
6 Reviews
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Omen II Sequel Awesome!
27 October 2017
I have owned the Omen Trilogy for years on both VHS and DVD. Omen II was by far my favorite for multiple reasons. Hey, don't get me wrong, the Omen original from 1976 was awesome but felt the second movie Omen II was by far way better and did I mention the awesome soundtrack??? "Ave Santini" I didn't realize until recently, is translated: "Hail Satan." This is very disturbing to me as a Christian but still consider it one of the best soundtracks of all time.

The production for Omen II was so well done and actually scary compared to the cheap budget movies you see today. To this very day, Omen II is in my top 10 as the most scariest movies of all time due to mixing religion with horror. This is a movie full of suspense, horror, mystery and very well produced.

A must see for everybody and would encourage everybody to watch the entire trilogy from back in the day. I wish they would make movies similar to the Omen series today, unfortunately, a majority of horror/thriller movies are made on very low budgets, terrible remakes, horrible acting and scripts. I miss the good old days.
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Battle of the Bulge (entertainment, not a documentary!)
5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am finally ready to write a review of a movie I have owned for many many years. After reading many of the IMDb reviews of this awesome movie it really baffles me of what these negative people who watched this film were expecting??? Were you expecting a documentary where every depiction of this movie was 100% factual? It appears many critics expected snow throughout this movie? Welcome to the world people that Hollywood movies are not totally accurate and never have been on true life events. Until you accept this, you will never like any Hollywood movie based on true life events.

For example, one of my favorite classic movies is the "Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston 1956. This movie won multiple awards and based on the Bible. Was this movie 100% factual? No way! There were many scenes in this movie that has nothing to do with the bible but for the most part was fairly accurate. See my point?

The movie "Battle of the Bulge" is a very well produced movie along with an all star cast. There are a lot of facts in this movie but also many events during this movie that are not accurate. Hey, we all know this so why whine about it? There are enough accurate events that happened to make this a very entertaining movie and qualify it as a great World War II movie. I became a huge fan of Robert Shaw in this movie and his role in "Jaws" confirmed to me he is one of the great actors in history.

For all Historians, which I consider myself with my specialty being World War II, this movie is not an accurate documentary but a Hollywood very entertaining movie with great producing along with acting. I give this movie a 10/10 stars. See this movie for what it is, creating a history event and giving us all some awesome entertainment!
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American Greed (2007–2023)
American Greed Is The Most Important TV Series of this Century!
13 February 2015
Anybody remember the Wall Street meltdown of 2008/2009? Remember how they fixed this mess? Tax Payers bailed out not only Wall Street, Banks, Insurance Companies (AIG) and more entities than I care to list.

I have seen every season of American Greed with exception to seasons 2 and 3.

If I can say one positive about the "Great Recession" of 2008/2009 it exposed multiple Ponzi Schemes that showed corrupt businesses ripping off not only Americans but investors all over the world in the billions of dollars.

Charles Ponzi was famous for starting this scheme many many years ago but really took off again in recent years with the great economies of the late 1990's and also early in the 21st century. Bernie Madoff is the most infamous of this type of scheme as he took it to another level which lasted for over two decades and bilked honest American and International people out of billions.

American Greed covers many of the most incredible cases where one or a group of individuals defrauded countless Americans out of their life savings and destroyed many families financially as a result.

Some of the more intriguing cases for me where the criminals were convicted:

Gerald Payne - Greater Ministries International

Scott Rothstein - Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler law firm

Tom Petters - Fingerhut and Polaroid

Nevin Shapiro - Major League Fraud - Gambling addict but started legitimate business originally. Exposed Miami Hurricanes Football

Steven Warshak - Enzytes. Products he sold was a total fraud but his commercials most funny in history with smiling Bob.

So many more great episodes during 8 seasons of fraud and ponzi schemes.

Stacy Keach does a great job narrating and this is an awesome true crime series that has just recently started their 9th season. I give this series a 10/10. I hope this series lasts forever and keep exposing the criminals throughout the USA and Internationally about multiple crooks with only one goal in mind: steal your money!
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Haunted (1995)
Haunted (1995) Thriller, Love Story and Mystery (underrated)
30 January 2014
Hey, I just want to say I have watched this movie 10 times and never get tired of it. Kate Beckinsdale back in her early prime was and so beautiful. The acting is great! It took me many years to find a DVD but finally own this movie:) I remember seeing this for the very first time on some cable channel back in 1995...I couldn't tell you which one?

Very well written movie and very well produced. I wish they would make more like these.

This movie is about a Professor at a British university who is requested by an older maid/servant to come to a mansion out in the suburbs of Great Britain. The Professor has written a book trying to convince everybody there are no ghosts or paranormal true events on this planet. He is in for the surprise and shock of his life.

Professor Ash decides to take a visit to this historic mansion at the request of the aging maid/housekeeper and encounters events he would have never envisioned.

My roommate, God bless her soul, saw this with me 9 years ago just before she died. She said this was one of the most scariest but adorable movies she had ever seen.

Myself? One of the most underrated Mysteries/Thrillers/Paranormal/Love Story movies I had ever seen and loved it. A must see and one of those movies that will keep your attention throughout. A lot to like about this one. I don't care what the current rating say about this movie...I adored it.

I gave it a 10 out of 10. Very picky about movies and consider this a winner in my book:)
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The Iceman (2012)
The Iceman (2013) Worth watching
29 January 2014
I had high expectations of course awaiting this movie for many years since the HBO films back in 1992 and 2001. Namely: HBO America Undercover: Confessions of a Mafia Hit-man (1991 & 2001). I actually really liked the film but was disappointed in how it was produced and thought the movie should have been an hour longer to really present more details as there was so much more not presented here.

I think true crime movie fans like myself, would much more appreciate a film like this if they were able to watch the two HBO documentaries that preceded this movie back in the day. This helped me to understand the movie much more than an average viewer.

Michael Shannon did a decent job in this movie. Regardless, it was still one of the better produced movies in years and was more or less true to the HBO documentaries I have viewed over the years about Richard Kuklinski.

I will give this movie a 8/10 for overall movie. Hey, in this day and age...most of the Hollywood movies suck in my book! This movie gives Hollywood some hope in my mind if they produce more similarly. So, in conclusion, I give this movie a thumbs up:)
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A very underrated comedy
28 December 2013
I personally liked this film and really compare it to a similar comedy I enjoyed called "Vice Versa" where father and son exchanged places to create a very similar scenario.

There was a lot to like about this movie and think the ratings overall for whomever saw this movie were disappointing to me but this is life.

I gave this 8 out of 10 stars and deserving. The acting was pretty good for this type of comedy where Daddy is a doctor and his son has to take on his role as they exchange places for a day or so.

Dudley Moore as a doctor is very humorous and his son trying to take on his normal roles as doctor is hilarious.

I really like these kinds of comedies and hope to see more similar in the future. Dudley really didn't act in a whole lot of movies I really enjoyed but this is one of them. Give it a try...think anybody who hasn't seen this movie will surprisingly like it despite ratings:)
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