
34 Reviews
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Game of Thrones: The Dragon and the Wolf (2017)
Season 7, Episode 7
Great Dialogue , Great performances , but missing the season finale sizzle?
27 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not saying i didn't enjoy this episode , i thought it was very well acted and produced very well. But i think this whole season has moved at such a snail pace it makes me feel like the writers are taking snip its from the books to increase the amount of seasons there are to make more money. This whole season could of been summed up in about 3 episodes , people spent most of the time bonding and reuniting which was great to a extent. This entire episode was basically dialogue ;bar' the last 4 minutes when the dragon took down the wall it all just felt anti climatic and predictable , the begning of the episode was very drawn out the director of the episode wanted us to see just how much danny was hated by cersei but we already gathered this and they spent a awful long time showing us on screen.

I guess what im saying is when you have a episode that is a hour and a half long , you expect there to be a few decent action scenes in- between the long winded and sometimes pointless speech's made by some characters , take Jon and Theons scene it was completely pointless. We know Jon would never hold a grudge after being reborn he knows lifes to short and its not in his nature to hold a grudge against someone , he also knew his brother went threw hell at the hands of Ramsey Bolton.

Just my 2 cents , take it or leave it :~D
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The Mist (2017)
Whats with all the hate? Elitist book fans at it again
23 June 2017
Look this show is what it is , i actually really enjoyed the pilot episode it kept me hooked wanting more but shows like this are constantly ruined by book snobs who think they will always get a replica of it and you should all know by now that's not always going to be the case. So far the acting in general has been to a decent level and we have gotten right into the thick of it with the mist taking over the town in the first episode which is good story telling they could of dragged it on and on . There has been some decent level of gore / violence as well and i thought the make-up and sfx where decent for a TV show.

I often use IMDb as a bible for what to watch and what not to , but its apparent the ratings for shows like this are being given 10 year olds who just want to whine.
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Colony: Ronin (2017)
Season 2, Episode 13
Really sub par season finale the fans should of got more answers
7 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of this show and a big fan of Josh Holloway! I was expecting a hell of a lot more answers from this end of season episode but yet again the cash cow is being raked in with more never ending cliffhangers to get people to come back for another season its distasteful to the fans. We finally see them remove the visor from one of the aliens and we see nothing but a small golden orb no explanation of what is was but it rotates into place. There was no action packed episode like the trailer promo for this episode suggested it was just more politics and more running and im getting tired of it! We got to see Madeline at the end with the rest of the human herd what looking like being transferred to the factory but it also looked like the aliens where arming weapons on board their ships but again this is something the writers thought we shouldn't find out till the end of season 3 no doubt.

This show isn't hugely rated on IMDb , but i do enjoy it and i hope it doesn't get canceled but they are not doing the story line justice by constantly filling up the episodes with the running and hiding , we need the characters to get things done to move forward with the story line. We finally find out they have a ally alien on their side who doesn't agree with what the others are doing to us and we don't even get to see the dam thing! I want to see them communicating i want to know what their plan is for us! I understand not giving it to us in the first season but season 2 come on guys!

Sort this mess out and you will have one hell of a show again.

+ Alan Snyder still a rat bastard + Madeline getting a slap + Red hats showing compassion


  • To much running about not enough action - No explanation to any of the reasons behind aliens presence - No reveal of the aliens

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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
Where are all the dam crickets!?!
25 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Phenomenal start to the show , i really do love these creepy mystery shows a lot of people lack the courage to take a book and turn it into a movie or film these days let alone do a decent Job of it. But from what i can see so far , this show has great potential to be a hit!

Matt Dillon you can tell is going to become more and more badass as the show goes on , considering its just him for around 45 minutes trying to make peace of what's going on , he really does hold his own on screen. I really cannot wait to see what more there is to come from the show , because so far i think i have found a winner.

