The original and best surfing movie ever
23 August 2003
Interesting, intelligent and well-narrated movie done in the days of innocence before boring thrash-metal soundtracks drowned out commentary from surf-movies. No matter what age you are, if you like surfing (and probably if you don't) you will find this movie interesting as it travels around the world examining cultures and people as well looking for the "perfect wave". Sure, Bruce Brown's commentary may sometimes sound goofy but it enhances the innocent feel of the movie and its place in time. This is the definitive surf movie - the measure by which other movies can only be judged. A recent "Realsurf" website (Realsurf publishes worldwide surf reports on the internet) reader pool of '000's voted "Endless Summer" as the best surf movie of all time with daylight second and Endless Summer 2 next.
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