Captures the authentic culture of many of the immigrant Finns to our small Town (USA)
9 August 2001
I'm hoping to get some information on how to buy/rent this excellent Finnish film (or video version-VHS). I have seen it, and sent my mother, and several other second generation Finns to see it when it was shown many years ago in the USA. (Finnish w/ English subtitles) They were amazed at how "familiar" the characters and events portrayed were to their own transplanted experience. Even the dialect was understandable, and they suddenly realized that they didn't need to read the subtitles for their "native tongue". It's particularly important that such films be made available to these fast disappearing immigrant "niches" in the USA. There is a growing awareness,among the descendents of these immigrant cultures, of the loss of an important identity that belies all of the American myths of "the melting pot". Films such as Rauni Mollberg's "Maa on syntinen laulu" (The Earth Is a Sinful Song) (1973) would, I'm sure become a vital part of this "reparation movement"-- much as the Kalevala Epic did for the Finnish national identity. The Finns who immigrated to America instilled a passionate pride in their offspring, which deserves the kind of nourishment that Mollberg's film can provide. Can anyone help me find out how it can be brought back to our "Finn Village"? Thanks (Kiitos)
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