
47 Reviews
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Don't Kill Me (2021)
Terrible movie
23 February 2022
The majority of the scenes in this movie make no sense with an accumulation of different sequences that do not really link together. This is a very poor man's attempt to emulate some Twilight type of thing. The whole movie just feels extremely weak overall.
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This "scary" movie is confusing...
3 April 2021
I mean the title says it all. It's very hard to decipher the line between the line of the scary and the "comedy, drama..." or call it whatever you want within the movie. I have a feeling that the "scary" part was completely overwhelmed by the other genre that they tried to put along the main one.

The overall score of this movie is kinda deceitfully high and should be definitively lower IMO.
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
The same, over and over...
16 February 2018
I'm probably biased because I binge watched the Saw series couple years ago and I do have the impression that there's really nothing new to this series. Same old and nothing new to show.
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Good but some incredible slow scenes
24 September 2017
Overall I would rate this as an interesting movie to watch but the main elements I did not like was the slow scenes that would literally plague the movie.

Many of the actions scenes were interesting and very dynamic sustaining a story in the whole that would make sense but to my taste, most of the times these scenes would be watered down by others that would be slow and boring.

There are lots of special effects, albeit not as exciting and extraordinary as in some other movies of the same genre. They're enough to keep things kind of like realistic on the whole.
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The Shallows (2016)
Presemptuous on certain aspects...
29 January 2017
I really had a hard time rating this movie. Intrinsically I would not call it bad because the landscape pretty wonderful, as a would expect for surfing places that are uncommon to mass tourism; the directing, shooting, camera angles [...] are all pretty cool and coherent although I did find the action a little bit long to start.

With such a simple plot, I was really curious to see how exactly they were going to drive this out and make some sense out of it. I guess, it was a mix between a C-version of "In the heart of the sea" and an underpowered "Jaws". No doubts that they really went a little bit too far attributing superhuman power to the poor baby shark who really was not asking to be that good.

Ain't it? That's the problem of the movie to me. Under the angle I felt under which is was shot, under a realistic perspective, they tried to extend the shark beyond its capabilities and it just could not corroborate anymore with reality. This movie was clearly navigating between three or four different genres due to the extreme simplicity of the plot and the desire to make a "serious" story out of the whole thing.

Sharks tend to not like the taste of the human flesh/skin and attack surfers by the purest virtue of accident. They attack them because they tend to mistake them for squeals or anyways some sort of animal swimming at the surface but have no interest in having human beings for their regular meal. On that basis alone, unfortunately, the moment the shark started parking around the poor Blake Lively looking for a meal, the whole premise of the movie came to fail.

The whole Lively acting was not Oscar worthy, obviously, I'm not sure how I felt about her driving the emotions of a movie like this except probably the parts where she was feeling nostalgia remembering the good things she had left behind for her singular personal quest of riding a surfboard in the middle of nowhere. Even interpretation of physical pain weren't entirely convincing and felt more like somebody having sexual fun than one that would be really struggling from a shark attack.

Additionally, Some scenes are obviously a little bit pushed, for instance, her inability to quickly process the fact that she is in risky area and escape herself instead of waiting like an elderly for someone to grab her out from there, or, the fact that a bunch of dudes leave without even watching one last time to the horizon...

Finally, I have to admit, the unexpected relationship between Lively and a bird was actually kind of cute to say the least.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Really overrated...
27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really have nothing in particular against this genre though it's not entirely my cup of tea but I really have a very hard time computing the rating and applause for this movie.

First, on the story, I found it slow, extremely slow and laborious. The whole thing takes an eternity to build up as much as the lead actress which I found terrible. Her incapability to say more than two meaningful words up until the middle/upper-middle part of the movie really kills to whole dynamic of the movie.

Many scenes did not make sense like the ability for the undersea creatures to understand Latin characters, suddenly, out of nowhere, like as if these experts and military really needed Amy Adams to have figured that out, using a few-two baby insignificant words. They had all sorts of complex equations but it never really crossed their minds that they could grasp "Human", really? And, I'm not even sure the scene which follows after this specific sequence needs a comment.

