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The Casino Royale of Godzilla Movies
3 June 2024
"Godzilla: Minus One" is a back-to-basics sequel for the franchise. Godzilla is an interesting franchise. I have seen 20 of the films in this long running series. And if you were to ask me which one was my favorite, I would have picked "Invasion of Astro-Monster" (1965). One of the crazy ones where aliens try to abduct Godzilla and take over the world with a 3 headed dragon. Up to this point, I had always seen Godzilla as a fine popcorn B-Movie. I had always prioritized the monster action over any of the human characters. But this film takes all of that and flips it on its head.

It would be like "Batman Begins", if up to this point your favorite Batman movie was with Adam West. But despite it all, this is now MY FAVORITE GODZILLA MOVIE.

It is all backwards. Now I am completely engaged with the human characters and their drama, and every time they cut to Godzilla I think, "Oh no! Don't you dare hurt these guys." The main protagonist, Shikishima, is so engaging and the community around him is so likable, it is like watching a compelling drama, that happens to have Godzilla in it.

But when Godzilla shows up, it is awesome. This is the best handled, human vs. Monster action that these movies have even done.

If you have ever thought that Godzilla movies looked interesting, but couldn't get into the other ones, this is the film that capitalizes on the potential of a Kaiju film.

I give the film a 9...minus one.
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Bring that Statue Back, You Bloated Beanbag
3 June 2024
It is clear when watching this film that this was not made for the theatres. This is a made for TV animated Lupin adventure, and the quality of the animation, music and voice acting reflect the reduced budget. Perhaps I mis-spoke, this isn't "Lupin" this is "Wolf" not to be confused. I do know that Lupin is Latin for Wolf, but it is still odd to hear characters refer to the famous thief by this name.

One more issue, this movie decides to add a little kid to the formula. He's not detective Conan, but he is likewise unreasonably smart for a child.

Despite all of those facts working against it, the charm of the characters still shines through. Lupin still manages to be his usual charming thief self, and the usual crew all get some time to shine.

Lupin also joins the elusive group along with Shredder and Egon as people who have successfully stolen the Statue of Liberty. I like how this is just a little side quest for Lupin, it isn't all that difficult for him.

If you are a Lupin fan and are forgiving on some lesser story and animation beats, this film should get you by.
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So Good at His Job its Emberassing
1 June 2024
Lupin III and his crew of Goemon and Jigen are so good at pulling off heists, it really has become routine. If this is your first "Lupin the Third" adventure, it isn't a bad one. It is one of the best at evenly balancing the main characters. Fujiko, Goemon, Jigen and Zenigata all have some time to shine in this adventure. This entry is a good showcase for the character dynamics and how the system works. You just never really fear for the characters. The villainous threat never feels threatening, and the thieving crew is always one step ahead.

The movie has a very vague MacGuffin. It involves a broach that will somehow help people take over the world. What does it do? I don't know, maybe its just lucky. But then the film loses focus and instead gets caught up in oil drilling.

Surprisingly a lot of Bush Era politics in this one. The villains want to start a war, give Afghanistan WMD's and the whole thing is just about oil. They even mention blowing up wall street. The film isn't making a striking political statement, but it is strange how topical Lupin seemed to be.

The characters and action still shine through, but there is nothing new that this entry is bringing to the franchise. In many ways it is close to being a great Lupin adventure, but with so many other adventures already, sadly it is a day late and... a dollar short.
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Redemption (I) (2013)
Joseph Smith and Nuns Fight Off the Mob
30 May 2024
Knowing Jason Statham's action tough guy persona and given the generic title of "Redemption" you may get the wrong idea about this movie. This movie is...hardly an action movie. I can count on one hand the number of fight scenes in this movie.

This movie is more of a slow-burn character focused affair. Jason Statham plays Joseph Smith, an ex-military guy with some deep-seated PTSD from decisions he made.

Smith runs into some fortune and decides to try to turn his life around. The problem is, Smith doesn't quite have a clear goal or focus. Statham's characters do best when they have a single driving force. Whether it be revenge or saving a girlfriend or stopping a giant shark. In this film he kind of just drifts from one thing to the next.

I'm fine with Statham trying something else as an actor. The problem is, he is playing the same type of character, just one that feels like he is hampered down by too many disjointed plot threads.

