America: The Motion Picture (2021) Poster

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Strange movie for a Canadian to watch on Canada Day.
tinidrilcharon2 July 2021
I'm not sure what I just watched, but I was entertained.

I enjoyed it, you can tell the voice actors had a good time.

But I would guess it will take some time before the people that will be offended, to realize they actually are. And I can support that.
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Not nearly as bad as most say
ksheridan-202942 July 2021
Like, yeah some jokes fall flat. But for the most part this is a fun over the top dramatization of Americans. The characters are enjoyable, the plot is easy to follow, its really good fun. Its not high brow, nor is it ground breaking. Its an hour and a half of just making fun of America, told through a intriguing "Tell Tale" games animation style. I dont really see a lot of the faults others do, I see it for what it is. A beautifully dumb movie thats good for some giggles and slams against America. Id recommend this to friends.
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Kinda misses the mark
ryanbarrett-6682110 July 2021
I didn't hate it but... The writing definitely has its moments and it's very over the top. Especially since it never knows (or even pretend to know) what century it's taking place in. Sometimes this fact makes watching it a bit confusing. If you literally take your logic brain and turn it off completely, it makes it more tolerable. So yeah. Don't overthink it, it's not that kind of movie.

Animation and acting are brilliant. Story is kinda meh (far too many Star Wars references), even with the over the top moments. Probably should be watched while drunk. MURICA! 🇺🇸
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Its gonna differ for everyone. As for me it had more hits than misses.
suzasailor1 July 2021
This is satire. Its over the top and ridiculous. For every infantile joke that doesn't hit. There are two or three clever jokes that do hit. If you want to have a good laugh and shut your brain off then you will have an absolutely fun time. With this red white and blue comedy, it will find its fans. Its not for everyone. But for those who like this kind of humor, you can do a lot lot worse.
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It´s like "Borat" or "Starship Troopers"
mvezok1 July 2021
The Kazakhstani didn´t understand that Sascha made fun of the Americans prejudice about foreigners and fascists didn´t understand that "Troopers" made fun of fascists.

It´s OK.

The wokeism is so obvious that the movie makes fun of it.

The tropes of modern movies are there. You get sucked in to cheer for America, even though you´re constantly reminded about how hollow it is.

The end... well, that IS America today.

Nietzsche said that every condition has its opposite built in, which eventually turns it into its opposite.

It is blooming today, but it was built in at the creation.

It happens to be about America, but the same goes for all national myths. They´re myths. This one is so exaggerated that it should be obvious.

A healthy dose of self-distance.
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Quite disappointing
wafflepenguin30 June 2021
The thing that surprised me the most about this movie was how boring it is aside from the first and last 20 minutes. The humour has its moments, but the majority doesn't really work, at least for me. It also lacked action aside from the very end, a lot was off screen or just didn't exist. Overall was rather disappointed as had been looking forward to it for a while.
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Simply not funny
benniegrezlik30 June 2021
I like satirical takes on anything, yet this script seems to be written by ten year old boys from the bottom of their class. Okay, satire doesn't have to make sense, bur it does need to hang together in its own universe. This movie doesn't hang together in any universe. All would be forgivable if it were funny. It is not. I gave up about twenty minutes in. I'm thinking of sending Netflix my grandchild's crayon drawings to see if we can get a movie deal.
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Pretty funny actually
onecrazydane2 December 2021
I suspect the many jabs at trash US dude-bro culture offended the less intelligent and well read viewers. Make no mistake, this movie is completely nutty but also shows how far America has fallen.

Made me laugh out loud several times. But what do know, I'm just a pinko European who travelled through 30 states.
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Could have been a 20 minute adult swim show
resevil4954 July 2021
Opening was good. The rest was so boring and unwatchable. After the theater scene I was not into it at all.
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Stupid fun
murphdog12344 July 2021
Yes it's stupid but I think that's the whole point

I kinda had a good time watching this. It's pretty funny in my opinion.
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Who thought this was a fun and fresh script?
The lowers simplest form of edgy comedy where they use the F-word so much in the wrong places, it becomes annoying.