Well, people might ask why I call them undersea, it's because they are a crossroads joke between Octupus, a cuttlefish throwing nasty black ink all over the place and a crab. For that matter, the analogy makes even more sense since these things seemed to be based in an aquarium protected by a sealed glass wall, floating and making some weird crustacean noises [...] I'm not really sure how the real aliens in the out there feel about this caricature.

Additionally, the main action scenes are fundamentally slow and boring.

I did not really understand the connection between Amy Adams' life with her daughter and the undersea creatures. The movie consistently tried to drive that focus in parallel with the main plot but I found it to be entirely unnecessary and perhaps used as a filling for the complete lack of interest that the main story is supposed to drive.

Seriously, if you're not into Hume or Niesztze type movies, you might probably want to skip this whole thing all together. These kinds of movies are for scholars and researchers, and, while I myself have reached far in studies, I don't watch movies to the same thing I do in university, hence why I failed to take any pleasure in this. Full stop.
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Good but slightly blown out of proportions on certain scenes
5 January 2017
From a general perspective I would say that this was quite a good movie trying to relate facts that were unfortunate, not in fiction, but this time in the real. It shows a reality in which unfortunately a small group of fortunate rich guys are willing to talk only profit or revenue for themselves at risk of people losing lives. For whatever reason, I would guess that this is a common case in the petroleum industry.

From a overall perspective I found the acting to be good and story to be captivating. Quite frankly, there are many times where I ranted, felt pity, sadness or concern -; and I would guess that these are the types of emotions that make you realize that the movie was particularly interesting.

The action scenes were overall quite dynamic though some were a little bit pushed to the limit.

The end is probably the most gripping from an emotional standpoint. It definitively makes you realize the amount of suffering and pressure in which "black gold" puts some individuals for the sole purpose of consumers who then spend a large spectrum of their lives enjoying the destruction of our planet through pollution. This movie really makes us realize that we do not deserve that and should almost certainly take another kind of direction.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Good but too unrealistic to be true
30 December 2016
The whole story started well and on a brilliant opening, then, it all quickly turned around a crippled man trying to survive in a supper hostile environment. By the way, the latter being an understatement. We're talking temperatures nearing -60°C, super cold water in which Di Caprio was constrained to dip himself to escape the Indians or even snow tempest. I'm not really sure how somebody being this disabled would survive in such an environment in reality.

I think the story was ruined by the angle with which this was filmed. It made the overall thing really slow and nearly unwatchable at times -; excruciating I should say, and not in a good sense.

I kind of understand where the whole story wanted to go in terms of showing the unlimited possibilities in terms of resistance of human beings but this was clearly pushed too far in terms of superhuman capabilities.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
To a large extent this was boring
30 December 2016
One of the question I always ask myself when I rate a movie is would I expend money on this with a group of people to watch it in something like a cinema? Well, on this particular movie, I guess out of curiosity I would have probably done so but on the other hand, I would be deceived.

99.9% of the movie is some sort sect propaganda. That in itself is an entire bore. Outside the killing scenes, the rest was just the priest or whatever was his role talking complete nonsense. I can't count the amount of monologues this guy had in the movie. For sure that has its kind of public -; not me.

Obviously, I'm not saying I did not feel sorry for those people. Indeed, they were innocent victims of a complete guru and a good majority of them were kids, which is particularly annoying, and, especially when you transpose this to reality.

Anyways, from a general perspective, and even a amateur of horror, I just did not connect to the movie even if the story did make sense and the production is reasonable. I don't think I've ever been fund of movies relating to sects and this is just another one on the list.
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Kill Command (2016)
Good movie with some annoying parts
30 December 2016
Quite frankly, I did not know what to expect from this movie in particular but it turned out to be not so bad.

On the plot in particular, I think it is engaging from an emotional standpoint. Well, I think what engages the spectator is whether they would find a solution or not in what seems to be an extremely bleak situation. The story does make sense and could a nice representation of humanity if AI gets out of control and if the robots having these advanced skills have weapons to kill and destroy humanity.

