My favorite movie of all time (Warning! Review may contain some minor Spoilers)
28 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Many Kaiju fans hate this film for its constant use of stock footage. In fact, most of the special FX were stock footage and the few new ones were really cheap, but if you can see past these flaws, Super Monster becomes a very charming, appealing, and entertaining movie. The plot revolves around a young boy whose pet turtle turns into Gamera, the Super Monster of the title,(or something like that anyway) in order to rid the world of an army of monsters created by the pirate aliens of Zanon who want to take over the world. Gamera is assisted in his mission by his former boy master and a trio of Space Women. Out to stop the heros is an evil space woman named Giloki. Stock footage battle after stock footage battle then ensues.

Ironicly, though, the stock footage adds to the film rather that detracts from it. This is the last of the classic Gamera series and re-showing all of Gamera's battles is like taking a fun little stroll down memory lane. It is a thrill to remember a great series greatest moments. It kind of plays like a "memories of" special of a famous television series. The few new special effects sequences that were in the film were very well done considering the budget. I personally think that when Gamera arrives for the first time in the movie by flying over the city is the high point of the entire series. The human elements of the story were also very well done and very appealing in a child-like sort of way.

So in conclusion, you will probably hate this movie the first time you see it but if you give it a chance you will learn to like it. I just learned to love it and know it is my favorite movie of all time.
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