
73 Reviews
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Makes you appreciate bend it like beckham
31 May 2024
Love Bill Nighy, but he does make some very slow paced movies. Definitely type cast.

It's got the music, the story line, and the cheesy acting, the politically correct (cannot say woke) casting to cover all eventualities.

But don't watch it for the football. The 'choreography' is there but the filmography is fleeting glances of the ball and stupid angles. Bend it like Beckham was definitely better in this respect.

But it's still a good movie. Just not enough actual football content (and I'm not even a big footie fan).

It's also 2 hours long and the pace is too slow in several places.

Some predictable scenes in typical British humour tradition.

Another review filled.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Season 3 - still good
13 May 2024
Love the show. I was late to make the time for season 3 but not disappointed.

Many have said it - this show has done more for farming....bla bla Clarkson is Clarkson. Every show he does is highly scripted and set up - otherwise it wouldn't be as entertaining.

But everyone else, bar Charlie, has wised up to the format and feels the need to play up to the cameras. Even naive Kaleb thinks he's the star now.

Lisa remains a trooper, to Clarksons idiot.

All clever stuff.

And still plenty of gadgets to show on TV, as he explores different ways to farm (spoiler alert! They don't all work).

Cut down on the FFS swearing every other scene and it would be as good as season2.

We all know the TV money is bailing him out.
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Alice & Jack (2023–2024)
Is this a goof?
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, this is a complex but dragged out story. There is a good case to say they should both have moved on, but this is a story of those that sometimes don't.

It's not that Alice is all weird and bad.


But I am confused. Alice runs a hedge fund (no spoiler) and makes some money on an oil price speculation(minor spoiler). But that involved them predicting an oil price bubble, about to burst. So by the time their investors got in, at the riskiest time ever, there is no way they stood to make the profit they did in the end, when she sold all. So yeah, really badly set up.

Still watching.
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The New Look (2024– )
Unexpectedly good
17 February 2024
Yes, ok, John malkovic. He's great, but will be almost uncastable in further roles requiring an accent.

Meanwhile Coco Chanel looks like a parody of Jennifer Sanders, and there's a bit of Brosnan in Spatz!

Asides from the character assasinations, the acting is good, the story fascinating, the period in Paris is complicated and attention to detail very good.

On the story... Dior is 'working for the Nazis' to survive, but supporting the resistance too. You do what you must.

Poor Coco is shown in a very bad light though, so far. I am only a few episodes in.

What shouldn't surprise me, but in fact angers me, is that society continues with it's money and privilege in the middle of war and occupation. I suppose it was ever thus. There is rarely justice, or karma, in war.

I'm liking the series - its quality.
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In my top 10
1 February 2024

A very good film. Really impressed with the acting, but especially the script - so slick and on point. No idle chit chat and lots of twists.

I don't know why it took me so long to see the ending coming but it was a doozy.

In the back story is a gritty portrayal of Boston, cop culture, drug culture, gun culture, and more - all the things that US has developed going back to the wild west. Good or bad.

Casting excellent. Can't say who was good and bad because that would be a spoiler - but Casey was brilliant - I'm going to see what other films he has made. Morgan Freeman great as usual.

Well done Ben Afleck as Director.
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The Money Pit (1986)
So frustrating I can't watch
30 December 2023
I've been wanting to see this Hanks movie for years.

When I actually found it, 15mins in, it took about another 15mins for me to hate it. Everything wrong about New Yorkers is in this movie, and tradesmen and banks and relationships.

I just found it hard to watch.

And a lovely old house getting trashed for a movie.

I was thinking how young Hanks looks, and realised in was 1986. I'd forgotten how sexist we all were and the hairstyles! Acting still good but the screen play very gag a minute style.

I can't watch the rest seriously. I'll got and do something less frustrating instead - like some DIY that actually works.
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Napoleon (2023)
Simply never believe the pro critics
30 November 2023
This is never a 6+ movie in 100 years.

I went to an actual cinema to see this and had my ears blown away with the booming bass. Maybe I'm just getting older!

Totally agree with most of the User reviews ; terrible story telling, inaccurate, no character empathy emerged. Should have been a Gladiator movie but as that is my No.1 it was never going to match it.

Only the spectacle and battle scenes were worthy, but again the messed those up by over doing it by gratuitous gore, use of extensive CGI and just bang bang.

I actually fell asleep at the monologue at the end.

And we passed 1805 and the battle of Trafalgar -no mention at all. It decimated Napoleon 's navy from France and Spain.

Please make a better movie about a real leader, Nelson.
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Series 3 to St Petersburg. Such a shame
10 June 2023
Who would know that his 2014 trip was probably St Petersburg and Russia, in their prime. It was probably before the land grab of Crimea and obviously before Ukraine.