That said, there are many annoying parts in this movie. First, the fact that the soldiers tend to be very incompetent as the movie goes along forgetting the basic rules of what makes them soldiers. A good share of them would have gotten a D- had they been on the real battlefield. For example, that time when Bentley Kalu started firing without any cover, that does not make any sense whatsoever and no professional soldier would do that even in difficult situations.

Granted these were robots but I was not too convinced about how they acted on the battlefield. Many times, I thought these guys were not professional soldiers as the story tended to paint them. In that respect, this resulted in a lot of stupid deaths that could have perhaps been avoided.

Second, the end indeed does not make much sense. Well, I'm not willing to reveal what happened but for sure there could have been a better ending. I think it was a little bit forced because the writers needed to find a way for a possible sequel.

At last, Vanessa Kirby was just way to apathetic during the movie and for the most part silent. She's the main reason why most of these guys died. When she made some discoveries that could have at least saved some lives, she kept them for her, yet, on a battlefield the team overrides the personal ego.

I found her initiatives to be often dumb and out of sorts. Quite frankly, she annoyed the hell out of me after a moment because these personal initiatives were often incoherent with what was really needed to be done in other to vanquish the enemy.

In conclusion, I would good movie to watch.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Not as bad. Fighting the general consensus...
28 December 2016
I've seen a lot of negative reviews on this movie and quite frankly most are a little bit exaggerated. Obviously, this is not the masterpiece that everyone was waiting for but I did find some strong points.

The main one to me stands on the emotional aspect. It was difficult not feeling some empathy for the guy after some time in the movie. The whole event seemed to be taking place for an eternity and never seems to get a break. After all, he was the "good" man who got invaded by hot girls and made that singular error of having some fun with them.

I would guess that this movie tried probably teaching a lesson to unfaithful guys in terms of the 'extreme' consequences he would cause by just having a little bit of fun.

Then most critics say the acting was bad, however I kind of see what the writers wanted to do with the girls in particular. They are clearly deranged and bipolar -; certainly bordering lunacy. Them taking drugs would have been the icing on the cake and would have probably given similar result. Crazy people aren't predictable and that's probably the best result you can get from such people. There was no particular logic to what they were doing other than just screaming and being outrageous at every moment.

At first, you have the impression that they were victims of sexual abuse in their teenage days, or that a boyfriend mistreated them somehow only to discover the whole moral behind their quest which seems to be being the "superwomen" that defeat cheating men.

I do admit the delirium into which these girls were at times, made the film unsustainable at times but I tend to believe that this was the effect that the writers were searching for. I think they were really trying to play to the spectators (maybe too much?). Trying to understand the psychology of these girls is extremely complicated. They often navigated between teenage insanity, childish incoherent talk and mature adult craziness. It was complicated to keep track. Ana de Armas clearly had the childish role counterbalanced by her villain associate Lorenza Izzo which I felt had the most maturity.

I feel the movie failed to explain to the spectator the history of these girls and why exactly they were doing that. They touted many times towards pedophilia to a point where one could believe that the family guy had a history concerning that. The movie stayed for the most on the surface and did not look to develop on these girls nor the guy.

The main problem to me regards the fact that nobody still knows up to this date what was the main reason for which these girls crucify guys. The lack of depth does make the movie seem a little bit empty in that regards.

The broad paint with which they painted guys at the end with the "guys never say no" is vastly false. There are lots of houses or areas in which people would have never accepted two random girls out of nowhere, especially if the area in which the family guy lives (being an architect), rarely see these kinds of occurrences. His wife did not satisfy him and he just subjectively saw an opportunity to have some pleasure.