You can have both cool action and deep character work in a 100-minute movie. But this story does nun of it well.
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This IS Different From The World I Want
29 May 2024
OK, I did my homework before watching the film. I saw all the episodes of the anime going into this. The series had some monumental highs. It was a clever dark twist on the Mekka vs. Kaiju concept. I did hate the final 2 and half episodes of the 26-episode run. It was the equivalent of having "The Matrix" and then having just the Architect scene from "Matrix Reloaded". This movie is an accurate reflection of the series, in that it likewise has some AWESOME stuff in it, followed by some of the most pretentious visuals and dialogue you will ever hear.

I'm not sure how Pikachu shocking Porygon and "Incredibles 2" get seizure warnings, but somehow this gets a pass. I don't have epilepsy, but this film made me feel like I did. That combined with some scenes that the artists just didn't want to animate, and the movie certainly has a variety of shot length.

Our main "hero" Shinji spends the vast majority of this film, (I clocked 80%) in the fetal position. Too consumed with self-loathing and indecision to do anything.

So, yes, I'm the guy that wants more robots go punchy punchy, and less being preached at with vague platitudes about acceptance. Hence why the best parts involved Asuka. At least she was actually doing stuff.

This movie is meant to be some sort of "alternate ending" to the series. I offer this as an alternate ending instead. Stop the movie 2 minutes before the halfway mark, and imagine your own ending.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Sometimes it Takes Pyschopaths to Stop Monsters
24 May 2024
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" has a similar set up to many other classic anime. It involves a team of teenagers taking control of giant "robots" in order to protect the city from giant monsters. On paper, this sounds similar to shows like "RoboTech", "Voltron", "Tekkaman Blade" or many others. But what this show does that separates it from the others is simply shining a light on what a horrible toll this would take on the psyche of the children.

Suddenly, the organization that is running the robots is no longer an altruistic company solely interested in saving the world. Now the company is a shady group full of mystery and backstabbing. All headed up by a man who sees himself as a god. With all of this, the line becomes blurred as to who are the monsters they're fighting, and the machines they control.

This shift of perspective has fundamentally changed what people think of when they consider the genre.

That being said, this series is not perfect. It has 3 episodes that I just tell people to skip as they watch through them. But when the show is good, it is some of the best stuff I've seen. Conversely when it is is painful. The animation is great, but there are several minutes where the team just throws up their hands and says, "we're not animating today, deal with it."

This series is like if both "The Matrix" and its sequels were in the same anime. There is super cool action with thought provoking ideas going on. And then there are two episodes that are just the architect spouting off philosophical drivel. With the highs and the lows, it can be hard to narrow down a rating. But overall, the good is just too good to ignore.

But man, every character in this show could really benefit from some therapy. These kids are seriously messed up psychologically.
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Lupin III and the Philosopher's Stone
21 May 2024
I'm going to start out by stating this as Cannon to the Lupin Mythos. The reason why Fujiko, Lupin and the gang have never aged after all these decades of being in animation is the fact that they used the Philosopher's Stone.

The fun with these Lupin movies is that they are just about throwing this cast of characters into a bizarre situation and seeing what happens. And truly a bizarre situation. This movie has clone Hitler, Napoleon and I think even Dr. Wheelo from DBZ shows up.

What I don't care for is the portrayal of Lupin in this film. This man is way too horny throughout the story.
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Unfrosted (2024)
A Movie about Nothing
19 May 2024
Perhaps it was my mistake, I went into this film hoping it would be funny. At this point in time there is a strange surplus of "Product Bio-Pics". Movies not about people, but about famous products. Films like, "Air", "Tetris", "Flamin' Hot" and "Blackberry" make up a very specific trend. I thought that this could do what "Walk Hard" did for music biopics. The idea of taking something as dumb as Pop-Tarts as super serious groundbreaking stuff could make an entertaining movie. Add in some very funny people and talented comedians, this should be a slam dunk.

But then you watch it. And you remember, this is the same guy that brought us "The Bee Movie" and it all makes sense.

The movie has about 6 different plot threads going on at the same time. There are some angry milk men, cereal mascots, sugar mafia, JFK and the Russians and a living piece of ravioli. These plot points don't get resolved as much as the movie just stops. The runtime is met, and we can stop focusing on them. The same man that is able to make a 30-minute story about finding your car in the parking lot, cannot juggle all these plot points in 95 minutes.

The jokes are either underdeveloped and too surreal, or they are too over explained. I want to laugh, I want this movie to be funny, but it just does not come together.

