Spielberg's most underrated gem
13 December 1998
Not many people have seen this one, and it doesn't show up on TV very often, but "The Sugarland Express" is a very good film. It is Spielberg's first major studio picture (after the made-for-TV "Duel"), and while it certainly isn't as dynaminc as his second film, the flawless "Jaws", it IS a very fine movie. Goldie Hawn is actually quite good. This was before she adopted the "Private Benjamin" approach to all of her performances. She is really acting here and very convincing as the not-too bright Texas girl naively trying to keep her family together. William Atherton is also very good as her husband. If you only know him as the prick from such 80s movies as "Ghostbusters", "Die Hard", and "Real Genius" check this out to see his true range.

"The Sugarland Express" is actually quite similar to the Eastwood-directed "A Perfect World" (another fine underrated film). Spielberg is already adept at filmmaking in his first feature. It has a sharper edge than the stuff he is most well-known for early in his career ("E.T.", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and such). And it was based on a true story to boot. If you can find a letterboxed copy you're in for a treat. The camera really makes Texas look otherworldly and a poetic backdrop for this sad tale.
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