Unique mixture of slapstick and porn
14 January 2000
This is probably the best of the Danish porn comedies from the mid 1970s - at least it is the one with the best production values. These films were fairly unique in that they combined genuine attempts at slapstick comedy (using some veterans from the Olsenbanden pictures) with equally genuine hardcore porn. The only other film I know of that goes anywhere near these areas is Britain's Come Play With Me, but the tight integration of these genres witnessed in the Danish pictures, especially this one, is completely unique.

While much of the humour falls flat this is more than compensated by a genuine sense of wackiness. The film has enormous curiosity value, and shows lots of apparent enthusiasm and energy.

Concerning the sexual intercourses, it appears as if Anna Bergman, Ingmar's daughter, had been body-doubled for her coital scene, while Gina Jansen, who is perhaps best known as the governor's girlfriend in Jess Franco's Sadomania, was at it herself.
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