Much like the product it is representing, the whole thing is just stale.
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Tekkaman Blade II (1994– )
This is How Robin and Raven Met
18 May 2024
"Tekkaman Blade II" is a 6-episode anime miniseries from 1994. It takes place in "United Global Year 203". In this world humanity fights off monsters using giant battle suits controlled by "Tekkamen".

My review speaks specifically on the English dub because that is how I first heard about this show. Tara Strong at a comic con was asked, "What is the strangest line you've ever had to say?" And this is the show it came from. It makes sense considering this is a very strange show. It isn't as easy to follow as DBZ nor as kid friendly as most of Hello Kitty's voice acting roles.

Not only do the characters say strange things, but I found myself saying strange things as I watched the show. I was shouting at the screen: "Dude, David, just let Dead die." And that sentence makes perfect sense in context of the show. But people over hearing it thought I was crazy.
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Trying to Be #1
16 May 2024
As an anime movie based off a TV series let's answer some burning questions.

No, you don't need to have seen any of the show to follow along.

No, this does not have any major status quo changes to the show's formula.

This movie is more a showcase of the characters and set up of the show for newcomers thinking of giving it a chance.

And for that, it does a pretty good job. The animation and music isn't much of a technical upgrade, it is clear that this wasn't a theatrical release. But the movie does a good job of ratcheting up the tension and making this adventure feel like a bigger deal.

In a nutshell, it is "Assault on Precinct 13" but Paintball Mode, so it is safe for kids.
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You're Under Arrest! (1994–1995)
The Series Gets Better After This Start
15 May 2024
This OVA consists of the first 4 episodes of what would be the "You're Under Arrest" TV series. This does what a pilot episode should do. It introduces the characters and the general status quo of the series.

It introduces the two main leads, Natsumi and Miyukui well enough. There is a good sense of their personalities and character dynamics. But the rest of the precinct is awful.

There is an episode where they use the entire police station to spy on Miyuki's date. One of the main characters fakes a major crime, endangering lives, just as an elaborate scheme to get the two officers to bond.

Still good, but has not yet reached its potential.
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You're Under Arrest! (1996–2008)
You're Under Appreciated
14 May 2024
Where has this show been for all these years? I would have loved this cartoon growing up. As a kid, I was really into all things police. Granted this would have needed some FUNimation style censorship to air on Toonami back in the 90's, but not much.

The show primarily follows 2 police officers, Miyuki and Natsume, at the Bokoto Police Station. The main characters are traffic police, so they don't go solving murder cases or narcotics, mainly car related stuff. But that isn't the real focus of the show, the show is really about the characters and the fun they have on the force.

Mikuki is the more serious one of the group, she is somewhat soft spoken and has a real love for being a mechanic. Natsume is more of the hothead, and like 1 out of every 9 anime protagonists, she has super strength.

The show balances humor, action and drama very well and is a delightful time. It is mainly episodic but does have recurring story beats that rewards long time viewers.

I'm not sure if I'm in the minority on this, but I don't like the character Toukairin. He comes into the series on episode 34 and just feels like Poochie. Everyone thinks he's cool, and he does no wrong. The problem is that he has no personality beyond being good at stuff and being a love interest.

Other than that guy, I'm totally on board with the rest of the cast. Stike-Man, Shopping Lady, Kenny, and Yuriko are some of my favorites. Now time for an obscure reference, for a series that is already a specific niche...

Miyuki and "Natsumi: Serious Fun."
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Not a Betrayl of Ceasar
11 May 2024
Getting the obvious out of the way. All the technicals are done wonderfully. The visuals, music and cinematography are all top-notch. And in a nutshell, this movie is good, but not as good as the "Ceasar Trilogy". But unlike "Indiana Jones 4" this does not tarnish the good ending of the original. And unlike "Jason Bourne 4" it is not just a shameless rehash of a previous entry. This story is wholly unique and has a distinct feel compared to the previous movies. The movie still maintains the action/drama and cautionary human pessimism the series is known for.

The action in this movie is very well-helmed. Where the others focus more on gunfighting, this one has a lot of fun ape fighting that is a ton of fun.

Where the film falls short compared to the previous is in the story department. The movie begins with an engaging hook but gets sidelined by less compelling characters and side quests. The movie was at its best when it was focusing on the ape characters. Noah is a good protagonist, but the human characters just feel tasted on. As if the studio thought audiences wouldn't relate unless there was a human in the group.

