The Greatest Love Story Never Told (2024) Poster

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Very confirming of my gut
paintedlaughter-5629010 March 2024
I have long viewed Jennifer Lopez, who is an amazing actress and artist, as a bit of a narcissistic diva. In other words, I appreciate her art and talents, but wouldnt want to know her in person. She seems kinda fake, like someone who tries overly hard to project an image of perfection when reality is anything but that (and she confirms that is what she has been doing in the movie), and it makes it hard for the discerning person to like her, trust her, or root for her. This movie, in many ways, confirmed my perceptions of her and the irony was that this was her attempt to let down her guard and be vulnerable, yet it seems like she just can't help but be less than honest. It was funny (in an ironic way) to watch Ben try to call her out on her dishonesty in some respects. It also confirmed to me that they are not in love, nor are they soul mates. All I feel is tension between them, which I have sensed from afar, not infatuation or even love, and certainly not the greatest love story never told. So if my perceptions are correct and she can't see that - if she is unable to face reality because of the stories in her head and the need to control the narrative and her image - it makes me sad for her.

The only shocking part to me was that Ben has a deeply romantic and thoughtful aspect to his personality (in terms of the "bible" he gave her). He has a deep side, which you really don't see in the chatacters he chooses to portray. So it was nice to get a glimpse of that. And I think he genuinely cares about her as a person. But I don't think they are in love.

But their relationship kinda makes sense...a recovering alcoholic/liar pairs with another narcissistic liar (someone who lies to herself, not just others) in an effort to make things appear okay to the outside world. I mean...he didn't even realize their first break up broke her heart until he read the script for this movie. So what do they talk about with each other? Work? The weather? How can a relationship grow when people stay at such a surface level with each other? So I hope for their sakes, they can find the deeper path to honesty at some point. Cause truth truly sets us free.

The overall impression I have gotten from Jennifer Lopez lately is that she thinks we are more enamored with her than we actually are, and I have gotten that impression from her last 2 projects. So maybe she is confusing self-love for self-worship? Cuz they are not the same. So I just pity her more than anything. (Probably not the expectation a famous millionairess would expect from others.) That said, I hope she continues down the path to learning greater self-honesty. This was a step in that direction in some respects so I gave it 5 stars that reason. And I liked seeing her without makeup. Props for that.
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Quite good, but not the way JLo wanted it to be.
hannah-mae9123 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bizarre little documentary. There were multiple points where I was shocked something had been left in - like Ben Affleck (rightfully) mocking the nonsensical title (how is it never told if you're telling it now??) to JLo telling the mud guys to use X mud then driving away without telling them WHICH mud. The most painful scene was Affleck saying how much it sucked to see a bunch of strangers passing around a book filled with his most private thoughts.

There's a trend right now of people going to therapy and becoming proficient in that language, but only to the extent that they can fluff themselves up or make others feel bad for them. That's basically all this is.

Here's a summary of JLo's "truth": she was a middle child with an attention-seeking mother and a father who worked nights. She had a relationship that ended because they had different values, then she had some bad relationships after and never got over the guy she almost married. She had 4 marriages before finally marrying guy 1 again, then proceeded to disrespect his values and desires on a global stage.

Girl, everybody had difficult parents. A lot of kids were middle children. Most of us had bad relationships, millions of us had ones who got away -- you truly aren't special, and nobody cares. You know what the rest of us lack? $40,000,000 of money to throw at a vanity project. Sit back down, lady, and treat the people in your life with more care.

For everyone else, this is a fun and short watch about a self obsessed, delusional woman who just yells "my truth" to contemporary dance moves and considers it art. What's not to love/hate about that?
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Not a bad documentary about Jennifer Lopez's latest documentary
lisafordeay27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
20 Years ago Jennifer Lopez released Ths Is Me Then a love ballad album dedicated to Ben Affleck,her first and real love who broke up with her 3 days before their wedding in 2004. Fast forward now and the two lovebirds are back together and now they are showing the world that they have since changed and are madly in love.

In this documentary for This Is Me Now,Jennifer talks about failed relationships,Ben Affleck,being a middle child with a narcissistic mother and a father who barely wasn't there for her,what she succeeds at and some familar faces including Jane Fonda from Monster In Law (which starred J Lo),Kim Petras,Post Malone,Keke Palmer,Fat Joe and Derek Hough. She even speaks about funding the project with her own money.

