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The Sinner: Part I (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Season 4: Best season of all
16 January 2022
I'm going to miss this series terribly. Season 4 had everything -- great plot, script and acting. The network that was showing it dropped out of my channel lineup halfway through the season. I kept thinking about the show and hoped to see the remaining episodes somehow.

My wish came true, so I didn't need to buy new services specifically to get the final episodes. Season 4 was amazing and twisted... A terrifically slow burn.
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Call the Midwife: Episode #10.5 (2021)
Season 10, Episode 5
1 November 2021
The screenwriter(s) for this show are second to none!

This episode, for example, is wonderfully interesting and full of heart. In addition, it ends with quite a cliffhanger. Doubtless that will annoy many viewers, but it's as brilliant as it is realistic.
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American Rust: Debt Collection (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Its true colors are grim but this is a good show
30 October 2021
This is the most grim episode yet. Grim! Also the very end of it seemed to go too far.

Overall, though, I think this show is a good, slow burn. Decent plot, good writing and excellent acting.

I didn't think I could withstand Jeff Daniels any longer but everyone's doing great work.
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Cold Case Files: Officer Down (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
Tedious, meandering storyline
20 September 2021
This episode seemed to go on forever. Sorry but there were loads of details thrown in that had no effect on the outcome.

Investigations can doubtless be frustrating and full of dead ends. So many unnecessary details, however, often do not add up to engaging plots.
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Manhunt (II) (2017–2020)
*** Phenomenal Season 2 ***
13 October 2020
Season 2 is PHENOMENAL so far.

Cameron Britton is perfectly cast as Richard Jewell. He's big and cute, and he has great range. This actor can play an innocent, victimized person as brilliantly as he portrays a serial killer.

This taut, thrilling series also features a great supporting cast. Can't wait for the next episode!
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Shetland: Episode #5.5 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 5
*** Mind-boggling suspense ***
11 October 2020
Shetland continues to be masterfully written and acted. Around its midpoint, this episode shatters all records for suspense.

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Stairway to Heaven during the credits
27 September 2020
It's understandable that musical composers would be inspired to draw inspiration from Stairway to Heaven. It's a beautiful and haunting song. You can hear its influence during the closing credits - especially starting where they list the name of the cinematographer.

I did like this movie. Such a tragic story, though! I daresay that I learned more about the broader issues that might have applied from the critics' reviews and responses to them.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
LOVED Elton in the 70s -- now I'm blown away! HOLY **** **** ****
25 March 2020
Caught this movie just as my Prime subscription was running out. Weeks passed and I couldn't get it off my mind. Renewed Prime specifically to watch it again and again.

Being such a fan of Elton's work in the 1970s, it was crazy how many things I never knew. Though very young, I had found ways to buy all of his regular 1970-1975 records.

Ignoring newspapers and concerts, I had no idea of Elton's true greatness or his tragedies over the years. When my Dad told me about his sexuality, it helped to further open my eyes to the wonders of diversity.

Congratulations to Elton and all of the brilliant people who brought this touching, staggering story to life.

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The Five (2016)
Time well spent
11 August 2019
This is masterful -- all sorts of twists and turns right until the final moments!

I was skeptical that this series could be so great because some of Harlan Coben's novels have disappointed me. Things get a little confusing halfway through... Keep watching, though, because the rewards are VAST.
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Love the diversity
23 July 2018
Denzel, Chris, and all of the diverse casting is what I love about this movie. Denzel's acting is impeccable. Chris Pratt is good, but his character could have used more development and additional scene takes.

Vincent D'Onofrio is screamingly funny, and Byung-Hun Lee is sizzling hot. Holy bleep!

Pete Sarsgaard makes the most riveting villain I have seen in years. That final scene between Denzel and him is pure genius (whether or not it follows earlier versions of the plot).

Antoine Fuqua's casting could not have been better. BRILLIANT!
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The Killing: Eden (2014)
Season 4, Episode 6
Top-rated episode and PERFECT SERIES FINALE
22 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the main crime/plot for Season 4 was not as good as the rest of the series, this last episode was PHENOMENAL.