I would not call this an atrocious movie. I found myself to be somehow emotionally engaged and for that I'll give it a 6. That's quite generous to say the least but that was the main feeling I had as soon as finished watching the thing.
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Allegiant (2016)
Boring, predictable and annoying
28 December 2016
I have to admit, I did not read the book but I agree with the general consensus that this was a movie principally written fro the teens. I've encountered this many times where it is complicated to judge a bad movie and here's that same problematic once again. Quite frankly, I am genuinely surprised by the high rating on IMDb when I really did not get that feeling.

The story - One has to admit that the whole thing does not make much sense. I understand the chaos on earth, this is not the first movie to ride on that specific subject but then, where do we go from there? Factually, the writing was all over the place and there were so many directions that it is really difficult to keep pace. Add to that the predictable feeling that you often get in this genre and you have a perfect fail movie.

Besides being consistently annoyed, the whole thing is tasteless and flat. The scenes which were supposed to require the spectator to work with his emotions were overall bad due to the incapacity of some of the actors to bring us into something else.

Furthermore, we really need to talk about the consistent moral lessons. They were persistent and was certainly the main underlying elements of the story. Quite frankly, that was fundamentally annoying -; especially when given by Shailene Woodley: "Save the world", "We should not fight one another [...] All of this is indeed true, but this is supposed to be an action movie, not a "Fable de la Fontaine". I've always kind of found it annoying when action movies do that and at least 99.9% of the movie was about that.

The writing - Almost more than half of the story was written around Shailene Woodley and Theo James (for the teenagers I would guess). I'm really not fund of either and especially Theo James. They're probably better at being models than being full time actors.

Their relationship is annoying and frankly takes up about more than half of the story. When, the guy could not accept that his girlfriend sees "David" only just for a couple of minutes, that's how overdone this pseudo-love story was.

Finally, on this part, the relationship between Theo James and his so called mother was really kind of brushed aside. I don't really have the feeling that there was a will to explore that side of the story. In that respect, it was hard to get a feeling about who this guy really was.

The actors - The majority are bad and not on point. Shailene Woodley is boring and emotionless. She's unable to display any kind of anger, something for instance which should be inherent to these kind of movies. She has the same boring personality all throughout, as much as Theo James who seems to be more on a photo shoot than in a movie.

Now, if you take these two alone, they're already extremely boring. Projected together, they become the epitome of boredom. Had they counterbalanced Shailene Woodley's personality with somebody a little bit more fiery, then maybe, just maybe, we'd have been unto something, but I have a feeling that we all know the specific reason for this cast.

Even when they started quarrelling at dinner time, they were a bore. No ability to suggest anger or deception, just the same boring modeling face over and over again.

I have a feeling that there probably was not even a cast. The combination of the five (Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ashley Judd... and the rest who left Chicago) just did not seem to work all that well.
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Reviews are a little bit harsh...
28 December 2016
Though I would not call this a masterpiece, I did find it interesting on the comical side. I know this is a horror movie, but I really could not resist the villains. You have to give it to them, they were a very comic duo. I have to tend to believe that they were the ones who had the true lead in this thing.

Unfortunately, besides that fact, the characters as always in horror movies tend to be painted as being particularly stupid -; especially the blonds. This movie did not fail to deliver on that side. They always tend to make ridiculous decisions. Obviously, I could enumerate the nonsensical actions that many of the actors had (except probably the couple in the bed) but that would make no sense.

I'm not really sure why the police kept staying in denial when it was obvious that somebody was killing people. In the real world, there would have been an investigation and on that side, I feel this was a huge miss by the movie. Nobody would make such realistic pictures of a crime without getting hooked by authorities and to my mind, being fund myself of fashion photography, I'm not sure I've ever seen something like that pass in reality. In that case, how did they miss that part in the movie?

I would recommend this for a quick laugh but nothing really too extraordinary to see there. I did give it a score slightly above the average review scores because I did not find it THAT bad and it was kind of enjoyable at the end because of the some of the very funny or borderline annoying characters in the movie.
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The Boy (2016)
Started well and then fell flat...
28 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate horror movies and I initially thought this one had potential. Well, it started quite well, though with the usual suspect moving to a new place that reveals itself to be haunted with some kind of unlimited spirit.

