Malabimba (1979)
Puts the TRASH in Eurotrash like no other flick I've ever seen! *small spoilers*
26 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about Malabimba before viewing it, other than that it was directed by the same man who brought us the fine zombie flick, Burial Ground. What can I say? WHOOPS! Here I thought I was gonna view an innocent little gore/splatter flick and what do I get? Well, since I was viewing the complete version, uncut (i.e., like the men in this film), I found instead of a family-friendly horror movie, I had been duped into watching a very lame European porn flick. I wasn't so sure that dame who played Nais wasn't actually Jerry Hall slumming for a few extra lira. What would Mick have said? Tsk, tsk! (It's actually Patrizia Webley, who made a number of trashy flicks, 'Salon Kitty' and 'Queen Of Sex' being 2 of her better ones.) Not too shabby in the mammary department at any rate - and the gal *does* know how to strike a pose in lingerie. Essentially, this is a pornified variation on The Exorcist, which would've bored me beyond belief were it not for the lesbian nunsploitation elements. I've seen both better Exorcist ripoffs (try 'Exorcism' by the always delightfully kinky Jesus Franco) and better nunsploitation (try 'Flavia The Heretic' by Gianfranco Mingozzi). This film apparently did nothing for the career of the main character, played by Katell Laennec, as she seems to have no film credits besides this one. Too bad - just watch the excruciatingly slow way she teasingly takes down her little white panties in the scene where she seduces her uncle Adolfo (not her grandfather, as incorrectly noted in some other reviews). Hey, if that ain't talent, what is? I understand there is a censored version sans the hardcore scenes - does that mean there's a version where Bimba doesn't have sex with a teddy bear then stab him to death? Does this girl have no MERCY? Malicious little whore, indeed! Teddy bear lovers, UNITE and stand up against this abominable filth! If you enjoy really vanilla hardcore sex scenes, or scenes of young ladies masturbating with stuffed animal toys, you may appreciate the uncut version of Malabimba more than I did. I found it to be more porn than horror and dull unimaginative porn at that, for the most part. Left me frustrated and longing for some blood and bone-chilling terror - to say nothing of more bizarre sex scenes. Definitely EURO and most definitely TRASH!
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