The general tone of the tone is creepy and dark , you can already tell the law officials have absolutely no conscience what so ever. A prime example of that is Sheriff Pope (Terrence Howard) is just casually eating a ice cream while Ethan Burke (Matt Dillon) is saying his colleague has been tortured and mutilated , his reaction was bone chilling.

I don't want to go into to much detail because its the pilot and this small review was for people on the ropes like i was! Watch the show and thank me later , because its brilliant.

And where are all the dam crickets?!
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Ultron was a stand up comic
23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Got back from a midnight release this morning , and i didn't want to review the film straight away as i wanted it to sink in to brain. Having said that my opinion hasn't really changed as much as i would of liked it to.

Joss whedon , in a lot of ways has pretty much lied to the audience about his own film , its not overall shocking someone trying to promote the film by setting up a few custom truths , but i think the fans deserved better from him , so lets start with a few bullet points.

1: Ultron in the terms of evil robots go , is up there with a more heavily depressed WALL-E , hes way way to slapstick for a super villain in this , this was supposed to be dark and tonight i saw the Disney side to things.

2: Romanov is a nice character but who ever agreed with Wheadon to make her a main character or the center of attention for this blockbuster was out of their depth , giving romanov a more visual back story is fine , but the romantic element with banner and herself was again Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Romanov would never let feelings get in the way of THE JOB.

3: Hulk little to no screen time , really frustrating this having just brought my hand hulk cup ready to cheer the green bastard on to smash! I think i timed it at 20 minutes probably less! Banner spends to much time moaning about hulks destruction and not about going bananas and helping , you would think now he has some control over being the hulk and being Bruce banner he would be happy to get angry! He knew scarlet witch was messing with his brain and i know bruce is a gentle soul , but hes also smart enough o know when it wasn't his fault!

4: This film wasn't set up for civil war , Thor grabbed Tony by the throat , END OF WAR... that was the only act of punishment Tony got for making , LOLtron. And he didn't have a darker side in this film , he was just a lot more impatient to get the ball rolling with protecting the earth. So that was just a big big big let down! In fact the screen time in the first movie with loki's scepter manipulating them all on the boat was more intense than this entire films disagreement with stark and loltron.

5: Just another Thanos scene :/ 3 movies , 3 hints. Still no lengthily scene with Thanos in it. I was hoping for a end credit sequence with Phil or spiderman , was that was a bit of let down to.

But to sum up , the film does have its good side. It wasn't a complete let down it had parts where i was laughing out loud and also had parts where the action sequences where pretty epic , it deserves no less than a 7 because a lot of work has gone into the movie to make it work and it does work , but it could of worked a lot better :/.
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Mike & Molly: No Kay Morale (2015)
Season 5, Episode 18
I'm sorry but this show is fantastic and this episode show's just how funny it is!
21 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Like most shows it has its flaws , but how can anyone sit there and tell me this show isn't funny! Its absolutely Hilarious. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but its like this show has a bad rating by trolls who just come to here to crap on the fact they are both overweight! Get a grip and take a long hard look in the mirror before you judge people , because this show is the best thing since friends aired!

Now lets talk about this awesome episode , Kay (Kathy bates) is having a bit of a mid life crisis due the events she witnessed over the years and molly being her bubbly self decided to help her get back on the train to adventure , you really do have to respect how well written the emotional scenes are in this episode and for it to go from something as intense as a little girl being killed in her own village , to delivering a baby , it sends such a important message. Life always finds a way. And where there is death new life will be born.

It was a very touching episode and a extremely funny episode i was laughing so hard i found it difficult to breathe. Mike had his own issues with a breast feeding rally , and some of the one liner jokes where just fantastic , Original writing at its best i have seen so many different sitcoms over the years and i can't think of a single one to compare this to in terms of jokes being copied they all fresh.

