Review of The Exorcist

The Exorcist (1973)
**1/2 out of ****
20 October 2000
Am I the only one who sees that this film is empty? I'm 18, sure, but I know a good movie with a story when I see one, and this isn't one. Maybe it's because of the added scenes, but there are so many plotholes that I lost interest.

Of course, I wasn't one of the people laughing at everything like other teenagers (I saw many adults laughing more than the kids). The film lacks intelligible pacing and and continuity - at one point, Reagan is stabbing herself in her privates with a cross, later, she seems okay and cleaned up. She's in no pain?

And what exactly is possessing her? Is it the Devil or is it some crazy Latin priest? The movie makes absolutely no sense and I was ready to fall asleep. Some scenes were scary, but without a structured story and intelligible story, I got lost and bored pretty fast. By the way, what in the hell is that little dragon toy thing. I know it has something to do with the possession, but of course I don't know what it has to do with the possession. That's the problem.
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