excellent, moving film
17 July 2004
I have been fascinated by the work of Carson McCullers ever since I read THIALH. I have never visited America, and I find her depiction of small town life very evocative. Her writing style is weird to say the least and her life sounds even stranger. This story is without doubt her masterpiece. I read Reflections in A Golden Eye and The Ballad of the Sad Cafe. How did she come up with such wonderful titles? Anyway, The Heart .... is her best. This film captures the book perfectly in my opinion. OK, the story is not perfect. It doesn't fully deal with the adolescent development of the girl, or her relationship and sexual encounter with the gangly youth (remembering names is not my speciality). Also the Stacey Keach character doesn't really go anywhere. I know that Singer (really smart use of irony in his name) is the main character, and that everyone feeds off him (cf Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke), and I think it is Alan Arkin's performance which really makes the film. What happened to Arkin anyway? After Catch 22 (also excellent) he didn't seem to do much else. Anyway, I have rarely seen a better film, and I am disappointed that it seems to be difficult to get the video, certainly in this country. Some people might say that it is rather soppy and over-sentimentalised, and I can see this myself, but it still makes my heart dissolve -I can't help it.
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