I admire that the story took some interesting twists, but it doesn't have as deep of characters as in previous entries. Still, movies together strong.
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You Can't Block Death
10 May 2024
You don't have to be a pretentious cinephile to like this movie. Also, if you don't like the movie that doesn't mean you are uncultured swine that doesn't "get" cinema. It is not a film school graduation requirement to like old black and white Swedish Films.

The film has a lot of themes surrounding death and is fitting that they have a literal personification of the figure. A lot of people try to bargain with it, evade it or even just understand it.

One thing that this film doesn't get much credit for is how funny it is. I don't just mean how funny Swedish sounds, but it has some hilarious scenes and dialogue. A dark comedy for sure, but it does have some good laughs. Squire Jöns is like a Seinfeld character transported through time. It is an odd thing to compliment, but that guy is this film's MVP.

In the end, there is only Death, and what do we say when we meet him? "Not today."
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The Swan (II) (2023)
Just an Ugly Duckling
2 May 2024
The moral of the story: some people are just jerks. I've never hated two characters more that I never even got to see. I enjoyed the other Wes Anderson Roald Dahl shorts. The quirky narration, 4th wall breaking and stage setting was unique. This is the one that took that a step too far. This comes across more like a glorified audio book with some added visuals. Film is a visual medium, you should "show not tell". But this short does not go with that. I could forgive its unconventional story telling if the story was worth telling, but this story is simply not worth telling. I see why Roald Dahl kept this in a book of ideas and didn't finish it.
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Puffin the Magic Bird, Lived by the Sea
27 April 2024
Since I have never seen an episode of "Puffin Rock", I am looking at this as an entry level experience. Before watching this, I thought "Puffin" was the name of the main character. The reason why I was drawn to this film was because it is animated by "Toon Saloon", the people that brought us "WolfWalkers", "Song of the Sea", and "Secret of Kells". Yes, Tom Moore is not the director, and the film is clearly aimed at a younger audience, it isn't "PG" it is "Y-7". But quality is not limited by age demographic, and this is a fine kids' movie.

The movie has very charming voice acting, no big-name celebrities, just genuine voice artists, all of which have heavy Irish accents. Like every Toon Saloon movie, it has great animation. I love their efforts to keep traditional 2D animation alive. The story has its fair share of songs, and they are nice. Particularly "Have no Fear", is legitimate toe tapper.

The story manages to balance several characters and plot threads very well. Both newcomers to the show and small kids will have no problem following the flow of the story. They likewise naturally ratchet up the tension towards the climax and make a well-paced 80-minute story.

On the negative end, there isn't much new that this brings to the table. Like so many movies from TV shows, it can just feel like a long TV episode. The lessons aren't bad, but they are familar. Stuff like, tell the truth, be brave, be nice to others, all good stuff to learn, but nothing all that deep. It is just the charm of the characters and setting that keep it going.

Also, the narrator is pretty unnecessary. He was the source of some good laughs, but overall, he was a distraction. The visuals and characters told the story fine. The narrator felt like the over talkative dad in the theatre explaining what was going on to his toddler.

Overall, the movie does its job. The 8-year-old and 6-year-old I watched it with gave it 4 collective thumbs up. The 68-year-old who was watching was fast asleep. For a kids very first film, this movie Puffin Rocks.
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Slam Dunk (1993–1996)
Perfect for "Jump" Anime
16 April 2024
This series could just as easily be titled: "Sports and Practice" because that sums up the focus of the show. As I write that, it may sound negative, but I genuinely don't mean it that way. This series celebrates all the sports movie cliches. But as someone who loves the theme of "in order to accomplish your goal it will take a lot of hard work and determination."

It is a message that I feel is surprisingly under shown in animated shows. Usually, the super special main character is incredibly gifted in their field and everyone else has to get out of their way. Hanamachi is naturally athletic, but he has to work so hard in order to become a competent basketball player. And the more time he spends working on his goals, the more the audience learns to root for this guy.

The series also balances humor and action very well. It doesn't feel like they are trying to force humor, it is just the way the characters work off each other that leads naturally to humor.

The obvious problem the series has is pacing. There is one basketball game that lasts 16 episodes. That is as long as Goku and Freiza's fight on Namek. Let me repeat, not just the 5 minutes before the explosion, the ENTIRE fight is as long as this basketball game. And sadly, similar to DBZ, the series pitters out without a satisfactory conclusion. And no, the 4 TV movies do not resolve things any better. Hopefully after 30 years, the new movie will bring honor to it.

