
22 Reviews
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I'm Not a Robot (2017–2018)
Poor crustaceans
5 July 2021
I found this amusing but had to quit in the 8th episode because of the scene where he cooks the live crabs. There was also a prior scene with a live lobster in a refrigerator which was also stressful to see. I'm not a vegetarian or vegan but I don't like to see animals suffer for entertainment. The scenes were unnecessary too. Didn't add to the show.
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Man to Man (2017)
28 March 2021
I really liked this series. Park Hae-jin is a pleasure to watch and Park Sung-woong is funny. Kim Min-jung is also good. I really enjoyed this series. It had a little of everything. Romance, comedy, drama and crime. Very entertaining.
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Hope Gap (2019)
19 January 2021
I am always glad to hear the use of poetry in a movie even when it is scarce and repetitive . I have to confess I only found this movie mediocre. I did like Josh O'Connor. His acting is quiet and emotive where Benning is rather loud and overplayed and Bill Nighy at this point basically plays the same character in ever movie.
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21 December 2020
I was actually startled when the narrator first spoke. Why would you pick this narrator. He's grating and sounds like he's simple. When you make a documentary or film, you need to focus on every choice you make.
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Yeah, as bad as I remembered.
5 December 2020
Decades ago I watched this and thought it was a pretentious piece of crap. Tonight I watched it thinking perhaps I was the pretentious piece of crap but no, it was the movie. I did find Stellan Skarsgard a pleasure to watch.
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Truth Seekers (2020)
Malcolm McDowell
31 October 2020
Obviously the subject interested me and I enjoy watching Pegg and Frost but I confess McDowell is what sealed the deal. I've been watching his movies since the 70's. Clockwork Orange, If, O Lucky Man, Time After Time, Royal Flash, etc. It's a decent series. I am watching it as I write this. I enjoy the supernatural so it hits a lot of marks for me. I'm having fun so it's a win.
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27 July 2020
It's quickly obvious that Gosha owes a debt to Kurasawa. The storyline and actors are easy to parallel in Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, etc. but still it stands on it's own. It's cast is engaging, from the lone samurai, the guilty samurai to the rather epicurean samurai. The lead actor may be no Mifune but he's still satisfying in his role.
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The Professor (I) (2018)
Tries to be something it's not.
13 July 2020
I like Johnny Depp. He's a good actor and easy on the eye but I found the movie was rather pretentious. Making sure you knew who was acceptable and who wasn't in his ungenerous world view was rather boring. His rejection of certain students was more pompous than admirable. But hey, if the writer thinks he needs to put people down to think he's smarter and hipper, may he enjoy his delusions. To be honest, the main character Richard is kind of a dick so I just wanted the movie to be over.
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Poor version of the book.
2 November 2019
Bateman and Kidman are too old for their parts. Did anyone read the book? Why do so many screenwriters erroneously think that they can make the movie version better than the original? In this case they definitely didn't. If a book was a bestseller or popular it was because the readers enjoyed THE BOOK!. Why change it? What a waste of money.
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Must of offered Hiddleston a lot of money.....
2 December 2017
Wow.... I can honestly say that my only reason for watching this was Tom Hiddleston and after finishing it I am happy to say my shallow interest in the movie was totally justified because it sucked. Hiddleston was pretty so that was very enjoyable but otherwise the acting , special effects and script were horrid. Well done if one is looking for an embarrassingly bad B movie. The soundtrack was decent but the 70's rocked. Thank God for the wine that numbed it all.....
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Split (IX) (2016)
2 December 2017
Shamalamaadingdong is a boring director and once again he has made a tedious movie. Has he ever done a good movie? It sucks and I think some directors should go back to school. This isn't very good and I don't understand why people liked it so much. I'm tired of cringing through movies and this made me cringe AND bored me. Thanks a lot. I can't help thinking the average movie audience are idiots....
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It (I) (2017)
Awful movie.
17 November 2017
What a clumsy, awkward mess of a movie...and not even vaguely scary. My main reaction watching this movie was who in the hell directed it. Was it a novice director? It was a jumbled, disconnected movie. Just scenes shoved together. A very disappointing movie. I just sat through it waiting for something to justify the good reviews. Skarsgard and kids just didn't have enough to work with to pull this one off. Sorry to say but what a waste of time.
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Doctor Who: The Doctor Falls (2017)
Season 10, Episode 12
Capald is amazing
13 July 2017
Peter Capaldi is awesome. I loved him as The Doctor. Capaldi and Tennant are my favorite Doctors. The only negative would be Matt Lucas, who is a weak addition and I don't really care for him. I really hate to see Capaldi go. I hope they choose the next Doctor as well as they did this time!
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Downward Dog (2017)
Almost liked it
25 May 2017
I don't understand why the female character is always unlikable. I like Martin the Dog and Jason but Nan comes off as a bit shallow despite the fact that I'm suppose to find her likable when her sell- out idea gets destroyed so she comes up with an ad that is more socially acceptable for a backup. She's sleeping with ex and using him to babysit Martin but doesn't really want him in her upward life. I don't get it and I just don't like her. Martin is adorably cute though and Lucas Neff is great with the sweet, stoner/hippie character.
