The Terror of Baby Godzilla
5 April 1999
Even by kiddie standards, Son of Godzilla is a boring, hopeless pile of lizard turds. A group of scientists conducting "experiments" on a hot, deserted island witness giant mantises, a giant spider, and, worst of all, a Godzilla hatchling. Now, some of the earlier Godzilla moovies are quite fun; when our favorite thunder lizard gets going, he chomps and stomps like nobody's business. The last thing we need is a cutsie baby Godzilla, a misshapen lump of lizard goo who coos and gurgles and shrieks just like (yikes!) a human baby. It's really kind of sad to see the Big Guy degraded like this - what's next, make him drive a mini-van? Oh together they fight a couple of cheesy-looking giant mantises & a massively salivating spider, but it just isn't the same. Fortunately, you have to wait until the even stupider Revenge of Godzilla before you get to hear Godzuki talk. Most of the time, this movie is plain boring. We almost miss the annoying little Japanese kid who wears the creepy shorts & can talk to Mothra. MooCow says watch it only if yer a masochist, and then keep yer hooves on the fast forward button. :=8)
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