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Rust and Bone (2012)
"Dos Almas errantes que Colisionan"
6 February 2013
El director Jacques Audiard se puso en boca de todos en 2009 con su filme "Un Profeta", con esta historia del ascenso al poder de un criminal el director Francés aumentó sus bonos en la industria del cine. Tres años más tarde nos trae su nueva película "Rust and Bone" una historia que se encarrila de manera muy distinta a su predecesora, lejos del bajo mundo criminal y del crimen organizado Audiard nos pone en un mundo que aunque más "pasivo" puede ser igual de despiadado. Con una historia cruda que nos muestra el lado más oscuro del corazón de las personas, un filme que explora los sentimientos de culpa, de pecado y de resignación.

Dramas hemos visto en todas formas y colores, todo tipo de historia han pasado frente a nuestros ojos algunas más que otras han permanecido en nuestras mentes más tiempo del que quisiéramos, otras han sido tan insípida que las hemos olvidado de manera instantánea . En el caso de esta "Rust and Bone" o como su título original la refiere "De rouille et d'os", la historia no es la más impactante que hemos visto pero si posee varias secuencias que nos roban el aliento y que se impregnan en nuestra mente sin permiso de nuestros sentimientos, lo hacen de manera obligada.

Si buscamos una manera de describir esta película podríamos decir que se trata sobre una historia de dos almas errantes que colisionan, dos seres que sin saberlo transitan caminos similares pero cada uno a su propia forma. El vacío humano se evidencia cuando la tragedia impacta, cuando los zarpaos del destino nos estremecen si las bases no son sólidas nuestro mundo se desmorona. Esto es lo que viven nuestros personajes en esta "Rust and Bone", Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) va en busca de una mejor vida con su hijo pequeño, tratando en cierta forma de enmendar errores del pasado, es ahí cuando su camino se cruza con Stéphanie (Marion Cotillard) lo que viene después de ahí ya le toca a ustedes descubrirlo.

A Marion la precede ya su trabajo y su calidad interpretativa no está en duda, incluso obtuvo un premio Oscar por su interpretación de Edith Piaf en "La vida en rosa", aquí vuelve a demostrarnos la calidad de actriz que ostenta. El personaje de Stéphanie es complejo y posee una fuerza dramática abrumadora, Cotillard se adueña del personaje y nos hace sentirlo nos agarra con sus emociones y nunca nos suelta. Su co- protagonista quizás no les suene a muchos pero Matthias Schoenaerts lo vimos en la formidable "Bullhead" y nos sorprendió, aquí lo único que podemos decir es que nos parece que estamos viendo el mismo personaje de aquella "Bullhead", aunque esto no opaca su calidad interpretativa.

Lo único que para nuestro gusto no nos complace del todo es el guión, el cual por momentos se abalanza sobre historias paralelas que nos desvían la atención de la historia central, nos hubiera gustado ver el guión aferrándose al problema central y explotando aún más la parte de la historia que nos muestran al inicio. No obstante el filme posee mucha fuerza sobre todo en su tramo final donde nos arrojan una secuencia entre padre e hijo difícil de olvidar. Jacques Audiard se confirma como un director sólido y del que podemos esperar grandes cosas en un futuro.

Hugo J. Pagan
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Quantum of Vengeance
12 December 2008
This time Bond comes out of the hand of the experimented Marc Foster, and it comes for the first time as a direct sequel of Casino Royal, for the franchise this is the first time this has happened, in Quantum we get to see 007 fighting not only his enemies but also his inner demons as he goes vengeance driven after the one responsible for his love death. This time Bond do not reach the emotional levels that we got in Casino Royal, but it is OK.

For the best part of the film we got the nice direction job, a superb editing work, and a lot of action sequences that will take your breath away. Daniel Craig is like always very good, not the same for Amalric the villain that is not at his best.