I never do this, but after one hour of total boredom from watching modern day science and culture placed in the past-jokes (which is just as funny as rapping grannies), i just had to turn it off.
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I think you guys missed the point
dwc-479301 July 2021
This isn't supposed to be a Monty Python sketch or a nuanced satire. This is supposed to poke fun at the ultra patriotic Bro dude history that people homology together into our past. This is the version of America where Lincoln rides a grizzly bear into battle on a t shirt. It's chock full of references and humor and while not perfect I found it ridiculously entertaining and I'm a historian. Just don't take it so seriously.
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A Glorious Look At Our American Past Through Our Absurdist Today
ghostofchurch5 July 2021
If you don't like absurdist, raunchy or self-deprecating American branded humor take a hard pass. This movie essentially covers America's past and present, warts and all. Over-exaggerated caricatures of our nations most important leaders and shapers are on full display. With an attitude truly American we both mock and praise these historical figures with complete irreverence. The first 15 to 20 minutes may be light on plot to set up the tone of the movie, but from there a plot is birthed that allows this movie to be the 4th of July weekend movie we deserve.
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This could've been great. Such a wasted opportunity.
PsychoBeard66610 July 2021
Much like Sausage Party, the novelty wore off quite quickly and I stopped laughing. With all of the talent involved in the making of this, it was harder to fail than to succeed but they succeeded in failing.
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One joke, the rest boring yawners, and lots of upshilling of reviews/ratings don't save this
random-707785 July 2021
Firstly there are lot of eight to ten star reviews using same phrasing and from single use accounts.

Secondly this may have worked as a two minute short. The rest isn't just dumb humor -- it is no humor.

I suggest the writers not quit their day jobs.
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Irreverent and woke... Not the best combination
kaideneve2 July 2021
Sure, this movie is full of low-brow humor which some might not like, but then I'm not sure why they would be watching an adult cartoon in the first place. There were a few moments where I genuinely enjoyed the humor and nonsensical premise, and technically the animation is excellent. A world where George Washington and Abe Lincoln can play foosball in a pub with neon signs is pretty cool in my books.

There are a few out of place racially motivated jabs that I think could have been avoided. Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but it's just so annoying when they try to shoehorn racial awareness stuff into comedy. South Park does satire right, but America: The Motion Picture falls flat in that regard.

That said, it's still pretty entertaining, and if you can ignore all the subtle messages about how you should never trust white people, it's a solid watch.
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I am 12 years old and what is this?
curiousgeorgiapeach7 July 2021
So are we just going to ignore the fact that GDub was clearly taking juice for this role yet Roger "The Rocket" Clemens, winner of 7 Cy Young awards, and Barry "Big Bambino" Bonds, all time HR leader, can't get a hall of fame vote? Y'all must be tripping. The hypocrisy.
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jacobwellsons-03711 July 2021
It had it's moments but overall it's meh, I think this movie could have been a lot better if it weren't for sensitive people and pandering to that crowd imo.
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What movie were the negative reviewers watching?
rrberthelot18 August 2021
First, why is everyone complaining about this film being so woke. I feel like that's saying Animal House and Porky's were woke. And it's no more a serious attempt at revisionist history than Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter was. It just stupid fun. Some people need to know it's okay to laugh at yourself a little.
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Pure hot garbage
mweaver-104014 July 2021
There is way too much going on in this movie. It's sorta trying to be Team America, but it's 1000% less funny. It's kinda Borat, but less interesting. Maybe trying to be Monty Python, but more like a frat boy wrote this while drunk. It's unfunny, not sure what it wants to be, and frankly boring. Maybe it's trying to be woke but it just comes off as annoying. The animation was good, but the script is top 10 worst ever written. This is awful and a new low for Netflix which has honestly been putting out pure trash that make straight to VHS B movies look good.
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Well, not entirely the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
wagnercol4 July 2021
I worry about the writers, because taking the amount hallucinogens that they had to have taken to write this really has got to leave a mark. Not bad (mostly) but not good either. Maybe have a couple of drinks before you watch, that might help.
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A one joke premise stretched well past its welcome
IonicBreezeMachine2 July 2021
When Benedict Arnold (Andy Sandburg) sabotages the signing of the Declaration of Independence, killing the founding fathers, he later lures Geroge Washington (Channing Tatum) and Abraham Lincoln (Will Forte) to Ford's theater where he uses his werewolf powers to kill Abe. While George is initially despondent, he eventually decides to put together a team consisting of figures such as Thomas Edison (Olivia Munn), Samuel Adams (Jason Mantzoukas), Paul Revere (Bobby Moynihan) and Geronimo (Raoul Trujillo) to take down the tyrannical King James (Simon Pegg) and establish the nation of America.