There was even some other big names who sadly didn't make the cut including Anthony Ranos,Ariana Grande and Jason Momoa.

Here's hoping Ben amd Jennifer will be together as this documentary will be a laughing stock for her in the next 2 years.
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Vanity project that's so bad it's good
TheBeardedWonder2 March 2024
This was honestly hilarious. Pairing it with the other 2 flaccid tines of the big comeback - her new album and the visual video that accompanies it - make for a great sk had its good JLO night with your friends. Have some drinks and smokes with your friends and you won't stop cracking up at this.

From her obviously fake PR style narration to the camera, to her attempts to seem real and genuine that are again fake and scripted, to her just wishing Ben could see how beautiful and talented she is, to her attempting to be humble - all of it just falls so so so flat.

Bonus points if you can keep track of how many custom rhinestone and bejeweled water bottles she has throughout the film. We lost count and looked it up just to confirm that yes of course she sells them in her site. Yet again just another curated PR move within this already artificial attempt at drumming up business for her music and movies.

It will make you laugh and cry, but not for the reason they set out to...
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Narcissism at its finest
soulseer-091206 March 2024
Isn't anything sacred, she get back with Ben and has to tell the world my love is better, more shinny than any of you peasants, but I really believe if she had found true love she would want to protect it, I mean the book, this guy was married for many years and had children and your waving this book as if too say "yeah but he loved me all along" wow the the cringing sensation was killing me, The amount of people saying throughout DONT DO THIS but her well published need for attention said I WILL, the scene were she says "my mother was a narcissist" well the apple did not fall far, thats for sure. The scene were they are saying Taylor Swift said no and virtually everyone from the entertainment business said no why would you put that in if this had been a spoof it would have Good but unfortunately its her real ego talking, I have to say I felt sorry for Ben Affleck who is an really talented guy having to pacify his self absorbed wife, while admitting it should be kept private, and what if they split will we be in for the sequel when she meets her next victim, er husband.
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Not jumping the negativity bandwagon, but...
jrsousa214 April 2024
This documentary is a little without substance, the acting is poor, the screenplay is thin, there's no spontaneity, everything sounds fake and not genuine. It can be skipped without giving you major FOMO. It's not a great fun film to watch and there's not much to take away from it either. The title seems made up as well and has little to do with the contents. Perhaps it was chosen to lure women who are into love stories. But it doesn't make justice to the contents, it's a bit fake and nothing in this film sounds very spontaneous to be honest. One great example is the scene where J Lo claims that she used to run up and down the block with a messy hair when she was 16 (for which J Lo was exposed). Her hair was actually pretty neat in a school picture she took at the time. The school was also not exactly a school for not haves, the premises were literally a mansion, and tuition ran at about $12K a year per some estimates and testimonies. Girls were not the excluded low class type, it was an all-girls school and I assume none had to work for a living based on their good looks. The bad tongues have that J Lo leveraged that urban legend portrayed in her Jenny from the Block hit as way to garner more fame and popularity, but the story is far from truth in actuality (she was never humble). Now, should I be bashing this film? I don't know, but maybe the fact that J Lo has so many horror stories about how she treats people who she deems beneath her will make me feel less guilty.
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Oh dear
Bilkoboy11 March 2024
Industrial grade self-indulgence. The sheer egotism required to make this clap-trap is off the scale. Why do people like J-Lo not have friends, associates or business partners who say to her, look mate, don't do this, it will wreck your brand/ make you look stupid/ make you look like a self-indulgent diva? There is really nothing here that is film worthy, only maybe to a tiny group of long term fans. Everyone else will watch this through their fingers and iluless the viewer has a strong stomach, are battlefield brave or are somewhat infirm, will simply not make it to the end.

