Winner of the Nobel Prize in Anthropology
3 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
How best to summarize the fact that your film is a ripoff both of Dawn of the Dead (Zombi in Italy) and Cannibal Holocaust? Calling it Zombi Holocaust is a good start. Unpretentious and sincerely stupid spaghetti vomit bag movie is for the most part professionally made; you don't expect good acting, and you certainly don't get it. What you do get is gore, which, although more realistic than much in this genre, is handled relatively inoffensively (in comparison with über-pretentious namesake Cannibal Holocaust), and all of which is couched in such a ridiculous and random plot that it's difficult to take any of it seriously.

Take, for example, the heroine, a true tour de force of constant nudity by Alessandra delli Colli. Refreshingly nubile for a joint degree anthropologist/medical doctor, who just happens to have grown up in the southeast Asian islands where the cannibals who just happen to reappear at the very hospital where she works and who go after the ceremonial knife which she just happens to have because she just happens to study the same cannibal group who just happen to have shown up at the hospital in the first place. That, and she has to be told by another anthropologist (the one who they're just waiting to be given the Nobel Prize. You know, the coveted Nobel Prize in Anthropology...) that the island of the cannibals (in the same island group where she spent her childhood, mind you) bears the name of the obscure cannibal spirit, or something. Not that delli Colli conveys anything remotely resembling intelligence anywhere in the movie. But she doesn't have to.

And then there's the plot. It's never really established _why_ the group of people go to find the cannibals, other than to act as human bait. Or why the mad doctor (hate to include a spoiler here) uses the Blofeldian device of slowly sedating the hero with a scalpel within arm's reach. Or why none of the countless eviscerated people seem to have ribs.

Anyway, this movie is so resolutely cheesy that it goes down a lot better than most of its contemporaries in either the zombie or cannibal genres (especially the latter). By no means essential viewing, but pretty harmless garbage.
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