However, build up took a lot time before we got some decent action. One has to admit that the overall thing was kind of slow which makes it kind of annoying at times and can probably bring a lot of people to quit.

Thank God Lauren Cohan's aggressive boyfriend came in at some time to put a little bit of spice in the story when he was just an abstract element. From that specific moment, the movie did gain a little bit more interest.

I did find that there were some "scary" parts due to the way the movie plays with the spectator's psychology. There are a lots of suggestions that kept you guessing, well, much as expected with a "horror" movie but unfortunately, some of this was kind of killed later on. During the movie, I started really having doubts on Rupert Evans, something which gave the feeling that I did not really know where this whole thing was going. I would probably qualify that as a strong point.

Indeed, it also played against me because I was kind of deceived that "The boy" finally was not some sort of ghost intervention reincarnated through a dull (well, I know this subject had been touched so many times but I guess that's what I was expecting). Instead, it was a grown man acting like an idiotic "child" (or whatever that was). It was reminiscent of "Jason" or anyways there was some kind of inspiration from that going on there but it was much less impressive. From a pure logical stance, I fail to see any connection whatsoever between the porcelain dull and that grown man. Anyways, through all of this, we do discover that finally this whole haunted thing was just a complete farce.

Something to note that did not make much sense concerning the suicidal of "The Boy's" parents.

Movies like these are always quite fundamentally annoying. So the girl has the opportunity to escape and save her life but decides to come back for some reason -; well, we do know why and for sole purpose of doing that romance-thing.

On the acting itself, I'm not totally convinced by Lauren Cohan's skills in the action skills. I did find her a bit limited and unfortunately for her, a good share of the emotions she tried to convey were a little bit forced. She sometimes shifted from a state to another in way to unconventional ways for it to be true especially when she was portrayed as a stable person looking for some sort of balance in her life.

I would not qualify the movie as bad, it is actually quite good and decently produced. I've seen much worse movies but it's certainly not a chef d'oeuvre. I'd say this one is specific for those who are not into horror stuff but still want to explore some of that universe without getting out of their comfort zones. If you are fan of the genre, then you might probably consider this as a semi-flop.

I personally rate this as equally as "Mechanic", which I saw recently. Not bad but not extraordinarily great.
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Correct but seriously not the best...
28 December 2016
My gut sentiment after this movie was that it was a decent action movie but not the one I would have expended a lot of money on. The landscapes are quite amazing in general and the action scenes are very interesting. I would not call them the best but they do make sense -; with a mix of Hit-man and secret agent. There was a variety of ways with which Statham dealt with some situations that made them quite surprising though as always you kind of knew who was going to be winner resulting from all of this.

I'm not completely aware of Statham's acting since I kind of avoid his movies, and, Jessica Alba, seems like an eternity since I've last seen her in a movie. I think they were average and I'm pretty sure, anyways in Jessica's perspective, that she could do much better. Her talent is there, she can convey such a wide variety of emotions and faces in comparison to certain young overrated actors that she's always a solid deal for almost any kind of movie.

The plot was obviously really simple and you could kind of see where this was going from the start. I don't really think it affected the movie that much since there was a good dynamic, and, these actors being experienced ones, it did not completely fall flat unto its face as some average movies do usually do because of atrocious acting.

In conclusion, this is the type of movie where quite frankly you do not really know what to write. It could have probably been better but it's not that bad per se in comparison to others on the market. So there's this mixed feeling.

I really do believe that it's the type of movie you would watch with friends as a quick alternative if you have nothing else available or probably the genre you would watch if you are on a long trip. You would have a good quick enjoyable time but that's just about it.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
Interesting movie
27 December 2016
Great movies on ancient Egypt are always very interesting and quite captivating. I've always paid some kind of interest in mythology for whatever reason because whether you like it or not they are in a similar way to soap operas with a little bit more action. There was almost everything in terms of ingredients in regards to what one should expect from such a movie. A hot spice of betrayal, romance, adventure, some humour and action. In other words, something you would very certainly enjoy in couple or in family.