So i'm only going to say this once! Go home trolls and stop giving this amazing show 1 star! If you don't like it you don't like it , you don't need to come on here and moan about it other people , just stop watching it!
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The Cobbler (2014)
Weird and Unsatisfying
17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It just didn't make any sense. As soon as the plot gets going it stops and comes to a halt , the character development never happened and it was extremely poorly written. More than likely one of Sandlers worst films , heres a prime example of what i mean..

1: He finishes saving the old man , women asks him on a real date and we don't see the date? W t f , we see this sad lonely man just buried his mum and we don't get to see him be happy..

2: His dad.. Everyone new the barber next door was his dad , and he actually had no real reason not to tell him about his presence because so much time had passed , it was completely pointless.

3: The shoes , Why didn't we see him impersonate more people , the characters he picked sucked!

The whole film falls flat , its not ideal to make a awesome premise like this and destroy it by not taking full advantage of its capability's.

Another thing that always grinds my gears , towards the end of the film when they both get in the car i thought we where about to find out more about his long lost dad... But the dam credits rolled down the screen! That is enough to merit a 1 rating... But i did enjoy some parts of the film so i don't want to be to harsh.

Sub-par film , that could of been so much more.
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This isn't Iron man , Its SOILD CRAP
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Truly one of the biggest let downs of the year. I went to see ironman fight a bunch of bad guys , not get depression and anxiety attacks over the events that took place in The avengers film. Where all human granted , but Tony Stark is on a higher level than the rest of us. His super Intelligence really does contradict his emotions in this film. The level of action in it is so poor , i mean i timed it at 31 minutes worth of decent action and even then that wasn't to a high standard.

Why is it every film i choose to see in 3D ends up being a massive let down! I hate having that feeling in the back of my head craving a reboot already , because its absurd to think this brilliant film franchise would need one. But the 3rd installment was just complete pants , it made no sense and it just baffled me how a script like this was allowed to be acted out and put onto the big screen without a second thought for the Junkies who crave to see the creations of Tony Starks work. Its exactly like seeing the new bond films remove all the gadgets and trying to turn the franchise into something its not. MATURE!

I hope the Thor sequel prevails because this crap has really upset me.

24 pounds 42 pence for 2 adult tickets!

Refund please MR stark i know your good for it!
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In the Flesh (2013–2014)
Simply and purely amazing!
22 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers

In the flesh was simply amazing from start to finish i was caught up in whirls of emotion , from disgust to empathy. Set after a outbreak for the dead rising from the graves the government has invented a vaccine that is injected directly into the back of the neck to stop the rotters from turning back into savage beasts they once where. All the undead are kept in a special army /nhs ran hospital to treat them for the illness. The government is someday hoping for them to return back to normal life by sending them back to their families.

However there is a horde of civilians that aren't to happy about the idea of co-existing with the once mindless zombies that ate human brains. Armed with some of the latest weapons they set out to stop them coming back into civilian life.

The plot is simply sublime never in my life of watching horrors would i of though about a event that could happen after a invasion of zombies. It was always just a massacrer and ended badly. But somehow the writers of this show have thought up something so unique its stunned and shocked me to my very core.

If your a fan of zombie films , and great British acting. Please watch this 3 part show! I cant credit the writers enough for bringing a new age of zombie shows on us.

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Skyfall (2012)
Over-Hyped Trash Biggest Regret of 2012 turns out to be Biggest win
31 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was so so so upset when i called round all my local cinemas to book this only to find the only seats available where at the front point blank in front of the screen. Me and my wife just left it and waited for a DVD release.

How good was it that we waited! What the hell is with all these directors trying to make a franchise into something its not! As sophisticated as bond is its certainly not bond without its romantic clichés and exploding pens. The whole film entirely pure dialogue and yeah i love dialogue but not 143 minutes of it! Its the end of a era and the end of my bond childhood ever being revisited on the big screen again. Bond is no longer bond , a lot of people argue these bond movies are the closet copy to Ian Flemings book and i have to agree they are. But if we have been brought up with Jetpacks , Exploding pens , plastic explosive tooth paste , villains with jaws made out of pure steel , and fantastic looking women why on earth would someone want to change that!

