One of the Worst of the worst
12 February 2004
Billed as a Maciste film he doesn't appear for 20 minutes and then only fleetingly until the last half hour. The film is more concerned with court intrigue in the Middle East instead of the actions of the titled hero. Its all the bad guy with the good guy coming in a distant third or fourth in importance. You'll forgive the lack of details but this is so dull and so lifeless it was a struggle to stay awake. Besides if I gave you any hint of the plot it might sound good and you might want to watch it. I would have shut it off except that I was waiting for Maciste to do something, and what little he did do in the final reel was so laughable I was wondering where the other three stooges were. On the plus side its well produced and looks good, but other wise its one of the most awful movies ever made.
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