Fun movie for a serious subject
19 September 2003
I enjoyed this film, even got a little teary eyed at times due its sheer corniness that somehow touched me.

"Teen Mothers" is not a good movie title because it is only about one teen mother, and it is just as much about a teen father. Danny and Alice get pregnant. Both teens' sets of parents react terribly to the situation. Alice's mom sends her to some kind of convent school where a load of pregnant teens are so that she can be bossed around by unaffectionate nuns and later, have a healthy baby which will be given up for adoption. Her mother also will not talk to Danny and forbids him from ever seeing Alice again, no matter how much he pleads and tells the mom that he loves her daughter. Danny's father decides Danny should not have anything to do with Alice now that she's pregnant and rips up the letters that she sends him from the convent. In my opinion, the parents are totally wrong and are not teaching either of the teens responsibility for their actions, but I think the movie understands this. In no short time, Danny rescues pregnant Alice from the convent and together they move to New York City to try to make it by themselves.

They meet some interesting people in New York, including a guy I recognize from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" who pretty much plays the same character. They meet a guy named Captain who ends up being their savior that gives them a place to stay and provides good friendship for the two.

The movie is cool because the teens are given good dialog that makes them sound somewhat intelligent. The movie shows that the two kids are really in love and seem to have a healthy relationship. They fight every once in a while, but they forgive each other soon after. They both try really hard to make the family work and it seems so tiring to think of the effort each person puts in.

There are a few minor exagerations and things that just don't seem to work in the plot. I won't mention them becuase they might give away the ending.

I loved the character of The Captian. He was really down to earth and helpful. Always optimistic and seemed like a genuine good person. Danny was a great guy, too. He seemed pretty realistic and also very optimistic with endless energy. It was nice to see how genuine his love for Alice was. He had some killer lines that fell at just the right moment, too. Triumphant and clever lines that made you go - YEAH GO DANNY! However, the actress who played Alice was really terrible, and sort of ruined the movie for me. She was pretty, but it seemed that that was all she had going for her. Totally flat and boring acting, always had the same expression on her face.

I give this movie a 7/10 because it had some good characters and was entertaining and touching. It portrayed teenagers in a refreshing and realistic way that was not condesending or patronizing. But I think the ending was a little too Hollywood.
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