Yankee doodle hammy
31 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
By 1912, when George M. Cohan starred on Broadway in "Broadway Jones", he no longer had the energy to perform in slam-bang flag-waving musicals ... so he shifted easily into broad comedies and farces which he usually wrote himself. The Broadway cast of "Broadway Jones" included three of the famous Four Cohans: George and his parents, minus his sister Josie. Interestingly, the ingenue role in this Cohan-scripted show is named Josie. The plot of this show is almost like an evil-twin version of "Mr Deeds Goes to Town".

The film version of "Broadway Jones" stars Cohan as Jackson Jones of Jonesville, Ohio, who has never done a day's honest work. He gets himself engaged to the wealthy but unattractive widow Mrs Girard, figuring that living off her money is better than looking for a job.

Years ago, Jackson Jones's grandfather founded a chewing-gum company which later passed to Jackson's uncle, and which is still a profitable concern. Now the uncle has died, and suddenly Jackson Jones has inherited the chewing-gum factory, plus the family savings of one million dollars. He straight away ditches the widow and runs off to New York City, intending to put his inheritance "back into circulation". Among other things, Jones decides to "buy Brooklyn and close it up".

After squandering most of his inheritance in New York City, and now calling himself "Broadway Jones". Jackson returns to Ohio. To raise some quick cash for another spending spree, he decides to close down the profitable chewing-gum factory and sell the property. But now Josie Richards, the secretary at the factory, informs Jones that hundreds of local people will be thrown out of work if he does this. The entire economy of Jonesville is based on the chewing-gum factory. (SPOILER COMING.) Chastened by this, Jones suddenly develops a sense of responsibility for his grandfather's business and for his employees. He decides to stay in Jonesville and run the company, with Josie's help. But Jones hasn't given up his love for Broadway.

"Broadway Jones" may seem corny to modern viewers, but it's a good record of Cohan's performing technique ... not as good as "The Phantom President", though. Skip this movie and rent that one instead.
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