As the crime investigation wraps up, the strain on the friendship between Linden and Holder becomes unbearable. They are not willing to betray each other, though, despite the pressure, suspicion and pain.

Years pass before they even see each other again. When Sarah finally returns to visit Seattle, her confession and apology to Holder are profound.

It takes a lot of courage and forgiveness, but they acknowledge how much they mean to each other. They are soul mates.
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Orange Is the New Black: We Can Be Heroes (2015)
Season 3, Episode 11
One of the very best episodes
7 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily one of the best episodes of the whole series. It flies through innumerable issues including developmental problems, organized labor, organized crime, helping rape victims, infidelity, parenting, adoption, greed, selflessness, heroism, love, sex (always sex), religion, responsibility, friendship, bullying, psychosis, neurosis, foibles, fetishes, trust, corporate corruption, power, exploitation, you name it. And practically everything is presented responsibly and sensitively.

I'm going to start recommending this show more often. It's thrillingly hip, clever, shocking, sensitive, and humorous.
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Hannibal: Digestivo (2015)
Season 3, Episode 7
Twists and surprises, plus a BUTT-KICKING NEW HIGH!
18 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Without a doubt, this is the best episode of Hannibal so far. Loads of amazing twists, surprises, and irony.

So they found a use for Dr. Bloom again. At Muskrat Farm, Will and Hannibal seemed to be doomed. Doomed. But the tide turned when Will convinced Alana that she needed to "evolve" and "spill some blood."

MADS MANAGES TO LOOK HOTTER THAN EVER when Hannibal removes the neck restraint and shows the most vengeful expression. And not long after the brilliant face-off twist, we're finished with Joe Anderson's cartoonish turn as Mason.

I only felt sad when I realized Chiyo was leaving, probably never to return. Tao Okamoto is so beautiful. Just exquisite!

Can this episode be outdone, ever? Can't wait to find out...
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Jonas Armstrong is ADORABLE in this
8 March 2015
Jonas Armstrong was awesome and loads of fun in this movie!

Emily Blunt was a big motivation for me to watch this. Can't seem to get enough of her, but Jonas blew me away.

He does the most amazing job with his character. He plays this wild soldier who leads a squad of oddballs. I'm not sure what his rank is supposed to be, but charisma alone is enough to make him the leader.

He's blustery, constantly yelling, and ridiculously brave. He nails the job without going too far.


Hope to see more of him, and soon!
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Show stealers
3 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This series was good, and for a while, each episode seemed to get better. Episode 3 even included a cute little plot twist.

In the Veronica Mars movie, I thought Ryan Hansen was the actor who had improved the most since the original series. Kristen Bell is always great, but Ryan had come a long way. He's loads of fun, never seems serious about himself, and he's nice to look at now!

Jason Dohring used to be hot as all heck, but he looks kind of ridiculous in this. Who cares about his big muscles when his ears stick way out? Yuck.

Hansen was the life of the party until Episode 3. He was still doing great, but Percy Daggs III stole the show! I was laughing so hard...

Who wrote those amazing lines? And Daggs -- he nailed everything!!
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Two hours I'll never get back again
29 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Why -- oh why -- did I watch this?

I found it on Netflix, and the incredible Kevin Spacey was listed as the main actor. That's pretty tempting for a major Spacey fan.

Yes, Spacey was the narrator, and he did an admirable job. But he didn't appear as himself at all.

I was hoping he would at least appear as a guest on one of the shows or offer some commentary or something.

Guess you need to be a true Carson fan to enjoy this. There's almost nothing in it for Spacey's other fans.

Shoulda known better. Would have been way more fun to watch some other Spacey gig I had already seen.
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*** Shellshock Displaces Awesome Movie ***
24 March 2014

Had this movie been released in the last few years, it would have swept the Oscars. Most of us were still reeling from 9/11 when it came out...

So many factors make it a hidden gem:

Spacey's performance -- Great plot and brilliant script -- The entire cast -- Hauntingly beautiful soundtrack -- Breathtaking scenery and cinematography.

Watched it for the first time the other day, and gave it 9 out of 10. It has transfixed me so much that I must now give it a 10.

Thank goodness I found it on Netflix. Still spellbound.
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