
10 Reviews
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May the force be with you ⭐
7 April 2022
This is the best Lego game I've ever played! The open world is enormous big and there are so many beautiful planets to discover. It's fun to play the whole Skywalker Saga story in one single game. There are 45 levels (5 each movie) and they are amazing. Some of the levels are a little bit disappointing because they are too short. The first episode was the weakest with the worst levels, but you can't compare a 45-level game with other 15-level Lego games. The bossfights are amazing as hell! It doesn't feel like a Lego game anymore, but more like Battlefront. The starfighter combats are amazing too and reminded me of Battlefront 2. I started with the prequels, but feel free to start with the trilogy you want. I may try to complete this game to 100%. The game has a few bugs, but it shouldn't be that dramatic.

Overall it's an amazing Lego game.
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Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed
5 April 2022
This is a masterpiece.

The combination of the best hero and the best villain in one movie with the best plot makes it the best comic book movie ever. Heath Ledger's acting was just perfect, he portrayed the best Joker from all the Batman movies. Harvey Dent's tragic story fits very well in the plot. There was no single boring moment during this film, the whole movie was very exciting. The only thing I could complain about is that Rachel got recasted, but that's not so dramatic.

It's a wonderful sequel to Batman Begins and clearly the best movie of the trilogy.
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Dune (2021)
This is NOT the next Star Wars
4 April 2022
Didn't had high hopes for the movie. And still got disappointed. CGI, special effects, camera, sound and music were all excellent, but the story just didn't catch me and the characters were very emotionless in my opinion. I don't understand how people think that this will be the next "Star Wars"... how??

It's still a beautiful movie picturewise.
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Is this a joke?
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What is this?! The special effects and the CGI were good, probably because of the high budget, but the rest?? The story is so lame, the characters are boring, and Luke Skywalker? What happened to the main character of Star Wars? I can't believe what they did to my childhood hero... he's now an old man that doesn't care about anything...

This is the most disappointing movie EVER.
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The Hedgehog is on the Screen!
4 April 2022
Always been a fan of the videogames, but I didn't had high hopes for the movie, so it couldn't disappoint. And it didn't. It was entertaining, nothing special, but I enjoyed it. Jim Carrey carried the movie tough. I'm happy they redesigned the Hedgehog, because his previous design was awful. The movie was overall a bit corny, but it was still funny most of the times.

Only watch it if you know the character from the videogames tough.
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Hawkeye (2021)
The Christmas Archer 🏹
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A Marvel show that plays during christmas time. I enjoyed it. I really did. BUT it could be better. The first 3 episodes were really enjoyable, but the last 3 were weak. The whole Yelena story was unnecessary and the finale was quiet disappointing.

But overall it's a good show with many funny moments and good fight sequences. And I love the Hawkeye & Kate Duo.
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Batman: Arkham City (2011 Video Game)
The perfect Batman game
4 April 2022
Arkham City is a phenomenal sequel to Arkham Asylum, with the best story and the best characters I've ever seen in a videogame. The gameplay and the bossfights are really fun and the synchronization is just perfect with Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as the Joker.

It's one of the best videogames I've ever played.
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Batman: Arkham Knight (2015 Video Game)
The best open world Batman game!
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story of the game is great (sometimes emotional and sad) and the characters are fantastic (with Scarecrow as the main villain). I like the way they brought the Joker back and still focused on other villains like Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight. The open world is enormous big and has alot of side-missions and stuff to discover (Riddler trophies for example). I liked the Batmobile-Action, but it was way too much. And there are sadly no bossfights even tough they are a big part of the Arkham series.

It's overall a good finale to the Arkham series and it has the best open world.
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Good nostalgic movie 🕷
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is a good Spider-Man movie and it's every nostalgic because we get to see the best Spider-Man villains like Green Goblin, Dr Octopus, Electro, Sandman and the Lizard again. The best parts of the movie are ofcourse the Tobey and Andrew moments.

Even tough it's very nostalgic, the two Spider-Men could be brought back in a better way and they should have been mentors to Tom. They don't even have very great fight scenes, it was just Tom who really fought good. The story isn't very great either and the movie has many plot holes.

It was overall a good *Spider-Men* movie.
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The Batman (2022)
Masterpiece 🦇
4 April 2022
This movie has a great plot, wonderful characters and awesome action scenes. Batman is very young and badass, Catwoman is cool and badass too, the Riddler is a great villain and is also kind of scary. It's a beautiful movie and the perfect Batman movie. An absolute masterpiece.
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