Excellent Mystery!!!
13 June 2004
I have watched this particular movie several times; of course, I most likely do that with a lot of movies that are my favorites : )

The basic story is of a somewhat embittered, well-to-do man who had lost his sight fairly recently becoming reinvigorated about life again when he thinks that he overhears parts of a discussion in a bar that may suggest that there is a murder being planned. The acting, writing and direction are superb! As the plot begins to unravel, you are truly pulled along more and more into the story; it is VERY entertaining, especially for those who like good mysteries a la Sherlock Holmes.

If I may throw in a bit of a sort-of non sequitur here, (at least as far as any huge similarities in the two movies,) but, it's interesting, at least to me, to note the similarity of character between Van Johnson's blind detective here, and Karl malden's character in Dario Argento's "Cat O' Nine Tails" where he also plays a blind 'detective'. Just a thought, nothing serious, (however, that is also a very good mystery, just a little heavier content due to being more recent and from Argento, of course : )

That's about it; have fun watching it.... You will : )
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