The Oil Runs Out, So The 6 Million Dollar Man Heads West
16 March 2003
OK, I'll be the first to admit that this film is nothing special in the grand scheme of millions of movies ever made. However, did you ever see a movie that was barely OK production & acting wise but held your interest? That movie is "The Last Chase." Sometimes you don't want a movie to be technically correct with perfect continuity and a flawless believable story line. This again is "The Last Chase". Sometimes you see a movie at a certain point in your past and watching it again brings back great memories from that time in your life. The Last Chase has characters that you can identify with. Lee Majors plays Franklin Hart an ex-race car driver living in a futuristic Boston who is tired of the laws of an America without oil. Chris Makepeace (Meatballs) plays a brainy student who tags along and gives Lee someone to talk to in the film. Longing for the days when America has gasoline and he could race his car and be a recognized sports figure Frank sees an illegal television broadcast from California (A Free State) and decides that Boston is no longer the place he wants to be. Set in the United States and filmed in Canada, the Last Chase is a fun albeit silly romp that converts an interesting story to film. If it's listed, record it. This one's very tough to find in any format. Made by Crown International Pictures Canada, I'd plead for the DVD, but that request would fall on deaf ears as almost no one would ever remember this one. But I liked it. The Gil Melle score is terrific!
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