This trifle is more entertaining than it has a right to be.
11 March 2004
A nonsensical 'B' movie that deals with a college romance, SPRING MADNESS is brighter and more entertaining than it has any right to be, and the reason is surely director S. Sylvan Simon. He seems to have been influenced by the buoyancy and overlapping wisecracks of STAGE DOOR the year before, and though the material and the actors here are not up to the level of that classic, this movie is great fun to watch.

Though all of the cast look too old to be college kids, they pitch in with high spirits and manage to make it seem like they had a ball making this. Maureen O'Sullivan looks more beautiful than in anything else I've ever seen her in (including her TARZAN pictures), Lew Ayers and Burgess Meredith are skillful if not especially interesting, and Ruth Hussey delivers her sardonic dialog with delicious dryness. No one in this ensemble cast lets the team down, they all deliver. You couldn't be blamed for passing this by, but if you have the chance you should check it out. It shows what energy and ingenuity can do to perk up a routine script.
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