After watching this show, I feel like a Basketball Genius.
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Fight Club (1999)
Let's Talk About Fight Club
1 March 2024
Looks like I'm going to be breaking the first two rules of Fight Club. This is a hard film to talk about without also talking about the fandom of this movie. This movie has a legion of "Film Dude Bros" that base their whole personalities off this film. There is an odd irony that, in the film, Tyler Durden spreads his philosophies around America and puts together a large cult. In the real world, the movie "Fight Club" likewise spread its philosophies around America and got a large cult following.

Now like any piece of art, there are multiple interpretations and themes one could gather from this movie. But people, Tyler Durdan and the Narrator are not heroes. They are no more role models than any of David Fincher's film characters. Some people might read that and think I'm a moron who has not reached enlightenment.

Now, don't misunderstand me. I still think this is a good movie. I'm not setting out to destroy something beautiful. I know I'm not special, I'm not saying anything new about this film. It is a well-directed, tightly written and a truly unique picture. Honestly, I was surprised about how funny it was. I know that isn't its main feature, but it has some really funny moments in it. I just think the people that believe "in Tyler we Trust" are insane and intolerable.

I watched this film as a sort of homework assignment I dreamed up. With it being so highly ranked on IMDb's list I do ask, "What do you get out of this? Is it making you happy? I don't understand."
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Frasier (2023– )
I Can't Bring Myself to Hate it
9 February 2024
OK, clearly this is not as good as the original "Frasier" show, nor is it as good as "Cheers". But it is better than the other "Cheers" spinoff, "The Tortellis" (1987), so take that for what its worth.

Going into this series I heard nothing but bad things. I personally thought the idea of a reboot was stupid. Leave things well enough alone. But as I gave the show a chance, I found myself laughing and enjoying more of the episodes than I thought.

For good and for bad, the show plays like the original "Frasier". Complete with scene titles and laugh track. For those wanting the show to adapt with the times, will be disappointed. The show definitely feels the lack of Niles. Frasier's son Freddy can be really annoying. There is an episode where he throws a stink about Frasier saying, "my son is more than just a fireman." He sulks the whole episode because of this perceived offense.

Kelsey Grammar is still just as good as ever and the jokes can still land. Let's hope that the following seasons can improve on the groundwork set up here.
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28 January 2024
This movie is both parts hilarious and historically significant. First, Charlie Chaplin as a "totally not Hitler" (but definitely Hitler) is historically perfect casting. Chaplin made his tiny mustache iconic in early cinema, and then Hitler made that same mustache infamous. Second, Charlie Chaplin is the man who is the face of silent films, every film on his "Tramp Series" is in AFI's Top 100 Films. The fact that this legend could end his famously silent character with perhaps cinema's most timely and powerful speech, spoken eloquently directly to the camera. That is the best punchline of all.
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Happy Ice Cream Time
25 January 2024
Getting the obvious out of the way, this isn't as good as "A Silent Voice". As the trailer boldly proclaims, it is made by the same director and composer as that great film. And looking at the characters, you can tell there are some visual similarities in the art style. Naoko Yamada is able to focus on the nonverbal nervous ticks that speak volumes about the characters perspective and state of mind. Instead of showing the person talking, it will show them holding their hands behind their back, and her staring at the ground.

The movie entirely takes place within the school and the cast, minus 2, are all entirely the female students in their school uniforms. We don't get a glimpse of their parents, or life outside of school.

The story is very simple, and the stakes are very low. This is a character driven internal conflict of a story. If you are a huge band geek, this would be the movie for you. Most of it is about the two leads trying to play the titular song.

It is a sweet and simple little story, and it is music to my ears.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Anyone Remember the Film "Life Size"?
24 January 2024
From a far, I can see why people would absolutely hate this movie. Just the concept of "Barbie: The Movie" is enough to make people feel like the art of cinema has been compromised by corporate America. But, as a whole, this movie was very well received. It made over a billion dollars at the box-office and was nominated for 8 Oscars including "Best Picture", so clearly it some people really liked it.

There is a lot to enjoy in this film. The movie does a good job with poking fun at the Barbie brand without it feeling too much like a spoof. This is a comedy, so the fact that the film is really funny is kind of an important element. Understandably comedy is a subjective thing, so all I can say is for me, I laughed out loud several times through the movie. The movie is clever in how it treats its "worldbuilding" and nicely avoids any firm answers about how this world works. Because, yeah, if you think about that sort of stuff in the film there is a LOT that doesn't add up.

