nice little Franco comedy, with some nudity, and more ...
3 May 2003
Poor old Robinson who is boring at home with a terrible mother-in-law and an annoying housewife, and at work too. One day, he decides to retire from urban life with 3 very nice girls on an island. But beware of the awful cannibals !!!!

This is one of my favorite Franco flicks, very interesting to watch, with some smooth moments and little almost hardcore ones (in the party when people are watching a film where some people having sex, with a superb organ music, an highlight to this movie).

French starlet Anne Libert is playing one of the nude girl on the Robinson Island (she was in a lot of Franco movies at this time), and Howard Vernon is playing a not so very frightening cannibal, saying word like "Agagagag" & "hououou".

A very pleasant moment.
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