I'd say this was one to avoid if I'm honest.
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Appreciate the vulnerability
torojessica28 February 2024
I hated that you never saw JLo be "real" about her struggles. She always had a smile in every interview. Still sucks we only see her challenges and raw emotions in her documentaries. But my takeaway from this one is that she finally gives zero effs about putting herself out there and that effort alone shows growth. I would have liked to see how she juggled being a mom with this project, but I loved how she incorporated Ben and having him interview her. I presume people once again will judge her for being the perfectionist or "boss" she exudes here but when you have millions of dollars on the line, I would probably be more upright than what's she gives off, so it's well understandable.
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Documentary About a Documentary
EyeSeesMovies4 March 2024
Another reviewer nailed it, when they dubbed it a doc about a doc, and I add, about a movie (other commenter might have mentioned that too, but I cannot remember while typing). LOL I was 25 minutes in and questioned what this was about. Jennifer Lopez definitely seems to want the reviewers to know that this was financed from her own bank account. It is entertaining enough, but I still have 40 minutes left. If I have more to add to this review, then I will come back and make an update. Until then, I will add more words to fill the character requirement for posting reviews on this platform. Enjoy!
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Oh Jennifer what have you done?! What a DREADFUL self absorbed NONSENSE!
imseeg29 February 2024
What's going on inside Jennifer Lopez' head lately? I pity her, having the nerve (and lack of self judgement) to release something as DREADFULLY CRINGEWORTHY as this!

Dont get me wrong, I think Jennifer Lopez is a fine actress and she has starred in several good movies. I cant judge her singing/dacing carreer though, because her music is not my thing. And I even want to believe she is an okay person, so I am not a hater, BUT....

The bad: I guess Jennifer Lopez is suffering from a midlife crisis. She looks old now (even with tons of makeup) and she seems to be desperately clinging on to her fading youthful popular image, which is no more.

So sad to see this once such a good and popular performer now grovel in her own glorification, trying to cling on to some long faded popularity, while half the world has already forgotten her.

Not any good then? It's KITSCH. It's Gigli (2003) revisited, which is by far THE worst Ben Affleck movie EVER made. This music "documentary" has also got an appearance by Ben Affleck, who mumbles some hilarious jibberish about self love. What the what!@?

Hilariously bad. Cringeworthy to the MAX. Havent seen anything as self obsessed and VAIN like this for a long time!!!
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Amazing conclusion to her trilogy around this era
nalisha200027 February 2024
I loved her album, loved her musical movie and now this documentary is a perfect conclusion to her story around this topic - the greatest love story never told - SELF LOVE.

Using all her assets, she wove a beautiful story and this documentary delved deeper into how this all came about.

She is such an inspiration, rocking out at 54! Her resilience and character shines through. It so interesting that she is this grounded and full of self love now and could probably be on her own, but now she is married to her soulmate!

Jlo seems so grounded and mature now. This trilogy of work must have been so cathartic for her. LOVED IT ALL!!
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High Level Camp
sean-peters201028 February 2024
Jennifer's narcissism makes this project so spectacular to watch. The music is awful, and the movie makes zero sense, but her confidence and delusion is inspiring.

Beautiful gowns....

To all the producers and studios that told her she shouldn't make this film and album are...correct. But I am so glad she funded it herself and made it anyways. This woman went into DEBT to make not only a movie, but this documentary to pair it with? Iconic. Yet I still don't know what she is trying to tell us...could be a threat.

3 stars for the drama and campiness of it all. Highly recommend to ironically watch with your stoner friends.
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Look at me look at me look at have toIm paying for it
omkmsaroo23 March 2024
Omg that was hilarious and i got so embarrassed on behalf of everyone who knows her..desperation on a narcissistic is not a good look.

She's a bad singer, she's a meh actress she's a great dancer And as a human well she's not good either.

Zero respect to their previous relationships..uncalled for at all ..and Ben omg..i could feel how irritated he was with her And like attempting to do what Prince seriously???

She's not in the same dimension as Prince.

Imagine ill use my money to make a movie about me...and embaress ppl when they dont want anything to do with this epic embarrassing look at me "documentary "
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Worst Love Story That Should've Never Been Told
dcdqqp19 March 2024
Probably the worst thing I've ever watched. Jennifer Lopez's acting leaves much to be desired. Stick to music because acting is not for you baby. Jennifer Lopez has to be the most self absorbed monstrosity of a celebrity to think this was even a good idea. I see why so many celebrities turned down being in this "film" Jennifer Lopez is the embodiment of a stomach ache in human form. It's crazy how unlikable and revolting one person can be. All the scenes in this film felt forced and unnatural and felt as if Jennifer Lopez wrote them herself so she could be relevant again and play in her own movie. Save your time, seriously.
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It is really bad,
kh-174382 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And I was not able to make myself watch it without fast forwarding through most of it. I had to skip the most cringeworthy scenes, and it was almost all cringeworthy.

