OW! This One Hurt the Brain to Have to Watch it!
1 June 2002
Was this based on a radio program, a popular radio program, I should ask? Obviously I don't know, but it seemed to be giving that impression that was the case. We saw a restaurant setup and a man running around with a microphone, giving the notion they were going out live on the radio. I have no earthly idea who Tom Breneman was or what else he did, but I have an idea that Dick Clark studied his guffawing and forced laughter, as that is just who he reminded me of. AND THE JOKES WEREN'T FUNNY! All this laughter for something that wasn't funny! It was incredible! Example: Breneman is talking to one woman who lives downtown, but works uptown. Her going 'no, I live downtown, but work uptown, my husband works one town over, our baby was born two towns over' or something to that effect, had Breneman in stitches! The audience was laughing too!

It got worse. I don't recall Nat King Cole or even Spike Lee in this thing, but I do recall Hedda Hopper and Zasu Pitts. Pitts was wearing a silly hat as apparently Breneman found the woman with the silliest hat and talked to them, which was Pitts plan. Hopper of course was (sigh) known for her outrageous hats, I guess. Breneman went to Hopper. Hopper was sitting with the mothers of Joan Crawford, Gary Cooper and I believe it was Breneman's own mother. Hopper the writer made comments that were bland and nonsensical, all the while laughing hysterically. When it was finally revealed Breneman's mother was the fourth woman at the table, Hopper quips "Lot of ham in that family." By far the worst was Breneman wearing Hopper's hat. He states, "I wouldn't be an invitation to a duck." Hopper replies "But oh brother, what an invitation to a woodpecker!"

Pitts and whoever the elderly woman she spoke with and knew her disappointment at not being interviewed were the movie's bright spots.

I think I recall a bit on Burke and her husband, but their story was largely forgettable. I saw this as a bad film theatre offering, and it definitely fit the bill. It was awful.
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