Sea Sick
23 September 2004
More like a day with the family, it appears that The Tramp is married with children. Here, he spends the day with the family as he drives them to and from the boat ride. While the movie deals with situation after situation that the 'Tramp's' get themselves involved in, the majority of the movie takes place on the boat ride. It is here where Chaplin uses some early fantasy camera work to make the boat ride less enjoyable than it really is. Back and forth Chaplin sways the camera from left to right, making the boat look like it is being rocked back and forth by the ocean waves. A nice little comedy with a minor blooper in the background. In the start of the movie when Chaplin is trying to start the car, if you look behind in the open street you will see a man walking down the sidewalk toward the car. He stops half way when he sees that there is a camera and that they are shooting a movie. He quickly stops and turns around to walk out of the shot. Before he does, he stops again and looks back to get one final look. He then hurries off to get out of the shot.
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