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Midsomer Murders (1997– )
miss Nettles
11 May 2017
I have watched this series since the beginning but I confess to being disappointed. I find the constant changes in DI's annoying as I get fond of one and then they get a new one. I realize this may not be the creator/producers fault(or perhaps it is) yet it is very tiresome. Also it seems Christianity take a hit a lot. I think I'm ready to call it a day because it's just boring now. I miss the John Nettles era very much.
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Very cringe worthy
31 July 2016
I kindly gave this three stars because 1) I love bull riding 2) I love cowboys 3)Scottie is a hottie.

I will point out that I found the editing horrible, the acting uncomfortable (Ms Robertson seems confused when it came to reacting to certain situations, though I confess I did kind of meanly enjoy watching her struggle to emote at moments) and the story line is boringly similar to most of Sparks books from what I've heard. This was my first encounter with one of the sappiest, cookie cutter writers out there.

I can't say I regret seeing it(again,LOVE bull riding) but the saying "Ignorance is bliss" did come to mind when I finished it.
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The X-Files: All Things (2000)
Season 7, Episode 17
28 April 2016
First of all... Moby? Worst music ever. What the hell happened to this series? This episode was the most boring, pretentious X-Files ever. Didn't it occur to anyone that this was a painfully embarrassing episode being made? It was basically a soap opera. I first began watching the X-files back in the 90's when it came out. I'm betting this episode is why I eventually bailed. I think they should have ended it around season 4 or 5. Too many shows extend way beyond their creativity(Supernatural, hint, hint). I'll keep watching though. I can't imagine it will get much worse at this point. Guess I'll find out soon enough. No wonder David Duchovny walked away from the show. Wait. He probably ran.
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11 December 2015
I have waited for this movie to come out forever it seems and then took a day off from work today to see it as I adore Melville's works, especially Moby Dick. I have also read Philbrick's book and the Chase and Nickerson accounts. I was really surprised Ron Howard followed the basic story but changed quite a bit despite it being based off a real event. I feel Ron Howard did quite a disservice to Chase, Pollard and Coffin. I won't say too much and spoil it for others but he added some situations too. If you liked the movie a lot, a warning to you that maybe you shouldn't read the book. Anyway I think it could have been much more than it was but on the plus side I got to ogle Chris Hemsworth for 2 hours....
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Very disappointing series.
26 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching season 1 of Vikings on Netflix. I was really excited at first but I'm bailing on it. I could push past the mix of bad accents which were uncomfortable but bearable. Casting choices were rather strange at times but at least it was with minor characters. It quickly became unimaginative and annoying in regards to betrayal, infidelity and bad theology and mythology. Ragnar is awesome to look at but he's an asshole to family and friends. I really wished it had been as good as the reviews said but, oh well. It does have beautiful scenery though. It definitely has that going for it. But that's about all and yes, I'm including Fimmel when I say that.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
How can anyone sit through this
4 November 2014
The acting in this is painful to watch. The cast is horrible. Boring and unappealing. The plot and dialogue are just embarrassing. Who is watching this? I assume the same guys watching Arrow/Glee. It's seems to be written for very simple people with a certain expectation and that isn't talent. I can only hope this show ends up being canceled to make room for something worthwhile. I honestly have no idea how Berlanti is able to keep getting shows out. Perhaps it's just a lack of good idea's in TV right now so Berlanti is just in the right place at the right time. Seriously cringey show, as is Arrow. My advice is don't waste your time and intelligence watching this. Hopefully this only last one season.
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Just a Gigolo (1978)
Very interesting and odd movie
2 July 2014
I saw this movie when I was 19 at a theater in Seattle. I actually stole the movie poster out of the wall display as they did not have it locked down and it was too good of an opportunity for the more adventurous girl I was back then. I no longer have the poster( I tossed it after a while as it was damaged from too many moves). I still have 2 soundtracks from it that I bought at the time(thank God). One I've left sealed because, yeah I'm one of those types. Anyways, I loved the movie. It had a great cast(I was a HUGE Bowie fan, still am). I've always liked the director David Hemmings. Such a hottie when he was a young actor. Charming soundtrack by the way. It's definitely worth seeing. Storyline roughly is down on his luck soldier who becomes a gigolo but is a little too sensitive for his new career and the politics of the time. Wish I had a copy of the movie....
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The Hollow Crown: Richard II (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
15 November 2013
I would have found this an excellent film except for the fact that I could not get behind Whishaw portrayal of Richard II as effeminate(if not gay, with all the men he eyes and surrounds himself with)shallow king who seems to view himself as a contemporary Christlike figure. I cringe as I watched the veteran actors strong characterizations against what I found a weak and disappointing interpretation of Shakespeare by Whishaw who is a good actor. I confess I didn't like him in Bright Star either. Horrible take on Keats but that's for another review! I must also say I was let down by Patrick Stewart's "other eden" monologue. I felt very little emotion when he spoke the famous lines. A nod to Rory Kinnear who quietly gave a great performance. A very underrated actor that I hope to see in more Shakespeare brought to screen. I also enjoyed watching David Suchet, who did an excellent job. Still, it's worth seeing in my opinion, which is just that, my opinion!
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