First, I have to say that Elodie Yung for instance is the real incarnation of perfection. She is unlimited with her beauty and I'm not sure of another type of profile that could embody this role. She is graceful and suits the role of a princess/goddess in a variety of ways and to perfection. She has a certain sense of humor, of entitlement, class and elitism that I really did appreciate.

On the scenario itself, it was interesting and actually did make sense till the end. However, the romance around Courtney Eaton became annoying after a certain time and I did feel that it could have been tempered a little bit. I understand that they love themselves and I also understand that in Greek mythology there has always been these kinds love struggles but I found that was a certain form of obsession for her. I know they love themselves, but that was becoming a little bit overbearing.

The action scenes were sometimes quite impressive to say the least though one could see that they were entirely manufactured through digital process but this was not enough to disrupt the overall good quality.

While there was some visible scenes of humour, I think this aspect could have probably been explored a little bit more with the characters. I think there was attempts but that trait was underused quite a bit. For example, the whole scene when they were on their way to meet Chadwick Boseman including the one where they were actually with him had some interesting sequences of humour which were not entirely pushed to their advantage. Knowingly, this was not a comedy but I did think that it brought a different perspective.

Globally, the main negative point is related to the animations of the gods when they transformed themselves. Like I had previously said, on some aspects you could see the computer at work. Some of them lacked fluidity and natural feel compared to the rest.

Finally, to continue on the environment, some of the landscapes did also lack a certain feel of reality for the same reasons. That scene with the horses for instance with Courtney Eaton, you could easily see the green background.

Despite these small technical detail, from an overall standpoint they were quite beautiful and there was a lot of variety into which the characters were placed. Generally, this is one aspect that I appreciate in movies related to mythology. You get a wide array of characters and unexpected elements that make them fascinating. This generally makes the movie extremely dynamic and interesting for the spectator.

I would say in general, this was a good movie that I would recommend.
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Hope Lost (2015)
Hard to tell...
22 December 2016
This is a very hard movie to comment on. I would say for a first that some of the acting was particularly bad. This was particularly visible with the guys responsible for making slaves out of the prostitutes.

I would not say that the movie was entirely badly produced but definitively, some part of the scenario did not make any sense whatsoever. Seems like the writers had a very difficult time making the whole thing evolve from the endless circle the girls were going through at the start.

Though the movie relates to some of the very difficult things one can find in the world of prostitution, I really have the admit that it was really difficult and painful to watch. For most part, the film is dark and gloomy with very few glimpses of hope. I would have to guess that this is the brutal reality through which many girls go through.

I guess this genre of movie has its kind of public but I would have to base my opinion on the latter and because of that could not enjoy the whole thing that much.
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Atrocious movie...
2 August 2016
The whole concept of the human centipede is just repulsive. I am even sure who had the idea to turn such a thing into a movie. I started watching it by pure curiosity and almost halfway through I could not keep watching [...] this seems more oriented for some sort of pseudo-deranged group of people but I'm not quite sure how you can appreciate this movie if you have a straight mind.

The acting is atrocious and especially both actresses who besides scream stupidly are kind of useless in the movie.

The main doctor's personality is frantically boring. He's cold. I know this was the purpose but such distance just really does not help the case of the movie. There's no much of a story around him and why he was brought to doing that.

The plot sucks considerably. There's just no story or anyways, if there is one, it's essentially flat and boring. There's really not much to say on this movie from a positive standpoint and to believe they actually made a sequel. Yikes!
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The acting most essentially ruined it all...
2 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie is the caricature self of horror movies (e.g. a group of people going in the woods and dying one by one), there was probably some small potential with this movie if the acting was far more superior than what was shown [...]

Before talking about this specific element, this movie really struggled in a terrible manner between "comedy" and horror. There must be a reason why there was so much over-the-top gore! The movie failed somewhere and the excess gore was just a manner of covering up that thing. I blame the acting and overall weak story.

indeed, watching closely, the majority of the actresses suck at acting all together except probably in the genuine moments of joy when they played with one another between adolescents. Certainly the only moment they were able to bring me to their world.