America The Motion Picture, a joint production between Lord Miller Productions, Netflix Animation, and Floyd County Productions has a lot of proven talent both behind and in front of the camera. With a cast and crew that have worked on everything from Archer, 21 and 22 Jump Street, Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse and many other successful ventures in combination with an intriguing high concept premise, this was a movie I was honestly anticipating since its announcement in 2017. Unfortunately despite having all the right pieces, the movie is less than the sum of its parts.

The animation in the film is at least decent with good use of perspective, appealing character and environmental designs, and fluid movements and expressions that make the visuals really pop. In terms of its technical aspects you'd be hard pressed to find a film of this type that looks this nice.

The writing and performances are unfortunately where the movie falters. America The Motion Pictures primary joke is in taking the American Revolution and cramming in all manner of anachronistic references and persons and framing it as if it were a blockbuster action film. Watching America The Motion Picture I found myself comparing it to Drunk History which would also take historical events and play them in increasingly ludicrous directions at the whims of the inebriated host. America The Motion Picture has enough material for a five minute Youtube sketch or maybe 22 minutes of a TV episode, but at 90 minutes it becomes all too obvious the material is not strong enough to sustain feature length as it rests on its basic premise as the beginning and end of the joke. The performances are also not very good as they have a very self aware approach to the material with many of characters feeling like interchangeable "frat bro" types whose only purpose is to spout contemporary references solely for their own sake including head scratching references to the long dormant Jason Statham Transporter series and Lorenzo Lamas Renegade TV show.

America The Motion Picture takes a moderately intriguing premise and does virtually nothing with it, while the animation is fluid with appealing designs they're unfortunately in service of played out rambling reference heavy humor that is so lacking in context, set up, or payoff that the movie just ambles aimlessly between comic setpieces with no sense of comic friction or pacing.
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Extreme lowbrow fun.
sholto-793792 July 2021
We got some class-A whack-a-doodle nonsense right here, and it's awesome!

If you like your humour scatological, absurd, and VERY offensive then you will love it.

If not, this film is just going to annoy you. It is not subtle or sophisticated.

The satire is pretty thin stuff and the narrative relies heavily on the conceit of dys-chronous cut-up history to maintain our engagement - i was always waiting to see what the next anachronistic wink would be, and you never have to wait long (Tea 'N Tea - FFS!) So if you have trouble accepting George Washington and Abe Lincoln being Homoerotic BFFs, look elsewhere for your entertainment.

Some may complain this film could further compound American ignorance of quaint notions like "Truth" and "Facts", but I reckon that lifeboat has already sunk.

Also, this is an interesting counterpoint to "The Underground Railroad" and its similar approach, using a-historical pastiche as a narrative device.

Reminiscent of "Team America" and "American Dad", this may keep citizens giggling as democracy continues down the toilet.
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Laughed my @&$ off the whole time
dkeerl-8842729 March 2022
It's not the highest quality thing I've ever seen, but if you grew up with things like Family Guy and like stuff like Archer now, it's a healthy mix of the two. Definitely going to be a yearly 4th of July tradition for me.
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All the voice talent for nothing
Shoedovoodoo7 July 2021
Couldn't wait to see this based on the actors alone. 20 minutes in I knew it's where it was going. Unfortunate.
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