I rolled my eyes, to myself, at the factory skit with workers who awkwardly rock their heads, necks, and wigs to.the beat of the music along with slamming their hands down. The dirt from working was obviously painted on the costumes and faces of the nameless and forgotten characters. And the work being depicted was possibly agriculturally related and not anything we know of factory work.

And the music really hopes to someday define a decade, but there is no gripping thought or emotion that comes through. The genre I heard was a bit hit hop, but actually striving to be top pop tunes. And the lyrics I heard at the end were really unnecessary as they are nothing you would want to pop on the Apple Play on the way to school. Actually, it was graphic and was definitely adult oriented. Maybe it will catch on at the adult entertainment bars and centers.

And the scene of fake joy with the white umbrella being turned about like a baton with the hummingbird nearby-it was reminiscent of Fred Astaire, but I have never been much of a fan of Fred Astaire musicals anyway. So for me, it all felt flat.

I will jump back to scene where the bad actors playing "gods" who watch over Jennifer Lopez, ummm, that was really cringeworthy. I was actually surprised at how unbelievably bad the acting actually was, along with the skit performed by the husband of Ms. Lopez.

And as far as self love, I now am sure the world could do with far less of it.
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Do it afraid!
zcathome228 February 2024
Suppose you are reading this worrying whether this is the film for you. Do it, afraid! It is the whole mantra of the film. Do what you have to do. Be inspired. Feel loved. Most of all, believe in yourself.

It is artistic, cinematic, and raw, and it has great characters, some of whom I was completely unaware of, such as her wardrobe supervisor. I loved her!

Starts as a love story, but it is a documentary about a making a film of a music album, and the effort and work that this process takes and ends with being the greatest love story ever told. If you get it in the end. Congratulations for believing in art and magic.
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Filled with amazing talent, energy, soulfulness, and relatability
jerigill29 February 2024
As if the incredible music, choreography and dance, we're not enough, this movie will most certainly touch the hearts of many women...and men. The production quality was very impressive. The"broken" in us either breaks us or makes us. Jennifer Lopez took "makes" to an extreme, providing her innumerable and adoring worldwide fans with so much entertainment and inspiration, and continues to strive for further success. I'm happy she and Ben found their way back to each other...back to true love. Don't miss watching the documentary of this film's making! I saw the movie first, but sm compelled to re-watch the movie, now.
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Self centred
anck44 April 2024
JLo is real low, full of self importance, self centred and hypocritical.

Full of lies, no credit where credit is due, to the real people that helped her in the beginning, not the ones she bent over for to propel her ahead of much better performers, she likens herself to Selena lol, she isn't even in the same orbit as Selena, she couldn't even sing Selena's songs in the biopic ... how embarrassing lol

Has a lot of explaining to do with the whole Diddy disaster dilemma going on right now, if there's no blood on her hands I'd be surprised.

I bet she knows the dark & dirty secrets and is too scared to speak up incase she loses what little is left of her waning career.

Jenny from the block has been around the block too many times and the wheels are falling off.
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Ridiculous. The many reviews are right: Utterly Ridiculous.
dxb-3352914 April 2024
JLO is absolutely what everyone said she is: egotistical, very rude to her team, and to Ben.

Everyone told her not to do this, and not to do the idiotic nonsensical movie either, and she did both!!

No one even knew this was coming out, and I'm half way watching this and the rumor I heard in the industry is very true: She is paying Ben to be with her / appear to be with her, because she couldn't handle another engagement cancelled, with A Rod, who, like all others, cheated on her. She also knew that what she did in the club with diddy will come to bite her in the butt one day, so she concocted this perfect PR story of how their love story is one for the ages, when in fact, it's all a lie.

Everyone is right. This is het DOWNFALL. Everything is coming out - she used Ashanti's vocals and other women's, she cannot sing, she completely ignored her children in both projects, she's rude to people around her and her friends, she's done for.
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Nothing new but a polished attempt to be real
hbbzjnkms1 April 2024
A desperate Diva. Period. Nothing new and nothing documentary about this.

If this is Looez being real it doesn't feel it. No one working with her was going to say anything negative and those business meeting parts were more boring. Again, she is simply a diva who is no longer relevant.

A real documentary would include her exes etc and show her bad side as well as her good. Not a polished piece about her making music videos. It is shallow and fluff and I could care less about her and Affleck.