It is nice that they don't spend too much time in "the real world" and focus on the creative fun of "Barbie World". The movie is more visually unique and can do more gags when that is the case.

When the movie is focusing on being a bizarre comedy, that is when some of the best and most memorable things happen. When it tries to have a more serious message, that is where it loses some momentum. Don't misunderstand me, the movie needs some serious stuff in order to make the comedy work. And the stuff with Ugly Betty and her daughter is good emotional stuff. But towards the end, they realize that Barbie needs to have a character arc and feel like they tack one on last second. There are some very funny jokes towards the end, but it does become a little repetitive and the message feels heavy handed by the 5th time it's brought up. Side note: I wanted a cameo from the voice actress of Barbie, Kelly Sheridan, but she wasn't there.

I will emphasize this because Hollywood will learn all the wrong lessons from this movie's success. We do not want a "Polly Pocket" movie or an "Uno" movie. What made this film a success, beyond its brand or its marketing campaign, is that it was uniquely Greta Gerwig's vision. The movie wasn't concerned with mass audience appeal, it would tell jokes that they thought were funny and hoped others would enjoy as well. If you want to duplicate Barbie's success, give creative people control to make some out there stuff.

Wrapped in plastic, it's fantastic.
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Secrets of DUMB
24 January 2024
It is sad if you think about the potential that the "Wizarding World" had to offer. It is clear from the previous two films of this franchise that the people in charge have no idea what to do. Or if they do, they are all awful ideas. Any sorrow that I have about the potential of the universe is replaced with disgust as I sit through this mess of a movie.

This film is a prime example of "and then this happened..." movie. One scene doesn't build into the next scene, it is just a series of misadventures and side quests as they wait for the runtime to end. They even explain in universe that no one in their group knows what the plan is or what is going on.

The romantic couple in this film have one movie of good chemistry, but then two back-to-back films that indicate that they are the worst couple ever and have no business being together.

The worldbuilding they do here makes no sense and focuses way too much on wizarding politics that makes me think this society would crumble in days.

Do yourself a favor and just try to obliviate this film from your memory.
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Raisin Awareness About the Food Film
30 December 2023
The first "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" was a surprisingly good time. It was clever, funny, and tightly written. This entry is by no means one of the worst animated sequels, especially given the terrible track record of Disney Sequels, but it is clearly a step down from the original.

This film is one of the most generic animated kids' movies of all time. The crew of characters go to an island. The main protagonist is acting like a jerk because (insert whatever the kids' lesson is supposed to be). The group then argue and split up. The protagonist realizes the error of his ways and apologizes. Throw in some comedic relief sidekicks, slapstick and pop songs and you have yourself a movie.

To the film's credit, through so many of those tired plot points, they throw in some fun jokes to the mix. It doesn't change the story, but it is still amusing. Likewise, the little kids I watched it with really enjoyed the film. It took them two viewings to sit through it all, but they gave it high praise. I also have a higher tolerance for food puns than most.

This is also a necessary "turn off your brain" type of movie. The concept is outlandish enough, but you also have to ignore the horrifying implications of the island full of sentient food. It is like Jurassic Park or Frankenstein, if the lesson was "it's a good thing that you did that.

Not the most well-rounded animated film, but it is like junk food in movie form. Fine in moderation, but don't make a meal out of it.
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Making a Mountain out of an Ant Hill
29 December 2023
Although this film is primarily seen as a war film, it may find more in common with a courtroom drama. It is 1916 in France in the heart of a battle in World War I. General Mireau wants to capture part of the battlefield known as "The Ant Hill". He tells Col. Dax to capture the Ant Hill. The general figures that he will only lose roughly...65% of his men in the venture. As the men go to capture this hill, they find the task impossible and can't progress passed the first trench. This displeases General Mireau and he wants to charge them for cowardice.

The villain can be a tad too over the top. He makes the mayor from "Jaws" look subtle. It weakens the theme because of how extreme he is.

Unlike so many other Stanley Kubrick films, this one is very straight forward. It is a tight 88-minute runtime. It follows a simple 3 act structure with a clear protagonist and antagonist. It is decisively un- pretentious, but that isn't to imply that the movie has nothing to say. It is a poignant and engaging tale and should be seen.

It deserves all the glory it gets.
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