying that musicals are bad movies, I just don't like them and avoid them like the plague.

What bothers me is that this movie is not rated as musical in IMDb. If you look up well known musicals they are rated as musicals. Again, I don't discredit the notion of a musical, just that I don't want to watch them, and don't want to buy the DVD.

So if you want to watch a musical I am sure others will say this is a great movie. However if you dislike musicals then you need to stay away from this movie.
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Man of Steel (2013)
All I can say is AWESOME!!!
26 October 2013
I will watch almost any SciFi, Fantasy, or Action movie. It is a genre I like. In the past Superman has always been a sore spot for me as I am not crazy about the presentation. It seemed very kitsch, and too goody two shoes. This is the Superman movie that I have been waiting for me. It combines kitsch with grittiness to make an awesome movie.

For the most part the movie stays true to the Superman image, but does so in a modern context with a human touch. It will move you emotionally even though it is just a Comicbook action movie. The script writing was great, but what was as incredible is the casting. The movie casted the right people for the right role. It gave the impression of authenticity, again for a Comic book Action movie that is impressive.

Awesome is the way I would describe this movie...
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Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988)
Dated but superb...
13 September 2013
When Magnum PI first aired I was 12 years old. I watched it when I was a teenager, then again in University, and recently on British TV. The show is "cute" in that many scenes and actions don't happen today because technology and habits have changed. Sorta reminds me when I used to watch "I love Lucy".

But and that is where the "cuteness" stops. This show is awesome! Even 30 years later the writing, acting and scenes are timeless. The Vietnam war was quite often discussed, and if you were to replace it with say Iraq, and terrorism you would have a modern show. This is how good the writing is in that even though Vietnam is 40 years old the fall out from war and how we grow as people is not.

What makes Magnum so good is that it is not over the top and cliché for the time (eg Three's Company, Miami Vice). So as I watch the shows for the fourth time in my life I have to say very very good. Definitely worth the watch.
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Split Opinion...
27 May 2013
Let's remove the title of this movie and just call it Into Darkness. And let's say that there is a captain, first officer and they are in space. If you do that, this movie is a 10. However, it is a movie in the sign of the times like a Transformer movie. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a Transformer movie like the rest. However, the problem is that this movie is like Miami Vice of the 80's. Namely cool at the time, and looking back a bit douchy.

This movie is not a Magnum PI type of movie. I have asked many people, even young people who never grew up on Magnum PI when it was released. And they all tell me, Magnum is pretty cool. What makes Magnum different, and some parts of Star Trek past, is its ability to be timeless.

Here is a little bit of Trivia. When William Shatner took on the role of Star Trek captain how old was he? Don't read further! When Chris Pine took on the role of Star Trek captain how old was he? Answer Shatner was 34 and Pine was 28. YET even now Pine looks like a college boy, and not as a man as a captain should be. Most people when they do the math do not realize that Shatner was only 34 years old as people tend to believe he was in his 40's.

Therein lies the entire difference of this Star Trek movie. The captain is a college boy and not a man. So therefore if you don't care about the Star Trek ideals then yeah this movie like Miami Vice is actually pretty cool. But if you want Magnum PI you are not going to get it, and therein lies my reason for this rating. I wanted Magnum, not Miami Vice. I can get Miami Vice from the Transformers.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
23 May 2013
As my ratings have shown I watch many many movies. Some of them good, and some of them bad. But this one is a definite 10.

Recently a colleague of mine said that the future of Hollywood is not more action movies for they will become the Miami Vice of the current time. The future of Hollywood will be the writing. And in this case the movie and its writing is quite good. There is an actual plot, with a beginning and an end.

This movie is long! It is nearly 3 hours and I advise that you make time for the entire movie. No interruptions, no dinners, no side conversations. This movie is very intense and is riddled with details. What makes this movie special is its ability to tell a story and keep you interested. There are good parts, and there are bad parts, happy parts, and sad parts. It is a roller-coaster and very enjoyable.

Overall I thought this movie was refreshing and offers a contrast to the slew of actions movies. Action movies can be fun and enjoyable, but they are not mentally stimulating like this one.
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Very good movie where I could not guess the ending...
17 January 2013
I watch many movies, and for the most part movies are fairly predictable. I can usually see the ending coming a mile away. The fact that I can does not detract from enjoying the movie since some movies while being predictable are rather well made.

This movie is different. It is made in the classical English style, even thinking this movie was made in the UK. Real UK movies are not North American movies as evidenced by say 4 Lions, or the series Utopia. Real UK acting tends to be slower and works the mind both in laughter and in seriousness. There is also less reliance on effects and props to tide the movie through.

Having said all that Tinker Tailor Solider Spy was a good movie. I enjoyed it and was thinking, so who did it, and why. The twists and turns were very nice and made you think quite a bit about what would happen next.

This movie is not a Bourne style movie (even though I thoroughly enjoyed those movies). It is closer to something like the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in revealing its plot. Overall I enjoyed the movie.
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Four Lions (2010)
Funny, sad, hard to watch, and thoughtful
28 December 2012
This movie is a movie where all of your emotions are twisted and turned at once. It starts off slow, and stereotypical with a twist of black comedy. And this start was hard for me to watch as I thought, "oh geez this movie sucks." Even though I have lived in the UK as a North American the dialects can at times be difficult to understand.