I really do hate the fact someone has taken my childhood hero and turned him into something hes not.

All I've ever asked from the franchise is the following!

1: Kick ass starting scene (Casino royal delivered in that aspect)

2: Gadgets , How can we not have Gadgets? So is bond to good for his gadgets now? Its pure bs! No one reading this cant deny when you saw those gadgets you got goosebumps and couldn't wait for bond to use them!

3: Attractive women , Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , i be holding nothing for the last 3 films.

4: The car! Same with the gadgets , we need to be introduced to a new car every film.. Whats the bloody point of the franchise without the cars with gadgets? Im actually get annoyed just writing all this.

It seems to be what i like to call , the Nolan era of films! Everyone's talking and no one shooting.

RIP BOND. You may as well of taken the plunge into a dark abyss with M.
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The Big Bang Theory: The 43 Peculiarity (2012)
Season 6, Episode 8
Glad to see it going back its roots
16 November 2012
Now i have to say over the last few years the big bang theory has taken a turn for the worst , with them all moving on with girlfriends/getting married and so forth , but it was nice to see Howard and Raj team up again to find out what it is Sheldon is doing during his unscheduled time during his day. Needless to say the episode was fantastic some might say the funniest episode since season 3 , me and my girlfriend where in fits of laughter and if your a fan of the older seasons it might be refreshing to note the writers are heading back in the direction we all loved from the previous seasons.

I wont bother including spoilers for the episode , it was very funny well thought out and the best episode of the season!
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House M.D.: Everybody Dies (2012)
Season 8, Episode 22
8 years in and we get this filth?
22 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This entire episode is without a doubt the worst episode of house I've ever seen , and no im not bitter because its ended and im actually glad it has its gone the way of the dodo season 8 as a whole was boring we barely saw any of the typical house we saw in the past seasons , a lot of the case's where boring and dull , heres a example?

Young teenage girl has a tick inside her vagina and house actually removes it in public?

And we get...

A guy who cant say no to anybody

Seriously all the cases sucked beyond belief , this episode as a whole was just stupid and very very predicable , just as a tear was about to shed from my eye at houses funeral i just knew he wasn't dead and i knew he had faked his death. I really don't have anything to say about the episode in general it was just poorly written and a 45 minutes of boredom.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Launch Acceleration (2012)
Season 5, Episode 23
4 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This Howard storyline has ruined this season , the characters at his best when hes trying to chat up women the whole concept of him getting married isn't even remotely funny or entertaining , and its not just his storyline the storyline with lenoard and penny needs to freaking stop i want her character written out of the show this arc is without a doubt the worst thing about the show its ruining what could be the best comedy show of all time.

Sheldon's storyline is the same just funnier because lets face it , its Sheldon. But still boring.

The last 2 episodes have been diabolical , and i used to love this freaking show hell I've gone back to season 1 just to forget about this BS season the worst thing about all of this though is howards nasa project , STOP DRAGGING IT GET HIM INTO SPACE GET HIM MARRIED and be done with it!

I miss Raj :( We are barely seeing him , hes so funny but the writers aren't giving him enough limelight.

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The Vow (2012)
Its a 4 years before film , MY GOD
18 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So , its valentines day , i had a lovely meal with the girlfriend and we decided to go see this chick flick. Now the film itself is based around something both me and my partner appeal to , memory loss and fighting to gain that love back threw all the odds no matter what anyone says to you, we are both idiots to assume this was going to be as good as The Notebook. Both films are about different things but under a similar premise so we assumed we might have a good cry and enjoy a emotional packed film.

We was wrong , from the word go this film didn't pick up it was just so dull and the characters where not living up to their standards that i saw in the trailer , we thought the whole film was going to be about the main character trying to get the love of his lifes memory back but it was so full of crap from the past we barely got a chance to fall in love with the characters , no where in the trailer does it mention it was going to be a timeline type of film and it was and that was a very disappointing aspect. Not once did i ever feel a connection between Rachel McAdams AKA Paige and Channing Tatum aka Leo before and after the crash they just seemed like hooligans.

