"The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!"
20 August 2000
THE HUMUNGOUS!!! And the crowd goes wild! There's just something about a warlord so in love with the sound of his own voice that he brings loudspeakers with him wherever he goes. I half-expected him to break into song at any point, ("Why do birds suddenly appear..."). The Humungous is just one of many odd and violent characters wandering post apocalyptic Australia in what must be the ultimate trilogy of action films from down under, the Mad Max films. The Road Warrior kicks much booty to be sure. I'm sure the manic action and ultra violence were probably unlike anything mainstream America had seen at that time, and the audiences loved it (many of them having never seen the original masterpiece, hence the removal of any reference to it being a sequel in the title, as explained in the special edition video). Mel Gibson is great, aside from the fact that he is almost a mute through most of the film. Almost twenty years ago... ah, memories. Well, it certainly has stood the test of time, by golly. Makes a lot of the summer action flicks now look down right stupid in comparison. Computer effects. BAH! Who needs ‘em? Why, in Max's day stunt men drove bikes off bridges and broke every bone in their body and they liked it! "WHOO-HOO! Look at me, I'm a cripple for life!" By God, they knew how to make a movie in those days. Crazy Aussies, you gotta love ‘em.

Still, the first Max is the best of the lot. I was kinda hoping Max would kick a little more mutant butt throughout, but hey, who am I to complain? The action sequences are still pretty intense, with a spectacular chase scene at the end. Murder, carnage, and bloodshed, oh my! I think George Miller does well in sticking with the winning formula of the first film, which is placing Max amongst a whole lot of mutant road-rages with the need for speed and watching him out-gun, out-think, and just plain out-rage them. They don't call him "Mad" for nothing, he's the craziest mother f***** on the highway. They just don't do stunts like these anymore (unless you're certifiable, or Jackie Chan). God bless their little hearts. If you haven't already, I really recommend you see this movie and watch in awe The Lord Humungous unleash his Dogs of War on Max and company. You won't be disappointed. 8/10 stars, a carnage lovers delight! G'night!
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