For the good of the franchise this Bond will not let down it will be one more step forward for the Brithis Agent.
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He is not a Hero!!!!
15 August 2008
First of all we need to know that Mr. Nolan is not playing around to see what comes out, every time he decide to make a movie he has a clear mind in all the things he wants to deliver to the audience and this time is not the exception. This is a solid movie with a solid script and over the top performances by all the cast members.

Dark Knight is not just another superhero movie it is way beyond that I'm sure it is not a superhero movie at all; this is a perfect example of a hard critic to today's society within all the explosion martial arts fights, blowing buildings, there is something more than just fireworks flying around. There is a message that we all need to hear.

Mr. Ledger on his hand with his fantastic incarnation of the JOKER is the vehicle that director Nolan uses to deliver us a warning message and he does it in a way the will put you nerve to the test, hi is no doubt about it the best JOKER EVER!!! and this is the role of his life (surpasing his role in of Enis del Mar in BBM).This JOKER is fearless,sarcastic,sadistic,maniac,and much more my God he is perfect.

Bale in the other hand is in one word THE BATMAN he is up to the test he maintains the mystery of the crusader and takes him to a place that any superhero is familiar with he will make things to show you he is not an ordinary superhero that will save the day and make everybody happy ohhh no he is far from that.

We can not call him hero his is just THE DARK KNIGHT.
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Inside (2007)
Don't try this at home !!!!
23 April 2008
First time directors Bustillo and Maury score it big in their first movie and deliver a suspense packed gore movie that will remain in the all time best of the best for this genre. This is a hard movie to watch because is very violent and sadistic but the best part is that is not just senseless violence it is perfectly crafted for suit the ambient of the movie. The music is great as well as the photography.

We can notice some influence in the film from movies such as Hitchcock "Rear Window", Neil Marshall "The Descent" and others but what a way to mix all that. This is the kind of movie that shows what human being can do we they are push to the limit. Beatrice Dallle as the villain is great and I bet you you won't forget here for a long time she has a look that will give you the creeps and in the other hand Alysson Paradis as Sarah dealing with her owns demons and with a baby on the way will have to fight with this strange and sadistic woman what else do you want??????? Gore lover and movie lovers please don't miss this one.

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Blood is just the easy part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 March 2008
When you love cinema because of what it is you enjoy movies in aspects not everyone will agree and There Will be Blood is such a fine example of it. A Masterpiece should I say that penetrates in the deep field of human emotion and brings to life characters of such dark feelings and perverse ways that you will feel like evil is getting in you veins and will make you want to take you eyes out of the screen but at the same time will nail you to you seat and never let go. Mr. Lewis is just great his takes this part and makes it his own is like he will have to go to shrink to become him again I have seen a lot of great acting but this is something else. P.T. Anderson on his hand delivers another great film and amazing cinematography along whit a soundtrack makes this one an instant classic a movie that will be talked about over the ages. It is amazing how you can put on a screen a mixture of emotions and feeling this only can be done by all the superb acting, Lewis, Dano etc.. and a Director like Anderson.

At the end of the film I was speechless, powerless, devastated, angry, I guess I was reflecting all the emotions i just ingested thru this one now I have to let it out.
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A Masterpiece!!!!!!!
11 January 2008
This movie is a very has a plot that is very thick and is carried all the way by the actors you will not find anything in here "hollywood like" if your are looking for a soft drama don't look for it here. This movie will put you to the test mentally and in the moral aspect the main subject is an abortion but it is only a piece the director uses to develop the emotions and intentions of every character.

The movie is an excellent example that you can do a lot with just a little, when you have the talent. This movie will continue to win more and more awards until the Oscar's and my vote is that it must win Best foreign film award.
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Coen's Country!!
7 January 2008
This one is truly a Masterpiece, and you will know that just after the first half hour. Coen Bro move freely in their territory and this is for certain a county for them, here everything is in place, great dialogs, great screenplay, wonderful acting and over the top direction. Every detail is taken care of every scene is stunning and beautiful in his own way, the artistic direction and photography are the best you can get. This movie will put you in the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end it starts with a bang and never let go.