All in all i would of much rather of watched the muppets and im so annoyed i didn't now.

Miss Piggy And Kermit the frog could of pulled off a more believable film.
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I didn't think anyone could write a decent comedy these days , I WAS WRONG
3 August 2011
For the first time in nearly 3 years i can finally say something that's modern and in this century has made me laugh i cant get over how amazingly blunt the jokes are in the show , and that's what i think the writers went for in this film BLUNTNESS , every joke in the film hits you like a ton of bricks there isn't one scene that didn't have me in fits of laughter it was just fantastic. Jason Bateman again showing the world he can act and telling his critics to go swivel on his middle finger by how great he was in horrible bosses.

I personally rated every single actor in this film as Grade A , the acting was just superb! If you want a good laugh and a good night out go and see horrible bosses , best 8 pounds 50 I've ever spent! Oh on a side note , something totally off topic! As the film ended in the cinema i got up and went down the stairs leading out of the cinema , i looked back for my mate who was taking his time , and everyone was still sat down watching the blooper reel , when it ended everyone saw me alone at the bottom of the stairs noticed my T-SHIRT and i quote my T-SHIRT SAYS! FAT PEOPLE ARE HARD TO KIDNAP.

Entire cinema laughed! :) Great day Great Film , Great Audience.
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House M.D.: Moving On (2011)
Season 7, Episode 23
Really? That was it?
24 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well from my last review i was very happy with the episode prior to this monstrosity , i went threw all the characters on how they had changed and the new elements they each brought to the show , but what on Gods green earth was this? Im going to start with what annoyed me that most.

First of all , the promo made it seem as if house was going to kill someone but what did we get? A car crashing into a house at 30 miles per hour , how the hell is that cool? How the hell is that even something that fits into a show as crazy as house , yes sure the car going into the house was poetic justice for house moving on with his life but why did it have to be some dam boring? I mean this is house! Not ER! Moving onto the second irritating problem , the patient it was made to look like this women was going to be seriously manipulative and make house really suffer and work to find the diagnoses , but no she goes in for a MRI and house spots it straight away and she agrees to the diagnoses given from the MD pure tripe that isn't a puzzle thats like sticking the wrong ends of a puzzle together and passing it off as if you had completed it properly.

Just a overall bland episode , boring and dull it was almost as if the writers are going the same way the lost writers did no where HA , if you guys cant come up with nice original story-lines keeping in tone with the plot and age certificate hit this board up! We have ideas
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House M.D.: After Hours (2011)
Season 7, Episode 22
Best house episode I've ever seen
17 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is without a doubt the best episode I've ever seen its full of witty one liners and great stories , finally house is back to the way it was before intelligent gory and heartfelt , you can see each character change in this episode into a completely new person you see sides to the characters you never actually thought was there , examples:

House: I new he was ignorant and a egoistic manic but i never thought he was so egotistical he would give himself 6 anesthetics and remove tumors from his own leg in the bath tub.

13: Shes very stubborn and until now I've never seen her not back down from something , when chase and her got into a brawl over her friend i really thought she would carry on fighting but she remained down and they took her friend to the hospital.

Cuddy: I really thought she wouldn't answer her phone , i'd assumed even if house explained to her over the phone what he had done , she would of thought he was up to his old games again , shes become extremely trusting in other people

Taub: I've finally gained some respect for his character hes finally pushed the normal boundaries of the show and gotten a girl pregnant and touched a lap dancer at a strip club , finally the man is becoming interesting.

Foreman: Rather than just walk off and leave his friend walking into a oncoming calamity , he asked him 3 times to get in the car hes starting to care a lot more about his colleges , but hes still a power control freak.