I imagine that I will never now get to see St Petersburg, and will never venture back to Moscow.

The world has been turned upside down, once again, and these gems will never be the same again.

I can never trust Russia again. Though I suppose the same was said of Germany and even Britain after our various withdrawals from empire.

Btw the travel series is brilliant and Portillo is his usual confident self.

Ad ipso emporium garia myopia (I made that up)
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Apex (2021)
The reviews look sad in hindsight
25 May 2023
I can't believe the 'expert' user reviews in 2023 not mentioning what we now know - Bruce wasn't able to actually act.

That doesn't excuse a truly terrible movie that still deserves a really low score.

Everything about the movie sucks. But especially the acting and script. And the accents. And the music. And the special effects. Even the camera work.

All the previous reviews in 2021 basically sum it up. Bruce stumbles around the woods, in a red jacket.

But he has an excuse, as we now know. What is everyone else's excuse? Neal McDonogh, or whoever she is, cant deliver a line for sugar.

Take it easy Bruce. We forgive this one.
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Finch (2021)
Hanks and Borat road trip
18 May 2023
I watch this because it's a Tom Hanks movie. And he is excellent as always. Emotional, human.

It feels like a Netflix movie in the sense that there are very few actors!!

It's a road trip, a bonding movie, a dog flick and a bit of sci fi, or geekiness. A family movie and a comedy. But can do without the tacky soundtrack on those comic bits.

It does grab your imagination, as to how this might actually happen.

It took a while for the guns to appear (still waiting, but guarantee there will be some)

As for Borat .. well Jeff is Borat. Hilarious.

Ha. I was right about the gun. Just typical. And in a family movie too. Just give it a break already.
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Better (2023)
Good but schizo writing
1 March 2023
Did she ever do a days work?

Good series but plot holes all over the place. And the script kept twisting making the characters act completely different from episode to episode. Poor Ceri didn't know if he was coming or going.

But there was some rough justice and gritty plot lines. Makes you realise there is an underworld out there and if you get caught on the wrong side your life can get dictated and controlled by it - no easy options.

The final scene was UK police all over.

If I was watching this again I would focus on the non main characters because they are the ones that played their parts so well and didn't have to flip flop.
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Moonfall (2022)
Surprised me and good
5 January 2023
Full of CGI, and bangs and wallops, and it's a formulaic disaster movie with everything thrown in. No prizes (or Oscars) for storyline, scriptwriting or even acting.

The element of British understatement and dry humour was actually ok, even if cast as the useless one (that does ok actually).

Halley Berry is ageless. Acting ok too.

The kids are just there to make it a family movie.

But I enjoyed the fantasy of it (a little like Star wars IV) and the dread.

Overall a lightweight fun action sci fi.

For additional characters... Turn up the bass and let the music boom. And just accept the usual hoo-yah casting of the US Military.
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The Firm (1993)
How sexist ..
18 December 2022
Great film. Very atmospheric. You can smell the 80s (I know this is the 90s).

Most annoying thing for me is the clingy wife side story, and the general level of sexism throughout the film which is part of the era, but cringey.

It's not all that bad and there is a good level of female storyline, generally, but the assumed roles and stereotypes are hard to swallow these days.

It's not all that bad and there is a good level of female storyline, generally, but the assumed roles and stereotypes are hard to swallow these days.

It's not all that bad and there is a good level of female storyline, generally, but the assumed roles and stereotypes are hard to swallow these days.
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Never was intelligence this good
13 November 2022
I need to see the 1956 original movie of this story.

This 2021 version seems far too competent and fantastical than what reality must surely have been. And as others have reviewed, the love triangle is just painfully formal. Right up Colin Firths' alley.

What is intriguing is the double double double crossing that goes on in the spy community. Nothing can be trusted at all.

A class movie, but seems too fanciful. I suspect much more of a slapped together plan was implemented.

And what of Ian Fleming? Why wasn't he busy doing his duty instead of writing fiction.

I need to watch it again though, and not many movies do that.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
Thank you deason
5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I always get so much more from the user reviews than the critics, and often than the synopsis of there is one.

For a low budget passion project, this is a really well made film. Great screenplay, great acting, great filmography and great soundtrack and atmosphere.

It is a little slow, but that is the point... It's and obsession that builds.

My title is to thank another user review, because without that I would have been left with so many questions in my head.

I won't put spoilers in here, but the killer is not who we are led to believe... Actually this is a spoiler itself so I will list it that way!