Mr. Javier Bardem is one of the greatest villain I have ever seen, and have no doubt most of the characters here will become classics and cult in some ways. If you love cinema please don't miss this one.... Did you like FARGO??? Well you will be more than pleased with this one.
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Fantastic Cronenberg
2 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you mix one spoon of Cronenberg and one cup of Mortensen, you get??... Of course an amazing and exciting film that will put your guts to the limit. All the actors are over the top in this one. You can not ask for a better direction and an amazing screenplay, the art direction is another point for the film. If you are a fan of Conenberg's films you will definitely love this one. Vigo and Naomi are the center of the film and they both give their best, but all the supporting actors are top notch as well.

You will never forget this film,it has some memorable moments and they will last forever.

Look for the opening of the film and the bath sequence they are truly unforgettable!
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Death Proof (2007)
Tarantino's One more time
25 September 2007
I'm a devoted Tarantino's fan and everyone that knows a little bit about cinema will know that he is one of the best directors. He can create worlds that will take you for a ride and this one sure does it. One thing you have to know this movie is a complete tribute to the 70's exploitation films and B movies so if you understand this you will love the way it is done. Kurt Russell is outstanding in his role just watching him act will worth the price of admission.

I'm very disappointed that I could not watch this film as it was intended as a double feature with PLANET TERROR, so everyone that has the chance to do this please do it I think it will be Double fun!!!! I Believe Tarantino's hit the jackpot one more time!!!
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22 May 2007
With this film you have to take your hat of for Mr. Brosnan he is great in his acting, This is a movie that will remain as one of the greatest western films of all times and some sequences of this film will be remembered for ever I will not tell anything but if you see it(and you must) you will remember this.

It is beautifully shot and has a solid script, great action and deep emotions mixed along the way. If you like western you will not be disappointed.

When you watch Seraphim Falls you will have your emotions mixed as the movie develops and when the fantastic finale arrives you will be even more pleased. It has one of the mos original showdown finale I have ever seen.

This movie is a must see!
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16 May 2007
El Laberinto del fauno is all that a movie should be is a real theatrical experience, from beginning to end it capture you in it own world and let you travel along with all the characters smiling with them crying with them and felling just the way they feel. This movie is a visual experience that will remain in your mind forever, with some very graphics moments and showing in a fantastic way the cruel world that Spain lived during that oppression years.

The Acting in this film is just superb Sergi Lopez is outstanding and as well all the others. With a very strong and original script from Guillermo del Toro and a nice direction this just adds up to this cinematic experience.

Once again this is what I call a really FANTASTIC MOVIE EXPERIENCE.

You must not miss this one.
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Yuniol (2007)
Well Done
26 April 2007
This movie is well done in all the technical aspects, some very good acting and others that just reach the average, but mainly this is a step forward for the Dominican movie industry. The social crisis that is crafted in the film is a day to day situation that is lived by every Dominican fellow.

This is a strong subject that could have reached bigger proportions but in a way sometimes it fails to get the maximum drama out of the plot situations and falls into funny moments. I would say that the final 3 minutes of the film should had been edited and this would have made this film a lot better.

Kudos for Frank Perozo, Henky Madera, and for all the technical staff.
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Sanky Panky (2007)
Nice Dominican Cinema
9 February 2007
As a Dominican I have seen a lot of movies that were shot and made with native material and for me this one is taking the film industry in our country to the next level. This is a movie with a nice script (with minors flaws), well crafted humor, and good acting for some characters.

If your are not Dominican you will enjoy it anyway because of the hilarious of the center character as well as other actors.

In the technical aspect this movie has a great soundtrack, as well it has a nice sound editing and mixing, well directed also.

Sanky Panky show us the real world of the people that does not know other way to succeed but getting involved with a rich tourist and try to make it to the U.S. or Europe maybe, and this is a cruel reality for a part of our population.

We have had good movies before, and this one must be up there along the best of the best.
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