So this one episode has resuscitated the characters to a point where the show has become even more interesting i can only hope this show goes on for 10 seasons , just like every other decent show out there.
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Fast Five (2011)
Fast And Furious , Lame and slow
22 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Words can not sum up just how bored i was whilst watching this today in the cinema , it was without a doubt the worst film I've seen all year , and i love the fast and furious franchise it was so boring and dull and the plot was just lame , its supposed to be about underground street racing gangs knocking off other people for money and merchandise , instead we see a bulky bald headed guy run around with his breasts out for 2 hours saying , YOU FAMILY , YOU FAMILY , the script was just poor and you see none and i mean none of the Proper racing , just when you think your about to see a kick ass drag race the director pulls to a cocky shot of them already winning the suited up car , because these guys are just to good to loose.... -.-

If you ask me , and I'm surely doubting you will , this movie has absolutely nothing to do with cars or the fast and the furious , its about them trying to evade the law without cars! I thought that was the point of these films , to show us cool cars and cool stunts with cars , pulling a safe out of a wall in the middle of Rio and dragging it 15 miles isn't exactly what i call a decent insight to the films premise.

Here's how i define the franchise not including this film:

Nice cars , Detailed descriptions, of what make the cars good , Nice Illegal ,street races, Japanese women in skimpy skirts holding up the flags.

That's all i ask out of films like this , but instead its pulled away and and attempted to try and be more sophisticated and its failed in my opinion.

My sister enjoyed it , but she lacks braincells , and anyone else who enjoyed this film is short of a few themselves , i actually fell asleep a bit in the cinema my sister had to punch me awake because i was snoring.
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True Grit (2010)
A emotional rollarcoaster
31 January 2011
True grit absolutely blew me away , as someone whose not to keen on westerns i found this film to be extremely enlightening , it had so much heart , and that was certainly helped by Hailee Steinfeld , what a amazing little actress she is , child actors usually irritate the crap out of me but she was utterly outstanding , and not to mention Jeff Bridges , finally! his talent used in a movie! most of the films I've seen him in , hes a ceo of some massive cooperation who pushes papers , but this time we got to see him shine and in a spectacular piece of art , not once did i see this film going down hill , get boring , or get repetitive which is usually what westerns are like , shoot a Indian shoot a bandit , film over , no! this film was going somewhere! And it did go somewhere , right to my heart.

I don't want to say much else as i don't want to give away to much of the film , but you certainly will not! regret watching True Grit!
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If Dobby wasn't in this movie it would of failed
20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just got back in from a viewing of the deathly hallows part one , all things considered it was a reasonably enjoyable film , but it did drag , and at times you just wanted to keel over and die from boredom , you barely see Voldemort , you barely see the fights between the Death Eaters and the other wizards , it was just a 2 hour snooze fest.

But wait! Dobby makes his return and what a return it was! Possibly the best thing about this movie was dobby everyone was cheering him on , a very well scripted CGI character that warmed everyone in the theaters heart.

All in all i hope part II is better if its not , they have brutally killed off a film genre of its own as well as the many young hearts who have followed it.

Was nice enjoying the film with my sister though :)
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Eureka (2006–2012)
Bad House!
18 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Now before i decided to write my novice review on this show , i went through nearly all 100 reviews before typing this one , not because i wanted it to be original , but because i want to avoid the cliché taglines people have been using , for example...

Eureka we have a good show! Im going to go threw the pros and cons of eureka , starting with the cons , the timelines , extremely confusing and not exactly a good building block for a story , In season one you start to grow a attachment to the characters and the way they have emotionally tied themselves to other characters , but with every new season , there's a new time change , and there for you loose all emotional ties to the characters in the show as well as the the relationships they had with each other Confused yet? What im trying to say is , in every show there's relationships , father and daughter , husband and wife , girlfriend and boyfriend , brother and sister , now eureka has all that , but due to the time line changes , everything in the universe has changed , relationships that existed prior to the other seasons , no longer do , and as the viewer , i don't feel a strong bond towards the characters as i did when prior to season 2 and 1.

