
91 Reviews
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Impossibly Bland
20 November 2023
I'm giving this a straight five out of ten. Incredibly mediocre movie. I can't even see children enjoying this, to be honest, regardless of it being a family film. Extremely average plot. So much so that it feels like Chat GPT wrote it in 30 seconds. The acting is so incredibly bland it honestly feels like a student film with a decent budget. The progressive car commercials are more engaging with their acting and that's saying something. There isn't a single character in this movie you're rooting for or care about and the motive of the film is so mundane and ridiculous you wonder if they came up with it like a school assignment you procrastinated with and wrote it the night before.

Very boring 5/10.
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Very Pretentious
7 November 2023
This movie tries way to hard to take itself seriously and as a result just completely falls apart. The actors all try to play their part by just being extremely over the top dramatic. It's to the point where you just get angry with them because you just want them to act like normal human beings. A few scenes try to portray trauma as certain characters experience things and it is so over the top it doesn't even reflect how people process trauma in real life. In many other scenes the characters just don't seem to be using their brain at all.

My biggest issue with the movie was how long and drawn out the characters reactions to things are. If they are reacting to a supernatural light or an alien, etc, they just turn around so slowly it makes you want to scream at your TV. Say two of the other characters are looking up into the sky and clearly see something. Then a third character just stares at one of them for like maybe 10 seconds (seemingly confused as to why they are staring in a general direction)... then slowly they stare at the other one for like ten seconds... as if they are still unaware what the other two might be looking at.. but I mean come on. In real life if you see multiple people staring up at something in shock how does it take you nearly half a minute to realize they're looking at something. Then that third character takes a full 30 seconds to slooooowwwlly turn around, after they finally realize there may be something these 2 people who are staring in the same direction are looking at.

Like, my god people.. such a frustrating movie. The cinematography was good as well as the use of lighting. That's the only positive thing I'll say about this movie.
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The Beyond (2017)
What even is this movie...?
30 March 2023
I really tried to give this a chance. I saw all the negative reviews but I decided to give it a shot anyway because it seemed like an interesting premise.

Picture this.. a movie about scientists that is filmed in the same style as The Office without any of the comedy or any characters you connect with or care about. Of course, I'm not trying to say I expected comedy, obviously, but was just trying to set up a field of reference for the flow of the movie.

Nothing actually happens until the 3rd act of the film and, even when it does, there's no build up or climax or anything.

There's no actual real "story" here.. more like a bunch of low-grade actors playing scientists that just talk to the camera and try to explain what they're doing.

Summary: "A film shot like The Office but with zero comedy and follows scientists portrayed by poor actors that attempt to explain what they're doing in a dry uninteresting way. Provides no build-up, no climax, no character development."
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Beast (I) (2022)
Let's call this what it is...
12 February 2023
"The Tale of the Extremely Stupid Daughters That Will Do Anything To Put The Life of their Father in Jeopardy"

Seriously... all the daughters do is constantly complain about how terrible their dad is because of their parents divorce.. then act all high and mighty.. then do the dumbest things imaginable that put everybody (mostly their father) at risk. Then they go back to acting all high and mighty again after each situation even though they're the ones making it worse for everyone. This movie was aggravating as hell because of the kids. It's like they're trying to get their dad killed and have no situational awareness. They complain about their parents divorce while being hunted by a lion... awful script..
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Just BADLY written
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes no sense whatsoever.

Let's break it down...

A scientist (Riri) invents a thing that can detect Vibranium.. government uses it to locate vibranium in Atlantis.. Atlantians destroy them like they're ants.. Namor asks Wakanda to help them locate and kill the scientist responsible for making the machine.. he does this so that he can keep his city safe from outsiders.. Namor tries forming a bond with Shuri and brings her to Atlantis.. Namor gives Wakanda an ultimatum which is that they kill Riri so she can't build another machine or Wakanda join them in eliminating the outside threat... Wakanda, instead, decides to save/protect Riri.. Namor sees no choice but to destroy Wakanda to keep his city safe since Shuri now knows its location.. Namor is 100000% confident he can wipe Wakanda off the board because, as he says, "I have more soldiers than you have blades of grass in Wakanda"