And it was good to see the Bronx doesn't remember her. That seems to be what's real. Fading into the past.
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reality-430734 April 2024
Horrible!!!! Absolutely the worst!! Confused if it was a movie or music videos or a musical. This was a complete disaster and she needs to not even make a movie again . What a waste of her own money! And no one feels bad for her! Watch this is me now and you'll see how cruel she is the others around her. The entire story in itself doesn't make sense, it's very cheesy and low budget. She does all different types of dances that don't make sense. She's now trying to sound like Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande with their music styles that are nothing like her own. And it's not even like, she isn't allowed to try something new- no this isn't new, it's been heard and done before, by other artists ! Entirely the " movie" is a disaster. The end had me confused not even realizing that was the end of it. I literally finished watching it with my jaw dropped open from how disastrous this movie was.
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The hardest working human in the industry.
hiramjkennedy28 February 2024
The most vulnerable, telling, raw, real, honest we've ever seen Jennifer Lopez and probably the last time we will. She literally poured all of her heart, soul, energy, time, money, dreams, everything! To this project and it paid off.

Audiences and critics are loving for the most part, and it's especially rewarding to see after she has been so criminally underrated, criticized and scrutinized. Haters will pick apart everything she does without even listening or watching, but if it was another artist doing the same exact thing they would praise. She has given us an album, a documentary, a live show, a movie and a tour announcement in the shortest month of the year. Her work ethic is unmatched and the passion she puts into everything she does is rare. She's not the most gifted actress or vocalist, but as they say, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Bravo Jennifer.
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Don't waste your time
meggy-339983 April 2024
I couldn't get through it! I was super excited prior, I've enjoyed her movies, music and dance in the past. I just knew it was going to be amazing. Big let down. Boring! Also, it seems to appear like she's going through a midlife crisis. I've never looked at her as a pick me girl, narcissist, with I'm the only one who matters attitude. It comes off as that very early on. Poor Ben, you can tell he didn't want this. Poor thing I wish she would have also took a hint when no one wanted to participate. Her paying for everything to make a documentary about herself alone is cringe for me. Don't waste your time.

Don't waist your time.
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Amazing !!!!
astrid-9362828 February 2024
Jennifer's strength and determination are impressive! Sensational documentary and film! I don't get tired of watching! I am increasingly proud of her career and of being a fan of hers!

It was great watching Jennifer Lopez speak honestly and vulnerably about her inspiration to bring both the album and the film to life. This documentary wasn't a behind the scenes for music videos but it was rather another experience to how two projects came to life. I appreciate this kind of honesty and art from artists like her.

Amazing. Real. Touching. You can how real and hard-working she is ! Congrats JLo !
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Why would she make this???
danielswhitleedaniels26 April 2024
While I have never been a huge fan of Jennifer Lopez, I've always thought she was a decent actress and screen presence. I do not consider her a great singer by any means, but she is at least entertaining in the things she's done in the past.

This? Not entertaining at all. I'm pretty sure J-Lo did not mean to make a comedy, but yet I could not stop laughing at how ridiculous and self-absorbed she came off here. This is the very definition of a self-funded vanity project.

J-Lo has always been accused of being a diva, and this seems to be her attempt to try and come off as more humble, vulnerable, and relatable. Unfortunately, that is not how it comes off. In fact, it comes off as a dishonest portrayal of who she is.

First of all, J-Lo also acts like she came from extremely humble beginnings, yet as I can attest, the school she went to was fairly expensive even in the 1970s and 1980s. That school was Preston High School, and my aunt graduated three years ahead of her (1984). Is J-Lo a hard worker who got way beyond the Bronx? Sure, I suppose, but she acts like she came from absolutely nothing, which is not quite the case.

I don't get the sense here that she and Ben Affleck are soulmate at all. In fact, I don't think they are even in love. I just sense tension between the two.

It's strange that for over 10 years, Ben's marriage with Jennifer Garner was kept pretty private and that one of the reasons he split from J-Lo was supposedly the media attention. Yet, what does he do as soon almost as he's divorced from Jen Garner? Runs right back to J-Lo. It tells me he is truly just as desperate for the fame and attention as she is, but Jen Garner probably was not. Either that or neither can accept that it's not 2003 anymore and people aren't as interested in them.

In a lot of ways, this documentary confirms what a lot of people already think of J-Lo instead of refuting the perception.
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