In many scenes, Ciara Flynn was just not credible. She has this cold and distant thing about her that just does not invite people into her world. She has a hard time grasping people's emotions because she is just terrible at transposing them [...] That scene at the end is just the pure representation of what she's been in this movie where she is caught trying to play so many different roles at time for intrinsic capabilities that I really felt sorry for her.

I could name a few other girls but you can see that half and more are not even known to the general public. They were just not credible for a horror movie.

Finally, this movie really has some fundamental flaws. Half or more of the kids were disappearing and no one really ever bothered, which is weird -; whichever, the attitudes of the kids in front the demon was a complete farce. I mean, I can understand that you are afraid but stupid? Do we human beings react this stupidly in front frightful situations? No! And, that's why somehow this is a caricature.

You had the feeling that these people were just voluntarily putting themselves out there to get killed. I'm not even going to mention that stupid policewoman her lieutenant who basically never ever really served to anything other than being fundamentally dumb in this movie.

The whole thing failed on both accounts: first at being funny as they attempted many times and second at being a horror movie because of how bad the acting was all together.
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The Forest (I) (2016)
Confusing at times...
1 May 2016
Nothing exceptional to see here as a horror movie, so, if you are looking for a revolution of the genre, you might probably not take this one. That said, the movie took an interesting stance talking about an original subject that you do not really see much in horror movies: hallucinations. Well, it gets to a point where you become so crazy that you confound reality with imagination. Things become extremely dangerous in that case.

I felt the movie to be interesting, though at times Natalie Dormer left me a bit cold. There are times I felt she was a little bit distanced from her character and not quite implicated. Her role was not vast to say the least even if she was the lead character.

The main problem I have with this movie is the fact that things become quite confusing at times. Many times I had the impression of "hallucinating" myself because having a hard time comprehending what is what. There seems to have too many underlying statements which confuses (or this was probably an effect that was searched by the production team).

At times, is she really hallucinating ? Well, some might have answered yes, undoubtedly, but in certain scenes you really ask yourself the question and get quite confused in the process.

I do admit that the movie did touch some of feelings especially in the way both the main characters died. It was kind of painful but I would guess that this is the price to pay for such zeal. Often, you always say that there is always one to escape in a horror movie but when all die, then you tell yourself why did at least one not escape. That is probably the biggest torture with horror movies.

I would say to finish that this is quite a reasonable horror movie to say the least. I was left with a good sentiment, even if I believe that they did not utilize the full potential of the plot. I would definitively recommend it for those who are not particularly into this genre.
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Intruders (2015)
Great but not extraordinary...
24 April 2016
First, I'll start by saying that Beth Riesgraf is a true little cutie and I could not resist searching her up after the movie.

On the movie itself, the scenario is actually quite well constructed makes a lot sense. I love that simplicity primed in developing this movie contrarily to current Hollywood stupid trend looking to create extraordinary scenes when most of times a simplicity would have made it just as good.

However, the title of my post says it all. While the movie is very clean and well produced, at the same time there is no extraordinary or spectacular elements to it. The question remains, does it play in its favor or not? I guess, the answer is subjective and might vary from an individual to another [...] but I will certainly not be able to single out a memorable scene because of that small absence of a sparkle.

Despite this small aspect, I really do appreciate the simplicity of it all and from a pure technical standpoint, I find it really hard to find a fault to the overall production.

To finish, I was particularly touched by the emotions that Beth Riesgraf were able to produce during the course of the story. She really give us an interesting/solid acting and it is nice that she is at the center of the whole thing considering the scenario. There is an interesting playfulness between her natural fragility due to her history and her intensity from the middle where she became resolute to get things sorted.

She is certainly not a natural criminal which kinds of brings the spectator to care for her... is she the female Arsène Lupin that some people hate because of his despicable actions and love at the same time because of the morals that drive them. Hard to say [...]