So let's unpack this. The WHOOOOLLLEE point of this movie is a war between Atlantis and Wakanda. Namor starts the war to keep Atlantis safe.. from who?... from WHO? The thick headed government that he flicked off his shoulder like it was nothing? Or the most advanced country in the world who he is certain he can wipe off his boot like an ant? 😂😂 were the writers just napping all day? Who exactly just makes it through this whole movie without realizing how ridiculous the entire premise is..

any stars I give are towards visuals/costumes/cinematography/etc. Basically anything but the writing. Writing gets a solid 1 out of 10.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Should be called "Jumping To Conclusions"
17 October 2022
I feel like this show was written by someone who thinks they're a very clever writer. There are constant occurrences of misdirection throughout the show but the issue with this is that, if you just take a couple seconds to actually think about it, you see right though it. It's like the second any information is divulged to the main characters they just automatically run with it instead of taking a step back to use their brain..

...without giving anything away I'll just give a relatable example. Imagine a movie where the main character's parents were killed with a golf club by a man in a red hat. Then 40 years later the main character is golfing and sees someone else on the green in a red hat... so they go up to this person and start bearing them up mercilessly... but the person they're beating up is only like 19 or 20 years old... meaning there's no way in hell they could have been the murderer..

That's what happens in this show over and over and over again. It's like the writer thinks they're being clever by relating one thing to another to misdirect you but entirely lacks the ability to connect the pieces logically.

Nobody in this show has a single ounce of common sense and it gets frustrating so fast and so frequently. Idk imagine someone gets shot and everyone in the area looks in the direction where they thought the bullet was coming from and they just see a baby in a cradle sleeping.. well in reality we can deduce that it 100% was not this sleeping baby that shot someone.. but in this show, all they would think would be, "man shot. Gunshot come from that direction. Sleeping baby in that direction. Must be sleeping baby. Everyone attack sleeping baby"

Just, not a well-written show at all.
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I don't know about this one . . .
15 October 2022
I've been a huge fan of Halloween my entire life. Actually rather enjoyed the last two, prior to this, a ton (even though reviews were quite mixed). This one, however, doesn't even feel like a Halloween film. For one, Michael is barely in the film and when he is he's very pathetic. He doesn't feel like an "unstoppable force" anymore as he normally does in other installments.

Sure, one can make the argument that he may have serious damage from his injuries in the prior films; preventing him from carrying himself as he normally does but that shouldn't matter with Michael. He always gets up and he's always filled with unmatched strength.

Michael didn't seem like a main character to this movie at all.. he felt like a random side character that got a few minutes of screen time.

Not really a good sign when the main character of a franchise is so watered down you start to pity them...
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
It wasn't bad for what it was
2 October 2022
Look, this obviously ain't going to win any Oscar's lol. The first one wasn't even phenomenal.. it was just victim to this thing we all call nostalgia. What I can say is that it was fun. The first one was a fun gimmick and so is this one. The one thing about the first one was the cast. Yes, the Sanderson sisters are back but outside of them the cast isn't as flavorful. Still, it wasn't garbage at all. I think kids who see this today will like it just as much as us 80s and 90s babies did when we were kids. I enjoyed it a ton and I think it's a worthy sequel to a fun a goofy Halloween film. 7/10.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Was actually pretty enjoyable
27 August 2022
I would categorize this as a really fun popcorn flick. Certainly don't agree with the 5.9/10 rating it has at the time of me reviewing. Not going to win any Oscars but if this had gone to theaters rather than straight to streaming I wouldn't at all be disappointed spending money on a ticket. Certainly one of Sylvester Stallone's better films in recent years and the kid they got to play second fiddle to him really did a good job. Perfect amount of cheesiness too.. not too little and not too over the top. Just the right amount to really give you a fun experience watching. Really gives you the feel of a late 90s/early 2000s stand-alone superhero film. 7/10.
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Frequency (2016–2017)
Awful Show
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is absolutely awful.. from the acting, to the writing, to the score, to the editing... just an awful show..