Be that as it may I decided to slog it out, and that is where the movie started twisting my emotions. It went from funny black comedy to seriousness and being placed in the situation where you are in the movie making the same decisions.

When you think of terrorism, and freedom fighting it is easy to come to a decision on either side of the fence depending on your leanings. However, if you have to think things through that is where things become difficult. This is the magic of the movie IMO in that the director put me into the movie thinking through the decisions.

I also very much appreciated how the dealt with the topic of religion, as I do not want to give away the plot since that part is very critical to the movie.

Overall, good job on the movie and definitely worth the watch, though it is a serious movie with some hints of comedy. In other words, don't show this movie in a crowd of friends and family and you wanted something light hearted.
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Invictus (2009)
Excellent Movie Even If Predictable
23 October 2012
So I read some comments about how this movie is too Hollywood, too predictable, and why would a leader even be concerned with this sporting event. All I can answer is that you have lived too much in Canada or the USA. In Canada and the USA sports are important, but not that important. In places like Europe, South America, Africa, or parts of Asia certain sports are VERY IMPORTANT!

Consider the recent football (soccer for you North Americans) match between England and Germany. Cameron and Merkel sat in front of the TV watching the game and not doing any business whatsoever other than relaxing with a few "brewskies." Even though Europe was falling apart. Sports moves people in these countries like no other thing can.

This movie is very good and I liked it. I found it very emotional. This movie though is similar to the German movie, "Das Wunder von Bern" (The Miracle of Bern). It talks about the hardship and how the people came together to find a little happiness from the desperation of reality. Though the difference in the two movies is perspective.

So how do you know if you will like this movie? Easy, how much are you attached to things like World Cup Football, or World Cup Rugby. If you are not attached emotionally to these types of things you will find this movie lackluster. If you are very attached and can get into the emotional spirit of the sporting event, then you will like this movie. It really is that simple, that black and white.
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John Carter (2012)
So as expected I liked the movie...
14 July 2012
When I read the reviews I thought, something is not right here. Regardless I was going to buy the DVD. I have to say that I really liked it. My wife who is not a film nut like myself said, "people hated this movie?" She thought it was quite nice to watch.

First off do I hate anything? Not really... Does this movie tread new territory? It depends on what you movie background is. When I watched this movie what kept going through my mind was Dune. Back then many critiqued Dune for the exact same things they are critiquing John Carter. The comparison to other movies like Superman is not correct. Though there is a connection to Avatar.

The dune tag line on IMDb; "In the distant future, a man appears who may be the prophet that a long-suffering galaxy has been waiting for." If you compare that to John Carter you pretty well get the story that is about to evolve. The story has other twists and corners that make it distinct from Dune, but the grand SciFi Fantasy storyline like in Dune is very much intact.

If there is any critique of this movie it is that it is too short. John Carter with its 2 hours is short when compared to Avatar's 2 hours 30 minutes, and Lord of the Rings 3 hours. I think if they had added that extra half hour then all of the corners would have been tucked in very nicely.

The good part about this movie is that it is very watchable and there are not any parts where you think, "ok now I am a bit bored". The pace is very easy to follow, but not being entirely predictable. There are many little twists and turns without them being too obvious.

I also appreciated the lack of Star Trek moments. A Star Trek moment is when writers come up with a magic technology to help them out of a dead end in the storyline. For a SciFi/Fantasy that is hard to do effectively.

Overall a good movie to watch.
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Actually OK...
31 March 2012
After reading the reviews you would think that this was the worst movie ever produced... Quite frankly I rather liked it. I was a glued as to what would happen next. Yes this movie is what I would call a filler. Matrix 2 was a filler movie.

A filler movie is a movie that is there to tie one story line to another story line. Otherwise what happens is that the next instalment has to spend about 30 minutes tying up loose ends.

Oh wait what is that story line? Well if you had waited until the end, moved through the credits (while listening to the song) you would know what the new storyline is... I am not going to say it, but I am going to let all of those reviewers who hated the movie figure that out on their own. In this movie many stage pieces were set, which I thought about and thought was quite interesting.

I am looking forward to the last part. Did it move slow in parts? Sure did, but so did Harry Potter, Lords of the Rings, and Matrix... To put things in context, an argument could be made that the fighting scenes in each of these movies just dragged on and on... Guess what folks Twilight is not about fighting!!! That is a sideline..
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Surfer, Dude (2008)
People are being too harsh on this movie...
11 January 2012
I watch quite a few movie and from my review record I can pretty much watch any movie. My first and foremost priority is; does the movie entertain me? For this movie, check! Then my second priority is this movie original? For this movie half a check. And finally my third priority is, does this movie challenge my mind? For this movie, no not even close.

This movie is pure entertainment. Though I have to say that Matthew McConaughey did a really good job. While people may say, "oh look he is playing a stoner and laid back person. That is a no-brainer." Actually not really, since a laid back person does not get uptight about anything, nothing gets them going.

