Made to order entertainment of the thirties.
12 July 2002
Maurice Elvey had been one of the major European film makers of the teens but the British industry was unable to supply him with projects of comparable ambition and he spent a lot of the thirties taking on vehicles for visiting US stars - here dithery second banana Horton. The actor's comic skill and his ability to differentiate the unturning worm business partner and his go getter dopelganger, emerging from the looking glass, show that Horton could carry a leading role - though hardly this one where the script wants us to believe the film's glamorous women see him as an object of desire.

The mounting is elaborate - studio constructed tube train station, exclusive London West End hotel and Chinese restaurant etc. The English cast are superior, though they waste Alisair Sim and Elvey's handling is accomplished. Watch the wide shot of the office where the two Hortons move round conducting a conversation with the correct eye lines and timing.

Elvey did better sound films than this SALLY IN HER ALLEY, PHANTOM FIEND, THE LAMP STILL BURNS but MAN IN THE MIRROR passes the time well enough.

Edward Aperson's US release has been sloppily titled - Gary Marsh is passed off as Gary Walsh and Felix Aylmer is missing.
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