Its a massive setback for the show , and its damaging the way the episodes are written in season 4.

Now for the pros , SARAH , next to Jack carter and Fargo , the smart house is without a doubt one of the funniest characters in the show , i cant help but laugh at sarah's sarcastic robotic antics , always telling jack off , and in some cases telling herself off , a great character.

Now for the CGI/SFX , absolutely astounding for a modern show on SC-FI , most of the new shows have really sloppy SFX , but eureka seems to have pretty dam nice SFX.

All in all , i reckon this show could go on for 3 more seasons , providing they all return to the other timeline , bring back zoe carter and for the love of all that's holy bring back Nathan stark.

I know this review was sloppy , but im just trying to give the people the basics , without going into detail and melting one of my brain cells.
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Killers (2010)
FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN x More Fun = 3.7?
9 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK when i first saw the rating on this title , me and a online friend both said to ourselves , the public must be right , well are they? HELL NO THEY Ain't.

This film was fun , sexy , cool , and very well acted , apart from the alcoholic mother *Catherine O'Hara* , this movie was a great pop corn flick , its like all of the people who went to view this expected some kind of film made by Steven Hawkins , so stop increasing your expectations you god dam nerds , and enjoy the movie for what it is , good old spy comedy! Oh on a completely different note , its worth going to see this movie just to see Katherine Heigl peeing on a stick.
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Great Fight Scenes make up for the Bad Acting
9 July 2010
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I love Kung Foo films , and i wanted to see what this century had in store for The New Karate Kid , and in all honesty , Jaden Smith has chops, the fight scenes where pretty dam good , but his acting was a bit off for someone of his age , maybe it was the writing , i didn't like the way they tried to stereotype black youth into being stupid , and it took a old Chinese man to turn him wise.

Being a lover of original karate kid films i can honestly say this film has really pulled out all the stops to try and move itself away from the original karate kid , im not for one second saying this is a remake , because it simply isn't , im saying its new , its fresh , and Jaden Smith has a big career ahead of him.

So if you like Kung Fo , watch it , its pretty good. :D
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Doctor Who: The Big Bang (2010)
Season 5, Episode 13
Welcome Matt Smith , Oh and BOW TIES ARE COOL
26 June 2010
The doctor , the master of the universe , the time lord , the lover of all things good.

Does Matt smith bring all those elements to the role? Yes , Yes he does , i was skeptical at first , but now having seen a entire season with Matt smith , i can honestly say hes taken on the role with sheer class , i Absolutely love him.... , the writers have done well , its not easy writing in a new doctor , all actors/actress's have their own way of bringing their own unique quality's to the role , and Matt and the storyline have blended in extremely well.

The episode was a emotional roller coaster , and at times , slightly confusing , considering the show is aimed at 11 to 16 year olds , i was extremely shocked to see such a complex story line , however the actors and writers have pulled it off , Matt smiths career is off to a Big Bang!
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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour (2010)
Season 5, Episode 1
Can Matt Smith be the Dr? Maybe!
3 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've gone from DR to DR since i was little , but no one has ever made me feel some emotionally gripped to the screen like David Tennant , Matt smith has some very very Big Shoes to fill , and from his first episode today , it looks as though he may just about do it , he has some really weird quality that makes him likable and i cant for the life of me figure it out , but im sure i will as this season progress's! Now for the episode itself , it was bland to say the least , it was fairly boring and there was to much dialogue at the start , there should of been some very emotionally gripping moments in the first episode , so we could all become attached to the new DR , but the writers didn't go that way , we ended getting to know his new time traveling buddy , Amy Pond , the Kiss a Gram =0! If we had more action more tears , more DR! it would of been a great start for Mr smith , but we had to settle for less! All in all , it was a OK start , but not the best introduction to a man trying to start his career as one of my childhood heroes!
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