12 Angry Men (1957)
One of the Greatest Films Ever Made.
18 May 1999
A film of this caliber could NEVER be made today. Gasp, not a single car chase through the streets, no automatic weapons barrages, no plate glass windows being shattered and, of course, that staple of today's entertainment, the obligatory explosion. Lord, imagine a movie without an explosion. Why the thought is positively Bolshevik!

Is it ancient history, or wasn't there a time when films with great acting and compelling plots were produced that were not "independent" films? On second thought, maybe I'm confused, perhaps that was back in Periclean Athens. Can't wait for Lethal Weapon 5. I hope it won't be as highbrow as LW4.

But seriously, folks, 12 Angry Men (and it would appear that I'm #13) belongs in every film-lover's permanent video library as a reminder of what heights film making can achieve.
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