Sum Sap
29 April 2002
Unhappily, the surviving prints of this movie have substituted the title cards (originally written by future director Tay Garnett) with clock cuckoos, chiming gongs, rimshots, the occasional slide whistle, as well as a voice-over by an unspecified narrator who insists of punctuating each joke with a comment. "Look," he tells us. "Stan's hair stands on end!" he says of one gag. "Get it?" He asks of another. Yes, we get it. Now, please be quiet.

Although Stan's gags in this picture -- he plays a Chinese laundryman -- are better timed than in some of the awful vehicles he was in at the time -- SHORT KILTS, for example, or SCORCHING SANDS -- and he displays some good physical slapstick reminiscent of his days with the Karno troupe in England -- his character remains moronic, without any redeeming features whatsoever. Avoid this.
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