17 June 1999
This film is presented as vignettes of the boys at different ages, as if seen through a mother's loving eyes. It makes your heart particularly vulnerable to their inevitable fate. Especially poignant to the audiences of the day, note that it was released in 1944, during some of the darker days of World War II.

Five brothers DID die as the result of ONE enemy encounter. It was a terrible tragedy. It made one family's sacrifice TOO great. In their honor, there has always been a "USS The Sullivans" afloat. The newly commisioned ship can be seen, along with the "new" skipper (sometimes), on patriotic holidays when the movie is shown. They have him (and the ship) in the "bumpers" between segments. It adds a new dimension and reality to the film.

My younger children always gather round to watch the "Leave it to Beaver" type antics of the brothers growing up. They very much enjoy the "little troublemakers". They DO follow the film and understand what happens at the end. I'm glad they do. It's not lost on them. And we always salute, along with Pop Sullivan, at the end of the movie.....

REST IN PEACE, BOYS...........
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