All in all, she does incarnate her character quite well considering this the first time I had ever heard about her and the remaining ones were credible in their respective roles [...] and, that's certainly where my imagination ends.
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Average movie...
16 February 2016
I've never really watched Paranormal Activity and decided to take a shot at this one. However, I do have a good knowledge of ghost-type horror movies since I do appreciate the genre from time to time and needless to say that this was particularly average.

I have two problems. First, I found most of the movie boring and no scene really captivated my mind besides probably the end. Though the scenario is a classic cliché (e.g. family, child, haunted house etc.) this movie really brings 0 perspective to the genre and part of it is due to the characters' performances.

Indeed, in second, most of them are quite uninteresting and dull to say the least. No wonder the way they got killed was as boring as their. The majority really do not have a lot of depth into them. They scream a lot, ask very stupid questions at times [...] I often found that they often acted like D- extreme low budget movies which is quite deceiving for what is supposed to be a big production.

The movie really ended like it started despite the attempt of creating some sort of a build up which actually kinds of fails since the action is just linear.

Frankly, I wouldn't recommend this movie and will not waste any time saying anything more than what was said. In other words, a good waste of my time !
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Area 51 (2015)
Quite awful to say the least...
31 January 2016
I put this movie in my watch least about a year ago expecting something of taste and frankly it was a quite a deception. I could not sit watching this movie without doing something else on aside. The action takes million of years to take place and not really much does happen unless around the middle-end of the film. The acting is what it is but when you can't really see the action it's hard to actually evaluate the actors.

This movie is really actually hard to judge considering the angle with which they decided to shoot it. It's really hard to see and understand the action most of the time. Quite terrible to be honest. As for the end, it's actually quite anti-climatic but at the same time you could not expect much from a film where more than half of it is about literally nothing.

I'm really deceived to say the least.
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Girlhood (2014)
Very interesting and emotional...
28 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Very interesting movie that proposes a "soft" perspective on the downfall of Karidja Touré in the spiral of delinquency and social exclusion. I think it touched most of the elements that trigger such an attitude and certainly the main one being the quest for having a better life in combination to the indifference of parents overcompensated by an excessively violent brother trying to play the role of a father and a mother.

The rejection of school and the lack of solution for children in situation of family and educational failure is also well presented.

I'm not so sure why it was made easy for her to enter a group of girls but the fact that they become her second family with their specific codes (which is no codes) is actually well illustrated.

I think the perspective of the director was to propose a softer version of what reality truly is, however, it does not take away from the brutality of certain scenes which does bring the spectator to react and question the choices of Karidja Touré.

I did expect her situation to degrade very profoundly but the film stayed on the its staying soft while showing the reality of things.

Certain characters did seem a little bit caricatural at times to my feeling and was often quite an understatement to the brutality that really exists within "gangs" in general (though I'm fully aware that this clique of girls were not really a gang -; hence the absence of the true codes that drive these kinds of criminal organizations). Some of the girls did get a little "photoshopping" especially Karidja Touré.

The quality of the image is quite good and the movie stays really dynamic. The reinforcement of the absence of any parental authority is well done. Indeed, the mother is extremely absent in the majority of the scenes and even if she would be, she has very little to say to her oldest daughter and daughters in general.

The story holds until the end and the development of the Touré character is well conducted.
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Deceiving all together...
28 November 2015
Part One was a good movie. Not exceptional, not revolutionary but quite good. The story did make sense.

The quality of the picture is quite good but nothing beats the poverty of the overall scenario. All this excess heroism from Dylan O'Brien was getting particularly annoying, like as if he could disrupt a whole institution on his own.

For the vast majority, the story is weak and kinds of fails miserably at the end. Just like in the previous part, the fighting scenes are not particularly convincing and it's quite sad really that they put away the "robots" for these poorly convincing zombies. At the end though, there's not factual relation between the title "Maze runner" and what happens within the movie which just turns out to be a boring chase.

Frankly, there's really not much to say on this sequel other than the fact that it is a complete dismantling of what made part one a reasonable movie.
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