The whole thing is about trying to catch a serial killer to save the mom from dying but, honestly, I found myself rooting for the killer to get away the entire time. She is not a respectable person at all... she uses her daughter to constantly berate Frank (the husband).. like there's a part where he goes out of his way to save her life from this killer and when she finds out she just tears his head off for it.. saying stuff like "oh what? So you're just going to go after everyone in the city that matches the description of the killer? Your daughter deserves better than this Frank.. how dare you.. get out of my house"

Like... WHAT??

Literally the only likable character is Frank and he's being torn apart by all the other main characters for basically zero reason..

In a nutshell, it's a show that is 99% comprised of people you wouldn't mind seeing hit by a bus.
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The Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Better and better
29 July 2022
As a longtime Star Trek fan, I can say I enjoyed The Orville from the very start.. but now it's at the point where I believe it's not only catching up to Star Trek but may even be surpassing it.

This show just keeps climbing upward. This is how you make a budget work... with the script. I really hope we see many more seasons.
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The Valet (2022)
26 May 2022
I was extremely surprised by this one. I put it on just to put something on and I'm glad I did.. probably one of the best romcoms I've seen in a long time. Had tons of heart. Highly recommend this one.
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Marmaduke (2022)
11 May 2022
Why did they even make this movie? It's like everyone... the whole cast... the whole crew... everyone came into work with the worst hangover of their life and did the bare minimum to get their 8 hours for the day. If my name were attached to this project I'd pay to get it removed.
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Signs (2002)
I think people missed the point here..
10 May 2022
...all I heard after this movie came out was how incredible it was. It was only years later that people started picking apart the logic of it. They missed the point though.. this movie wasn't really about aliens.. it was about "God"... I put that in quotes for a reason because I'm not speaking to any one religion. The whole point of the movie was about good watching out for us over evil. "Signs" has nothing to do with the aliens themselves.. "signs" refers to those watching over us giving us hints they're there.

Brilliant film. Brilliant execution. Stop focusing on water so much and appreciate it for the overall message.
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Focused on all the wrong things
15 April 2022
If you're going to make a movie about a hall of fame quarterback and advertise it as such then make a movie about football.. this isn't a football movie.. it's a love story with a tiny bit of football sprinkled in.
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Really cheesy
1 April 2022
This film probably would have been more fitting in the 80s alongside all the cheesy B action movies that were coming out at the time. However, even 80s punisher was more promising than this film.

It's kinda entertaining and not the worst film out there but left much to be desired.

Where I lost it was when Dominic West's character makes the change into Jigsaw. Dude was like your typical baddy at first; believable performance and all. Then all of a sudden his face gets cut up and instantly he changes the way he's talking and the very first time someone addresses him he's just all like, "Call me Jigsaw"... with like.. ZERO reason for it aside from his face was cut up LMAO. No origin story whatsoever.. he just becomes deformed and suddenly wants everyone to start calling him Jigsaw... like dude.. WHAT??? LMAO

Very cheesy..
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The Dropout (2022)
A very high 7
28 March 2022
Wow.. this show is insane. I want to start off by saying that I know movies and shows overdramatize true stories so I'm speaking solely about the show right now. This goes from you rooting for the main character to you hating her.. like a real life Anakin Skywalker story.. IF this is close to what actually happened I would have been horrified to have been a part of this company. What a truly terrifying slip into "The Dark Side".... Wow.. just wow..
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The perfect animated superhero film
28 March 2022
This movie is filled with everything a great movie needs. Humor, action, drama, suspense, so on and so forth. Had this been a live action film it would have received so many Oscars.
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Fresh (2022)
If you're in to Gorror
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's call it like it is... this movie is like Diet Hostel. Maybe like a young suave Hannibal Lecter. I almost turned this movie off halfway through just based on his disturbing it was but decided to stick it out. It's not for the easily squeamish but not a bad film.

