Times that have gone ...
6 December 1999
I do have a video tape of this movie given to me by one of my sons as a Christmas present because I used to watch every re-run that appeared. I haven't read all of the comments written by other authors, but having read one of the most recent ones, it's hard to understand why anyone regardless of their age, wouldn't find something of interest in this movie. We have romantic scenes by Scarlett and Rhett (Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable)...Ashley and Melanie (Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland) ... dramatic scenes from the Civil War between the North and the South. This is a vital part of American history. One also has insight to "times that have gone" ... showing the drastic changes in the lives of the Southerners who were used to having black slaves. I also read the book "Gone With The Wind" ...and I felt that having seen the movie first, it certainly did live up to the book ... more than some others do. As this movie begins with the "Gone With The Wind" theme ...the camera zooms into the pink blossoming trees of the South ... with Scarlett sitting in her large green and white crinoline dress, surrounded by her admirers ... talking of the Civil War. *sigh* Makes me want to enter the scene and be a part of it all. It may be time for me to watch this movie again ...as the Canadian winter draws closer. :o)
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