Airport (1970)
Boring Junk-Fest!
14 August 2004
This Best Picture nominee from 1970 is unbelievably bland and ridiculous. Helen Hayes with her pixie-act conned her way into her second Oscar. Maureen Stapleton (a fine actress) blubbers and moans throughout. Burt Lancaster should have stayed home. Jackie Bissett is beautiful as always. Dean Martin is on snooze control. George Kennedy is gruff and brash. Only Van Heflin as the "madman" scores some points.

A 2 out of 10. Barbara Hale is competent. Jean Seberg is confused. The script is a mess! Everyone seems to be from different planets and I just don't get the point. What can you do? The same year JOE, HUSBANDS, SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, CATCH-22, THE LANDLORD, and THE GREAT WHITE HOPE were NOT nominated for Best Picture.
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