Angels Alert
2 November 2003
"Angels in the Outfield" (1951) is the one of the best and most original comedies ever made. It is about a baseball manager (Paul Douglas) who loses his temper too much until he hears an angel's voice (James Whitmore), who makes a deal with him. He and his other angels will help the baseball team win games if the manager stops losing his temper. When the deal is set, the manager's life changes. It is a lovely movie to watch.

The movie should have been nominated with Academy Awards for the major categories. It was totally ignored. Paul Douglas and Bruce Bennett, as the aging baseball player, should have been nominated for best actor and best supporting actor. They have something in common; both of them made another great movie in their long careers: Douglas made "Letter to Three Wives" and Bennett made "Mildred Pierce". "Angels in the Outfield" was perfectly cast. Another outstanding performance was by Kennan Wynn in his best role and best movie. Mr. Wynn should have been nominated for best supporting actor, too.
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