Fast-paced Nonsense Might Do for High School Play
28 October 2002
I found it hard to believe that a studio would waste the talents of William Holden and Susan Hayward on such an embarrasing, sophmoric script. Ms. Swann (screenwriter) capped her career writing for the dreadful TV series DARK SHADOWS. Holden and Hayward and the rest of the players put their heart and souls into this hard-to-watch comedy. They all play it to the hilt, but got no laughs out of me. Eddie Bracken did his usual shtick -- and Robert Brenchley (who I find more irritating than funny) does his usual thing. Breezy, likeable Barbara Britton is nice to watch and we get to see handsome James Brown in his underwear. Martha O'Driscoll is way over-the-top. This MIGHT have worked if the players were kids (17-20)-- instead we have actors in their mid-twenties looking pretty ridiculous. I usually don't like writing negative reviews, but I'm upset that I actually had to sit through this, based on a highly recommended review on IMDB. I actually BOUGHT the video. Yikes!
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