Review of Rebecca

Rebecca (1940)
8 September 2000
"Rebecca" is often mentioned as one of Hitchcock's finest works. In my opinion, it's his most overappreciated film. I just don't understand what's so good about this overdramatic, fairly unhitchcockian yarn. It goes on and on and on revealing "the secrets of Manderley", and then ends quickly, almost furtively. Maybe the maestro himself didn't like the film neither, because his cameo is a really hard one to catch! Still, "Rebecca" is worth seeing at least for Judith Anderson's amazing performance as the evil Mrs. Danvers.

If you're a Hitchcock fan, take notice that Leo G. Carroll (Dr. Murchison in "Spellbound", senator Morton in "Strangers on a Train", the professor in "North by Northwest") makes his first appearance in a Hitchcock movie as Rebecca's doctor (near the end of the film).
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