More of a psychological thriller with some not-easy-to-stomach gore added in there. I'd say maybe a 6.5/10 but since we can't do decimals I'm rounding up.
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Sweet Home (2020– )
Straight middle of the road show
27 March 2022
It wasn't bad and it wasn't good. For anyone out there who has ever taken anti-depressants in your life, you know how they don't really make you feel happy or sad? ... how they just kind of create a lack of emotion entirely? That's pretty much exactly how this show makes you feel.. like you don't know whether to keep watching or turn it off or why they even bothered in the first place.

There was zero heart and soul put into this. Reminded me of a project where nobody really cared about it and they were more focused on getting it done rather than take the time to connect the story to their audience.

This is the show equivalent to eating cold 2-day old leftovers from Olive Garden. Like.. sure it still tastes good I guess.. sort of... I mean I think? Let's just say it's passable but I certainly need to have something better tomorrow to make up for it.
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Woke-ing Dead
26 March 2022
This series is basically just about a bunch of high school aged kids with zero life experience somehow surviving a zombie apocalypse..

..extremely pretentious in the way they carry themselves and with no reason to be. I know for a fact a "woke" attitude has zero place on a wartime scenario.. far too many other things to have to worry about aside from sensitive feelings.. well this isn't only war but it's an unending war with re-animated corpses.. their priorities are misplaced and unrealistic..

..don't even get me started on everyone's perfectly groomed hair and flawless makeup. Clothes are always perfectly spotless, regardless of them taking down a bunch of walkers.

This show is basically if the Disney channel tried to produce Walking Dead.
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Time Trap (2017)
Badly Badly Badly Written
18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This seems like a really good idea and I can see it going over quite well in an elevator pitch but it was so badly written I was just frustrated the whole time. You seriously get the impression that these kids lack all and any common sense. It's like they can't even solve basic problems.

At one point, one of the kids is injured and a side character (man from the future) drags him into the fountain of youth. It heals all his injuries and he's perfectly fine after. Yet moments later (seriously, in-universe only a couple minutes have passed) the man from the future is injured and all the kids, including the kid who was healed in the fountain of youth, just stare at him and are like, "oh no.. he's dying". Like, "Yo! Drag him into the fountain! What is wrong with you?!". But somehow this never crosses anyone's mind.

I'm telling you, I would not be surprised if I found out this script was written by a 4th grader and they went into production with the first draft. Whoever wrote this seriously lacks even the slightest morsel of common sense.. god, it was so bad I'm legitimately frustrated right now... I don't think a movie has ever actually made me frustrated for simply existing aside from this one..

This goes down as one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The only reason I'm not rating it a 1 is because it looks like they used a decent camera and some of the VFX are ok... like just barely passable.. but I seriously think that Sharknado looks Oscar-worthy compared to this trainwreck..
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11 March 2022
This isn't going to win any Oscars, and it is far from a perfect time travel movie, but it was a fun ride. Kept my interest all the way through and had a good cast.
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"Rick & Morty" meets "The Boys"
4 March 2022
This episode is basically if The Boys existed in the Rick & Morty universe. Not surprising seeing as Justin Roiland was one of the writers and voiced one of the characters.

I'd go into this episode with the expectation that it does not feel like "The Boys" at all. Expect it to be more like a typical adult swim cartoon.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
A fun watch
23 February 2022
As a long time fan of Star Trek I find this show enjoyable. It's very engaging though has its flaws like anything else.

--------------------- Pros: They didn't turn it into a straight-up action show like the recent feature films which I was very happy about.

We get to see familiar characters (Pike/Spock/etc) alongside a few interesting new ones (mainly Saru though. He is a great character)

Cons: Many of the characters are difficult to like. In several of the original shows I liked almost every single character. In this one most characters are just bland with a few that stand out. Luckily there is a decent story happening that makes this no so difficult to ignore.

In my experience the best part of the original series, and many of the follow-up series', is the change to see them dedicate whole episodes to explore new worlds and base a whole story around that. In this one we see them more interacting in space with most of the story happening solely among the ship.

-------------------- My favorite episode so far has been Season 2 Episode 2 "New Eden". This felt a lot like New Generation. I very much wish more of the show fell in line with this episode.
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