What surprised me in the movie is how well Matthew played the character. You saw it when he was challenged to a fight, and refused, or when he was insulted, or his words twisted. He played his character and I was surprised at how well he did it.

So while it is not that original, though there are hints, it is very very entertaining. I found much of the critique of this movie completely misplaced...
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The Road (I) (2009)
So What Happens When the World Collapses?
29 December 2011
I trade the market as a living. And people who are gold bugs tend to believe in the end of the world and how they will be the only ones that will survive. Yet I always think in the back of the mind that when the world collapses it will not be romantic like fight club. It will be like this movie.

This movie is hard to watch, much like Blood Diamonds, but it is good. Yes it is slow, and not constant action. That is the point of the movie to illustrate how when the world ends it is not constant action.

Many reviews talk about how dark and bleak the scenery is. I think the scenery is a nice back drop on the fact that life in the world has boiled down to basics and essentials. It is not about reading books, playing games, or listening to music. It is a never ending constant fight for survival and sanity.

Throughout the movie I was just shocked and riveted by the actions, and it was not until the end of the movie where I felt like crying. Not because of sadness, but because of the mixed emotions of the situation. A sort of relief valve mechanism.

I write this as I am ripping my movies from DVD to a personal online iTunes media server, and can't get the thought out of mind that it has been a long time since I watched a movie with this amount of emotion.

Good job all around...
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The Wild Hunt (2009)
If Ratings Were Budget Dependent This would be a Gazillion
8 September 2011
I gave this movie a 8 out of 10 which in my book is a good movie. If this movie were rated along the budget then it would have a gazillion. I am surprised that they could make such a good quality movie for 300,000 CAD. I did not think it was possible.

The flaws of this movie is that some of the story line is missing to you. A big budget movie would have flashbacks or some other mechanisms to fill in the blanks. For a low budget movie like this flashbacks or time filling pieces just add to the costs.

What I appreciated is its originality of story line. There are definite some surprises along the way where I was thinking, "ok now you surprised me." I also appreciated that this movie is pure Quebec Canadiana, though I wonder what the original language was? I am in Switzerland and I could only listen to the German track.

This movie is definitely something for movie buffs as you will appreciate the details and story nuances.
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The American (2010)
Superb, Absolutely Superb!
17 July 2011
George Clooney outdid himself in this movie! I really did not know what to expect. I kind of knew what it was about, but decided that I will let it surprise me.

This movie is a low key follow the movie and its steps. You keep guessing and keep wondering what will happen next. You wonder who is behind it all. Of course you can guess what will happen, at least if you watched enough movies you can make an intelligent guess.

But what gets me with this movie is that even though I see things coming I still want to watch what happens. This movie just grips you and spits you out. It is not a blockbuster shoot them up type of movie. No this is more like the old style Italian Mafia movies.

If you decide to watch this movie make sure you have time to focus. Its the little details, the little steps that make all the difference. Otherwise it just becomes another movie.
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In Hell (2003)
Really Bad Movie...
29 May 2011
I always wondered what happen to JCVD... Now I see... Wow this movie was bad! Not just a bit bad, but cringed bad...

Yet the movie could have been so much more. Especially with a budget with 17 million. You would figure that somebody spent some time on directing or producing. The best actor was Lawrence Taylor and he did not speak much.

I guess the real problem with the movie was the plot and how it jumped from one corner to the other.

Let me illustrate, Lawrence Taylor... A single coloured person in a Russian jail... Yeah that is believable! What they should have done is taken somebody from the Kozaks.

I am very disappointed because I had hopes for this movie...
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
An Easy Going Movie
19 May 2011
When I saw this movie with all of these comedians I thought, what the heck why not. And I was not disappointed.

Is the plot original? Nope. Do the characters have much depth? Nope. Is the movie fun? Absolutely.

I watch plenty of movies and like wine sometimes you drink table wine. This is a table wine movie. I found myself just kicking back, laughing, and forgetting about everything else that was going on in my day.

I am sure that the creators of this film thought the exact same thing! So don't go into this movie thinking you are going to be moved or have something to ponder. This is a movie about turning off the brain and just enjoying the moment.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Really bad remake...
26 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So I had to grudgingly watch this movie. When I was a teenager I watched Miami Vice. And recently due to reruns I was able to see most of them. What surprised me were two things; The series initially was very bigger than life and reflected the sign of the times, women in movies tend to have boob jobs these days.

The movie instead of going with the times these days decided that somehow it was better to remake the 80's. What really boggled me is that it seems sunlight does not exist. Most of the movie is in the dark and well, this is ain't no sincity equal.

Had I made this movie I would pulled it forward to these days. Instead of doing the classic evil Latino's and their coke they should have focused on the meth or ectasy labs of these days.

Please don't start on the music choice. In the original Miami Vice series they chose hip and happening names. They tried to choose the same names except, well its dated! They should have chosen some happening techno or house names. That would have fit into the Miami scene and the current times.

This movie is KITSCH!
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