The topic of the movie is heinous, but the obsession of Jerry Black is compelling, and he does smart work. Eventually putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, but still saving the day but not getting the recognition for it, or ever actually knowing who the Wizard really was.

Well done Sean Penn and Jack Nicholson - a worthy project.
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The Capture (2019– )
Solid, smart, British
29 August 2022
UK productions can suffer from being over-smug and cocky. British wit doesn't always cut it.

This series just manages to avoid that hole and the result is slick and clever.

No US bang bang macho bs needed Just solid tech concepts and quite good acting. And believable diversity too (sorry that's even a thing).

Like other Brit programmes, there is depth. Some annoying camera work, but since it's all about cameras, I think that's the point.

Can't wait for each new episode.

A few more characters. And a few more. What else to say - I am basing this on episode 1.

600 characters is really too much... People want to scan the reviews not read war and peace.
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In Your Eyes (2014)
Nice concept. Missed a trick or two
28 August 2022
Really glad I watched this. It was was shaping up to be a tear jerker romance and then the story took some wrong turns.

Some formulaic chases and action for the sake of it and a poor back-track of music too.

The idea of a telepathic connection can go loads of directions, but it was never clear how that started, or how it was variously on, off, in or out of control.

As a film, the viewer wants it to work, and that's what pulls it through. Being thwarted, over coming the barriers, making it right.

No 1 error - the film not deciding to make Rebeka rebel sooner.

I need more characters apparently, but no need to say more.
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Black Site (I) (2022)
Congratulations if you make it to 15mins
25 August 2022
American claptrap. I admit America great, thoughtful, skilful movies, but this is not one. Bad dialogue, poor acting, riddled with continuity errors. And that's just the first 15 mins. I don't think a single one of these actors has experienced anything outside of redneck central, complete with flags and guns.

When is Hollywood going to realise that the rest of the world at least is sick and tired of yahoo US storylines. It used to be the ruskies, now it's Islamic terrorists, but maybe the ruskies are coming back to the fore.

I just gave up and the other user reviews show I was right too.
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Pick a different title
2 August 2022
Because the only amazing bit of card counting trickery, performed by a double (obviously) is an irrelevant part of the film and leads to nothing.

He never gets even.

The inhumanity of Guantanamo is just boring sensationalism.

Acting was ok but all the characters achieved nothing so for me the film fell flat Well made so I think a 5 is about right.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Always trust the User reviews :)
30 July 2022
They sum up films so much better than the lame critics.

It's all covered here.

Big budget, big production. Top talent. Loaded with action. It's not a spy movie. It's MI with Die Hard and Bourne (including 2 G-Wagens). It's fantasy and there is so much shooting (gotta appeal to the rednecks).

Just sit back and don't think too much.

The combination of smart and cool thinking, fight scenes, suitably corny one liners, and camera work. It's good.

There is a fight scene at sunset - think about it, they had to get that wrapped in a short time.

I will add quite a few continuity errors, but they were minor.
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Halo (2022– )
Always read the User Reviews first
25 July 2022
It may save you getting invested in a shoddy series.

How this gets IMDb rating of 7 is a mystery.

Episode 1 - American teen trashy bang bang. Ok, it's based on a game of the same ilk. Bad acting, but production and direction is pretty good.

But no. Can't get past the macho gun toting US trash. It could have been Star Wars mixed with Predator.

I'll probably watch more to see if it develops, but the other reviews suggest not.
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Vice (I) (2018)
How does the republican party make such bad choices?
16 July 2022
What can I say. It simply should not be possible for such flawed bullies to get into such positions of power but the Reps repeatedly put them there.

I just wanted to smash the TV. Noone has the guts to push back on it.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Episode 1....
16 June 2022
Everyone acting so smug. I hear it gets better, but the writing needs an upgrade too.

Still I will watch as the constant Groundhog Day iterations are intriguing.

The first episode does get through a lot, but there is a focus on car chasing and guns that just shouldn't be there (for the US market most likely)
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I repeat, check IMDb first
3 June 2022
Another wanted recommended movie.

ALWAYS check the IMDB reviews first to save this.

All the other user reviews have said it. This is just an annoying Naomi jogging with a limp for an hour making desperate phone calls and doing that annoying thing of falling over for no reason.

This must be a really low budget movie too, like Netflix, but a Sky one, because noone else is hardly in it.

Avoid and thank us later.
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Blacklight (2022)
Read your imdb
3 June 2022
5 mins into the movie and I am fed up with the acting, the cheesy backdrop 'drama' music and the car sound dubbing. Just horrible.

Read the IMDB User reviews, not the Critics ones, see that you are right and save yourselve the next 90mins.

Brutal? Well they shouldn't make this trash. Poor Liam.
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